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Muneer Nov 2017
Oh, thou art fairer than the evening air
Clad in the beauty of a thousand stars;
Brighter art thou than flaming Jupiter
When he appear’d to hapless Semele:
More lovely than the monarch of the sky     
In wanton Arethusa’s azured arms:
And none but thou shalt be my paramour.
One of the most beautiful verses I have ever come across. 15 years back this is what made me wanna write.
Muneer Nov 2017
As time passes by
I keep falling for you harder
like the rain falling to the ground on monsoon
pouring its love all around
As I frantically try to reach back for a parachute
to slow down my fall
I realize that I don't have one,
And that I cannot stop falling for you.
- ©M
Muneer Oct 2017
She is like the Sun
Her gravity pulls you in
So close
that you burn in her magnificence
Now you find yourself
rotating in her orbit
For there is no star like her
No fire hotter
No gravitational pull stronger
She is your sun
She is your life
And when her fire dies out
You want to be ****** in to her black hole
along with everything else around her.
Muneer Oct 2017
Save me
from these shadows
shadows of my forest
forest of my thoughts
shine your light through its trees
bring it to life
untangle me from these bushes of confusion
let there be music instead of silence.
Muneer Oct 2017
in the shade of night
in the sad gloom of the moon
carved pumpkins come to life
little demons roam the streets
hoarding treats from stranger homes
tis the night where
demons are a joke
fear is a festival
myths laughed upon
where the night comes alive
streets alight echoing with laughter
and bags full of treats
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