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 Jun 2018 Kayla
 Jun 2018 Kayla
i'd like to tell you
that i'm fine
but I'm
too torn apart
to talk
 Jun 2018 Kayla
Austin Ryskamp
I have know where to spend my “non dollars” after it’s been cashed in for non sense
this new currency isn’t viable, nothing is buyable you have to see.
That I have trouble finding who to be
After the catastrophe......
I could
inspire from the cleansing fire of my own experience
Or I could sit in shame as the man who sat back and took the pain but did nothing.
I can
make a difference with the change I’ve received
I will
change my mind mid sentence, sentencing my sorrow to jail.
So my tomorrow is more then hail and storms
But tomorrow reforms my pain
I declare standing in the rain
The victim will no longer be me, I shout in victory.
It was a cold, wintry December day.
I was at home,
sitting by the fire.
The fire was hot,
but from where I sat,
it felt like a warm blanket.
my ******* started to lactate,
I did not know what was going on.
I lifted up my soaking wet shirt,
and put my hands over my *******,
in an attempt to stop the lactating,
but it did not work.
And then,
it stopped.
I squeezed my *******,
to see if they would lactate again,
but nothing happened.
I went to bed,
hoping this nightmare would be over in the morning.
But it wasn't.
When I woke up,
I went into the bathroom to perform my daily morning activities,
when I realized something on my chest.
A third ******!
I tried to rip it off,
but I couldn't.
Later that day,
at dinner,
I was eating a juicy, tender steak,
when suddenly,
all three of my ******* began to lactate!
I tried to stop them,
for they were lactating all over my steak.
Then, like before,
it stopped.
This proceeded for many days.
I woke up with another ******,
and everyday around six o'clock,
they would all lactate,
until one day,
the unthinkable happened.
I woke up.
I could not move.
I had no legs.
No arms.
I was a giant ******.
"NO!" I screamed.
as usual,
I began to lactate,
and then I exploded.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
 Jun 2018 Kayla
 Jun 2018 Kayla
I could have only one night left
and i would gladly spend it with you
doing nothing
but enjoying the mere presence of your being
is all i would need to finally
rest in peace
this idea of death is so heavily romanticized in my mind that i'd rather die than live past 27
 Jun 2018 Kayla
Almost believed the girl when she said
she missed me
but she's not making an effort to talk to me
and thats okay cause i wouldn't talk to me either
i just wish she wouldn't have said she missed me
it's all i've been thinking about
 Jun 2018 Kayla
Austin Ryskamp
Like the unstoppable roach, you cannot approach
Me with nuclear war, the bomb might be enough
To destroy mankind and commandeer an unclear mind
Its just that I became immune to the fallout, I created the antidote
It took time and i'm always perfecting the potion
Every war has a way of spreading a new emotion
 Jun 2018 Kayla
Austin Ryskamp
I sit in my car for hours lately, I don’t want to go inside
The house I go home to daily isn’t home
It’s drywall, siding, and a couch that me and my home use to cuddle on together
I’ve been home less because I’m homeless right now
With my cardboard box, and Help Me Please Sign
I try to make unorthodox thoughts to re design
my homelessness issue
"It's just not possible at this point in time, to realign
my mind to see loneliness as an opportunity"
I say talking to my therapist next to me
You can tell me the stages of grief, and what I will feel
I just simply cant deal with it.
 Jun 2018 Kayla
Austin Ryskamp
Ill stay on your doorstep, wait in the rain, pour my heart out again and again. Sleep this off? It’s impossible to sleep when the brain learns to run.
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