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  Nov 2017 Muneer
I'm like a snuffed out candle
with its smoke still curling
into the dark sky.
A wispy grayish white,
still visible at night.

The scent still lingers
it's not quite ready to leave
the area it called home.
Still making its presence known,
but fading as the winds groan.

The immediate darkness that settles
around the snuffed out candle
is heavy and forboding.
Yet its still intoxicating,
though the silence is suffocating.

I'm like a snuffed out candle
because I burn bright when needed
and extinguished when I'm not.
Like my light is for others to use
and for the world to abuse.
© Tatiana
Oh hey! It's my 300th published poem! That's kind of cool.
  Nov 2017 Muneer
Sarita Aditya Verma
When my poems trend
How do they trend
Liked and loved
Lovely comments

Oh the perceptions
And my replies
Love them all

I post ,
Poets and poetesses
Do the reposts
Oh wow ,
I love the
Merry go Round

And then
The poem shines
On the front page

Alas !!!!
Graded yes Graded
Don't like that at all
A Big Sigh

As it's Snakes and ladders
All the time
And then comes
The great slide
Wow !!!
what a smooth ride
down the ramp
Zoom ....... it slips down

By the time I check
It's like Humpty Dumpty
Had a great fall
And ................,,,,
Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty
Lol Lol Lol .........

Oh I did love the
Merry go Round
Yet the slide ride down
Wasn't bad  at all
  Nov 2017 Muneer
Dess Ander
6am. Coffee. Shower. Car.
Looks at his watch for the millionth time
For once he is only 5 minutes late
Coffee. Lift. Desk. Papers
The laptop is on. The day starts.

She trips. She screams. Bullets...
She crawls into a house. No doors. Or windows.
She curls into a corner. Bloodstains everywhere-
The walls, the floor, her clothes-

The ground shakes.

Papers. Desk. Lift. Car
Looks at his watch for the millionth time
For once he is only 5 minutes late
Home. Shower. Cook. Dinner.
She looks stunning tonight. The evening starts.

Screeches. Groans. Crying. Tears.
They fill the atmosphere like smoke
Coming from the fire next door.

There's nowhere to run.

She hauls herself up. Limping
She watches as the flames close in.
  Nov 2017 Muneer
Ashley Chapman
A lover asked me
to be her rock
and I agreed.

On the moon tide
she ebbed
far out to sea
leaving me
naked and raw
upon the shore.

after a while
back she flowed
  gurgling and fizzing
round my bare rock
her spumed up sultriness
teased my longing ****!

And in this way
in the ebb and flow
long months we loved
until she ebbed
more than she flowed
and I chose
to no longer live
on a barren rock.
  Nov 2017 Muneer
if i were to admit
that the reason I lose
countless hours of sleep
is because of you
would that be enough
to make you stay?
  Nov 2017 Muneer
Andreas Simic

If I was a kitten
Maybe I wouldn’t be so smitten
It’s as though I’ve been bitten

There is no chance
Of romance
Maybe under a different circumstance

Though it seems she was heaven sent
And I feel an urge to relent
It would likely lead me to repent

Don’t know why the attraction
Am I looking for some sort of satisfaction
Help me Lord to inaction

For I know not why there is this thing
Leading me to ponder a fling
Knowing it will only grief bring

Yet there it is this temptation
Is it there as some sort of revelation
Providing a piece of education

But alas with all my will
I bring a chill
To that part of me seeking a thrill

Andreas Simic©
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