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Naptural Mermaid Jul 2015
Gaining another
Could it be a brother?
To bring us such great joy

A pleasant surprise
We should not ignore

Wether it be a boy or a girl
May their lives be fulfilled in this world
For The bond you'll create will be endless

From fighting over toys to building forts
Having a sibling is the best thing next to Christmas!
Naptural Mermaid Apr 2015
From young to old
I've been told
That family sticks together

Whether it be related by blood
Or just best buds
Who genuinely care about each other

Far or near
They'll still be there
For being sisters  never end

A true friend like you
I never saw coming
Is something you were my dear friend
Naptural Mermaid Apr 2015
Tonight I've finally gotten a chance to see
The love you give ever so sweetly
Tonight let the love I  have for you
Be instilled within your heart
Therefore you can never question if I ever loved you

Make the love we make be an everlasting treasure
Never just moment's of pleasure
Whenever you let your motion guide your emotions
I ask you to remember the love we share
During your minutes of despair

When we go on nights with words unspoken
I'm unsure of your love
Therefore when my heart is broken
Will our love still be one?

I need you to remind me
That you'll still love me tomorrow
Naptural Mermaid Nov 2014
To those who protest on why they should say the word *****
Unfollow me

To those whose heart does not mourn over an innocent life of POC
Unfollow me

To those who yell "go back to Africa"
Unfollow me
if you cannot comprehend that your ancestors where not here first

To those who fail to understand their white privilege
Unfollow me

To those who scream out "what about black on black crime"
Unfollow me
If you're blind to the multiple genocide your people create and label as "war"

To those who simply choose to ignore this injustice
Unfollow me for no action at all is the greatest injustice of all
  Sep 2014 Naptural Mermaid
Poetic T
Naptural Mermaid Sep 2014
Curiosity killed the cat
But satisfaction brought him back

It was said
The truth will set you free
But I rather be in a cage you see

The World out there is too dangerous for I
Rather be home safe and cozy by the fire
Warmed up in due time

As you my pet back and pull my tail
I hiss in pain
But there's nothing like being home
Because I felt so alone out there in the cold

So continue calling me Grumpy
Although I'm a cat
As long as I'm with you
I'm ready to be pet
For Curiosity killed the cat
But satisfaction brought him back
I'm assuming this is the point of view from a house cat that runs away from home and comes back
Naptural Mermaid Sep 2014
Hydrophilic Am I
Whenever it comes to  you
As you carry me on my back
Light as a feather

Willing to go along with you
Because you'll always be there
And if I ever need a reminder
On how much you love me
I just count the waves

For I know the love you have for me
Is deeper than the submerge of a Cuvier's beaked whale
I  Do not fear when you carry me ashore
A surrounding I don't know
For I know you were just taking a rest
For the next journey
You're going to take me on

If you were to ever play too rough
I Just swim beneath your tides
Because you'll protect along this rough ride

As along as we're together
We can face challenges
As high as the sky

I want you to be there with me
For every step I take
As the moonlight helps guides new life     
Into your door each night

How the lobster and crab tickle you
Or when the sting rays decide to play Hide and Seek
 I'll be there to witness the coral reefs decorating your floor

You've been around for years
And all you want is a friend
So I do not fear when you take me in
For it's a welcome like never before

All  you want is for me to take this journey with you
 For your friends usually come and go
Your shores go from being filled with laughter to the silence of the night

No more picnics or campfires
Just trash to remind you of the times you had
When the Bonze Sphere is no longer hot
No one comes to visit you anymore
it's like they forgot

I see it in your eyes that you long for lasting friend
So just know when I step foot inside your door
I'm here to stay for a little while more
My  love for water. I'll always be in the beach whether it's summer time or winter.
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