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 Sep 2015 Panic Theater
Let me.
 Sep 2015 Panic Theater
I want to take her pain away,
First with my heart,
and then my hands,
and tongue
The Life Of A Single Man

Sometimes we *** in the shower
We hardly ever make our beds
We clean ourselves with shampoo
Using the lather from our head

We will wear the same old socks
That we wore the day before
And don't even get us started
On how long jeans last on the floor

If the bed is made we sleep on top
Then just straighten when we get up
Do we really need to wash the sheets
If our skin they do not touch

We drink milk from the carton
Eat fast food way to much
Have pizza pie for dinner
Then eat leftovers when we get up

We want the house to look real clean
So there are rooms that we won't use
When we can write our names in dust
That's when we grab a broom

This is the life of a single man
We just do what we want to do
It is very hard for us to change
When we meet that someone new

So don't try to change us overnight
So far we have made it through
But if by chance we fall in love
We may just change for you

Poem by : Carl Joseph Roberts
I'm posting some of my favorites for my new readers. Hope you enjoy and share again if you like. Add to a few walls and help it trend.
there's still
a single ray of hope
in every corner of your heart
when everything is unachievable
and when you start to believe


so don't give up
believe in yourself
make it happen
make it possible
 Sep 2015 Panic Theater
Amy H
How can I believe
by light of stars,
the things you speak?
I can see it in your eyes
the wine
makes inhibitions weak.

In this light
I'm special.
But this eve I know
that tomorrow
I'll be hidden;
nothing will show.

The faith you see,
the trust you feel
won't hang upon the wall.
By sobriety of sunlight
you'll have
no need to call.

Intoxicate my brain.
But fire in my soul,
is not as high.
When no one
tends the glow
the embers die.

You, master
teach me
what forgetting is.
My back is turned.
I have no need
and nothing to give.
Taken for granted.  Nothing gained, nothing ventured.  Even in zoology and anthropology, the dove will leave when nothing can be won from a hawk.
Even demons can fly higher
Even swords leave softer wounds
She always thought her life was bitter
But she never saw it doomed

Round and round in circles
Round and round we go
Round and round in circles
Death by a suicide poem
Oft have we trod the vales of Castaly
And heard sweet notes of sylvan music blown
From antique reeds to common folk unknown:
And often launched our bark upon that sea
Which the nine Muses hold in empery,
And ploughed free furrows through the wave and foam,
Nor spread reluctant sail for more safe home
Till we had freighted well our argosy.
Of which despoiled treasures these remain,
Sordello’s passion, and the honeyed line
Of young Endymion, lordly Tamburlaine
Driving his pampered jades, and more than these,
The seven-fold vision of the Florentine,
And grave-browed Milton’s solemn harmonies.
 Sep 2015 Panic Theater
Where do I go from here?
Share my hopeless despair?
Cared for emotions are rare.
Faired erosion we're square.

Gone and maybe forgotten.
Songs of baby's and Mama.
Long are days on the bottom.
Onward my crazy mantra.........
Sometimes the struggle is real

— The End —