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 Dec 2018 Wendi Schneider
Endearing is the moon tonight
and through its silver glow,
She whispers secrets of the things
that only she could know.

Of lover's trysts on summer nights
of kisses ‘neath her smile,
Of secret murmurs begging "friends"
to stay a little while.

Of sweet caresses cherished
in the fog of memories,
Of moonlit walks in arbors sweet
'neath swaying groves of trees,

Of shadows cast by clasping hands
of hearts that feel desire,
and unrequited love
               that feels like death
                              from friendly fire.

Of promises in passion made,
with no chance to fulfill,
Of loneliness, of happiness,
of parting's bitter pill,

She whispers of the romance,
of the love that's hot and cold,
Like love that loses passion
but sustains us getting old.

She passes in the evening sky
and frolics with the stars,
And leaves this mortal on the porch
to mend life’s wounded scars.

Yet, never does she realize,
the secrets that she'd shared,
Are common knowledge
                         here on earth,
where love has all ensnared.
Writing poetry ‘neath the ever glowing cold full moon tonight, from the rambling thoughts swirling in my head.
 Dec 2018 Wendi Schneider
If I could have you for a night
I’d stop the dawn from bringing light
I’d make the stars stay out and play
And make the moon hold back the day

If I could have you in my arms
I’d unleash my southern charms
I’d unlock every fantasy
And be all that you want of me

If I could have you in my bed
With sweet seduction you’d be fed
I’d give you treats and pleasured sighs
And let you taste of sugared thighs

I’d make you glutton of this feast
Your every whim would be released
I’d let you do just what you will
And let your body ******* thrill

I’d bind you up, and make you crave
And tease your sights and make you slave
Then I would let you conquer me
And stake your claim of victory

I’d bathe your body, lick you dry
In covered dreams I’d let you lie
Then gently I would make you wake
My hungry love to satiate

I’d dance before you, undulate
You’d reach for me, I’d hesitate
I’d belly dance before your eyes
Your harem girl, in veiled disguise

My sultan, I’d be bound to do
just everything you’d want me to
I’d let you take me one more time
In candle light, you'd be just mine

Each moment tasting of divine
My every kiss dipped in sublime
My every touch would bring delight
If I had you for just one night
 Dec 2018 Wendi Schneider
 Dec 2018 Wendi Schneider
Never have I taken love
for granted or in vain.
If some perceive that this I've done
I'm sorry for the pain.

For love, that peerless gift of all
should never be denied.
But understanding's needed
and in hearts it must abide.

Absence makes it greater still
as distance magnifies
The longing harbored by each heart,
though social mores defies.

So cling to love through thick and thin
through unrequited pain.
Reality is just the one
and love of self, the gain.
 Dec 2018 Wendi Schneider
 Dec 2018 Wendi Schneider
What's gone has made me what I am
So I shall not fear what's ahead
But put trust in what will be, will be
And choose to live instead

I refuse to live in the now, worrying
What may or may not be
But take this moment in time
And live it totally

There's no time like the present
To breathe deep and feel alive
Living in the here and now
In each moment as I rise and thrive

Now is all there ever is
It's the only time that's real
So as the future takes its course
I’ll leave the past to heal
 Dec 2018 Wendi Schneider

Hanging like a scimitar
suspended in the sky,
the moon beside a gleaming star
is pleasing to the eye.
How desolate, this satellite
in airless ebon space
and yet, from here
‘tis beautiful
filagree & lace.

 Dec 2018 Wendi Schneider
take my hand and come with me
to dreams of love and lust
where, drifting down the blurry skies
the eye need not adjust.

where moonlight dances merrily
reflecting us unseen
the smoldering heat of our united union,
except to you and me.

no need to worry ...
the things that we will do
between the sheets of carnal pleasure
that draws me to you.
together we will reach our peak
as we share this glorious night.
lie with me beneath the moon
and feel its timeless flight.
 Dec 2018 Wendi Schneider
And lo, with evening shadows comes the twinkle of the stars.
Yonder is the rising moon and further west is Mars.

How wondrous is The Milky Way, away from city lights.
The silence seems to deafen me on sultry rural nights.

Oh, I could sit upon the porch and listen here for hours.
Indeed, the night reflects the subtle magic of nature's powers.

Play on, oh evening symphony and with this starry scene,
Delight my senses off to slumber with a summer dream.
I so enjoyed the beautiful glow of the moon tonight.
Sweet sultry dreams tonight!
 Dec 2018 Wendi Schneider
the moon falls asleep
dreaming of when she will meet
the knight of her dreams
 Dec 2018 Wendi Schneider
As our dew points match, lead me out into the open moonlight
Then take my hand and come with me to share this glorious night

Sin smiling Angels look down on us in the night's cocoon
Safely sheltered beneath his broad shoulders our bodies completely attune

Her pale skin denied The moonbeams as I eclipses them above her
Shivering to the cadence of the night with the moonlight as a ******

The cool night air hasn't chilled her warm summer lips
The stars reflected in our eyes, each shimmering thoughts a kiss

Ethereal night mist rises from our slowly moving bodies
His warmth tastes of golden light, dancing to simple melodies

Shimmering in dusk's glow the rapture subsides in a glistening shudder
Splendorous waves of euphoric flood, as we complete each other as lovers
to the tune of AC/DC "Touch Too Much"
thank you Palmer for the dance
 Dec 2018 Wendi Schneider
Fragmented lives entangled
but asunder in our journey
as our paths cosmically connect
in a romance of the arts

And who's to say what's real
to touch or deeply feel
what will truly last
or simply where to start

So I’ll
paint you alla prima
as I feel you playing me
in warm colors of merging ardor
a wet blending of artistry
my brush strokes of your body
painted in my mind
of impressions blushed in passion
in hues I can’t describe

Suspended in the moment
floating on a breeze
I revel in this picture painted music
almost in disbelief, unthinking…
knowing every nuance of our love
found only in our dreams

Like children in parallel play
I’ll finger the keys
and slip the locks
of all your orchestrations
filling the walls
of my concerts halls
with deep
splattered tones
in pinks and blues
the hues
that forever
bind us

And we’ll not look back
nor forward
but hang here in the moment
to display our
Painted Song
in the eyes
of giggly children
both doing
our own thing
on a string
A collaboration with Howard Hilde
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