5 years ago
A 13 year old girl awoke
Thinking that everything
Was as it always had been
But still, something didn't feel right
5 years ago
The shock of it all
Numbed the 13 year old girl
She walked around in a daze
Everyday was the same
5 years ago
The flowers piled up
The condolences overwhelmed
The 13 year old girl
Just wanted everything to stop
5 years ago
All the problems started
The selfharm; depression
The 13 year old girl
Turned to thoughts of letting go
5 years ago
On exactly this day
I, a 13 year old girl awoke
But everything was not okay
Nothing felt right
5 years later
An 18 year old girl
Grieves the loss of her mother
A 46 year old woman
Who died suddenly
Exactly 5 years ago
I wrote this yesterday in the memory of my mother, Maria Leslie McKay, 07/11/1963 - 06/08/2009