I hate getting drunk, because I think of you.
I hate getting sad, because it started with you.
I hate thinking of you, because I cant stop thinking of you.
I hate shedding tears, because Im sad for you.
I hate when my mind drives, because it races towards you
I hate when people ask if Im ok, because I know the answer is because of you
I'll never love again, because I'll never love anyone but you
I hate smoking green, because it would remind me while I drift
I hate sitting still with my thoughts, because theres too many of you
With this liqour, green or sadness it'll all surround you.
You would swear you were the greatest thing to this world
But only because I made you that way.
I love getting drunk, because I think of you
I love getting sad, because it started with you.
I love thinking of you, because I can't stop thinking of you.
I love shedding tears, because I'm sad for you.
I love when my mind drives, because it races towards you
I love when people ask if im ok, because I know the answer is because of you
I'll never love again, because I'll never love anyone but you.