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Dec 2021 · 690
Melissa Rose Dec 2021
no traces of "me" can be found
silence in its simplicity
echoes beyond a starless night
stillness with its depths
fills all movement in daylight
and I cannot find myself separate to it
I am no where
and everywhere I can and cannot see
here, now
always this moment
I am outside of time and time itself
I am empty space and all that seems to fill it
and yet,
I remain ungraspable
Dec 2021 · 278
A Wish
Melissa Rose Dec 2021
May you be showered with love's presence
in the most joyful
and unexpected ways
Dec 2021 · 902
Melissa Rose Dec 2021
A mountain falls effortlessly into the placid waters
and sees itself clearly
The water accepts the mountain as itself
while maintaining its body
12/6/21 Beauty reveals itself beyond the depths of reflection. There is so much more to see as you trust the wisdom of the heart.
Dec 2021 · 987
Melissa Rose Dec 2021
An unguarded joy washes over me
as I recognize my Self in you
I can no longer contain the love
that I have, that I am, that I so deeply wish to share with you
In that, I have but one desire,
for you to recognize your Self in me too
Aug 2021 · 569
Through God’s eyes
Melissa Rose Aug 2021
You gave birth to me
yet I have never been born
I am alive
yet never taken a single breath

I have been caught up in currents of time
yet this moment remains eternally still
I have traveled miles across this land
yet never taken a single step

I have had infinite conversations
yet never spoken a word
embraced many loved ones
yet never touched a single soul

I have cried oceans of tears
desperately searching for love
blindly unaware what I was seeking
was looking through my eyes

I have grieved a magnitude of losses
yet lost nothing at all
felt desperately alone
yet everywhere I looked, there I was

countless lifetimes
incalculable deaths
I am billions of galaxies in the Cosmos
yet I remain infinite emptiness
May 2021 · 317
Love’s song
Melissa Rose May 2021
have unraveled my words
rendered utterly speechless
marvelling in the exquisiteness
of this silent symphony,
become your notes
May 2021 · 504
Today's Play
Melissa Rose May 2021
I am the edge and the cliff
the toes dangling over the abyss
I am the readiness to fall
and the terror to fly

I am the wind against this skin
and the life altering decision
I am the falling and the flying
into and above this groundless ground

I am the asker for the push
and the push into its nothingness
I am the nothingness and the manifest
playing with the idea of existence
May 2021 · 284
If a weed could speak
Melissa Rose May 2021
You have robbed me of my beauty
as your judgments label and discard me
take a closer look
Have you not seen the vibrancy of my petals?
the intricacy of their placement, in and around
and over each other
how my color enlivens this flat and desolate field

You have robbed me of my richness
as your anger at my existence fuels
the chemicals you annihilate me with
take a closer look
Have you seen how the bees simply adore me?
drawn to my hues, while a symphony
emerges from the buzzing of their bliss

Do not discard me
instead sit and rest here with me
in the stillness and the silence
surrender your labels and judgments
and just be here with me now
see me as I see you;
simply and beautifully

Allow the wonderment of what I am
mirror the wonderment of you
let us stop robbing ourselves
of the exquisiteness
that we are
5/24/21 - when we rest in simplicity the truth of reality reveals itself to be exquisitely beautiful as every thing.
Feb 2021 · 525
Walking away
Melissa Rose Feb 2021
One last glance
we were miles apart
you, swallowed by the night
me, searching for the light
when I finally turned my back
You were everywhere
Feb 2021 · 197
Melissa Rose Feb 2021
I will meet you at the table
even pull out your chair
invite you home for a while
to feel the depth of my care

I will pour my heart into your cup
in hopes of quenching your thirst
feed your soul with my love
to satiate your search

I will nourish your desires
by filling your plate
with a delectable closeness
never forcing you to eat

I will listen as you serve me
what you’re willing to share
even if it’s how I’ve hurt you
I’m willing to swallow my share

I will sit with your anger
and the sorrow underneath
the cloth may hide the table
but the scars remain beneath

I will stand when you stand
wishing you would pull me in close
invite you to stay
tell you this heart is yours

I will meet you at the table
but I won’t sit here alone again
hoping you will join me
while starving for the war between us to end
Feb 2021 · 1.1k
Melissa Rose Feb 2021
I feel your love
in and as your silence
swallows the wholeness
of my starving heart
Feb 2021 · 255
A new Life
Melissa Rose Feb 2021
She slipped in quietly
through the back door
the dead of night carrying a silence
she’d never heard before

Even with the rustling of wind
through the trees
its stillness halted everything
including her desire to breathe

A sudden rapture grasped her heart
like a long lost lover
unraveling into its arms
she became one with the other

Out through the front door
at the first light of dawn
she left the keys to certainty
with the comforts of home
Feb 2021 · 202
Let it burn
Melissa Rose Feb 2021
She dances shamelessly
beneath gazing stars
as midnight’s mystery
envelopes her heart

A pregnant moon
glistens upon naked skin
giving birth to an untethered
fire within

Subtlety cuts in
crisp and cool
tempering the passion
yet unable to contain its fuel

This fire is not passive
it is Love in action
setting her heart ablaze
unapologetic for the ashes
2/2/21 - my attempt at loosening the grip of writers block
Nov 2020 · 150
Melissa Rose Nov 2020
Beyond the pane
freedom drifts playfully
like tumbleweed
dancing across desert sands

***** white
covers frozen roads
a crispness to the air
leaves me feeling colder

Your words
echoing from all corners
pierce the drums
of my ears

Your hands
leave hidden bruises behind
it’s the fear of what you may do
that keeps me broken inside

You left the door open
still I remain trapped inside
this battered woman has
no escape and nowhere to hide

***** laundry
hangs on the line yet no one sees
shame can’t bear to know
why no one has rescued me

Beyond the pain
my mind plays tricks on me
drifting playfully
you don’t exist and I am free
Nov 2020 · 397
A quiet time
Melissa Rose Nov 2020
Autumn wind caresses dying leaves
coaxing them to dance with its breeze
silence nurtures their death
as the vibrancy of life recoils
red, orange and brown
lavishly ornament the earth
as slumber hushes all sound
Nov 2020 · 668
No words
Melissa Rose Nov 2020
Have you ever died from heartache?

Watched as grief spilled
over the edge of love
drowning the very essence
that makes you whole

Have you ever died from heartache?

Sinking into the sea
of emptiness
consumed by the darkness
as your soul fades away

Have you ever died from heartache?

Gasping, grasping, gasping for air
like old black and whites
the only memories of you
have no colour

Have you ever died from heartache?

I will

when she finally takes them
from me
I won’t bear to live
another day
Nov 2020 · 148
Melody’s pain
Melissa Rose Nov 2020
She sang the chorus
and melancholy hues thundered
through the silence like embers
burning the emerald out of the green

Each verse a deepening
of the beginning into the end
like ash claims the earth long after
the fire has burned

Still lyrics of hope
clutched tightly to the notes
like rainbows bridge the gap
long after the storm has passed

Again, she sang the chorus
this time tears spilled over the edge
of heartache
like rain striking the heat out of the flames
Nov 2020 · 182
Autumn rain
Melissa Rose Nov 2020
Suspended sunlight
shimmers inside
silver ***** of magic
dancing blissfully
under arms
of naked branches
their silent melody of movement
pierce my eyes
inflicting blissful movements
Nov 2020 · 390
Love in separation
Melissa Rose Nov 2020
Her head lies heavy across my chest
both grasping for closeness
her breath in rhythm with my breath
both intimately silent
her heart aches as mine aches
both dreading the distance
we are One
masquerading as two in separation
not yet noticing
Life’s infinite unfolding
we remain forever entangled;
lost in Love’s dream
of endlessly pursuing Itself
in the other
Oct 2020 · 175
Through the veil (10w)
Melissa Rose Oct 2020
I am the graceless note that ruined a perfect symphony
Aug 2020 · 291
Melissa Rose Aug 2020
I wade into its forest
and wander inside its ocean
this heart carries their rhythm
my love ‘tis its own

I soar across this earth
and walk beyond its skies
my feet rest upon its solidity
its foundation is my home

I ingest its symphony
and bathe in its purity
this mind becomes empty
Oneness and I, alone

I listen to its fruitfulness
harvesting its riches
this body fills with silence
its void is my unknown

It sees through these eyes
all of its creations
this spirit is in but not of this world
my breath it has bestowed
8/13/20 to voice enlightenment is to never say a word. Yet I cannot keep quiet what so definitively wants to be heard.
Aug 2020 · 179
Melissa Rose Aug 2020
Nighttime bequeathed it’s darkness
to the lightness of morn
while silence lingered
in the stillness of dawn
the whispers of life
made themselves known
8/7/20 appreciating the beauty and transitions of nature
Jul 2020 · 320
Melissa Rose Jul 2020
A boy sits alone
cornered by the conflict
darkness pervades the room
silence cradles his crying

A mother sits alone
in the corners of her mind
darkness pervades her life
silence cradles her crying

Together they sit alone
in silence
waiting for the light to pervade
their darkness
Jul 2020 · 212
A sigh
Melissa Rose Jul 2020
beneath the anguish of sorrow
within the resistance to hope
I let go
into the sigh of surrender
where a tenderness washes over
this wounded heart
whispers of love
emerge through its cracks
crowding the silence,
filling the emptiness
and subtly piercing the dark
Jun 2020 · 203
Skin deep
Melissa Rose Jun 2020
I wept an ocean of tears and left you in the depths of sorrow
Jun 2020 · 169
Melissa Rose Jun 2020
Insights are the seeds which grow the roots that unearth the buds which opens its blossoms and flourishes within the wisdom of light
Jun 2020 · 184
Into the woods
Melissa Rose Jun 2020
Direction is cryptic along this path
passageways to freedom
wound tightly into thickets
leave answers dangling in plain sight
overlooked by their simplicity

Rain keeps time with my tears
as I navigate the endless cul de sacs
lost in the mazes of foreverness
as each step towards it
takes me further away
from myself
6/7/20 a spiritual seekers endless journey for truth. Only a seeker who has given up the search can discover that truth was within them all along.
Jun 2020 · 150
In the heart of the desert
Melissa Rose Jun 2020
Sifting into long lines
the sand, white
the image vast
sun strokes the earth in a feverish decent

Blonde ashes linger
in thick air
as mountain peaks breathe the mystery
of moonlight

Sheltered beneath the stars
and the vastness of night
Lone wolf remains anchored
peaceful, purposeful, content

Red rock surrounds a centrepiece of fire
the density of wood disintegrates
a releasing as passion crackles through
flames and smoke into a crisp, black night

Traces of light
match the stars
the wind subtle in its intention
to breathe life into the skin

Waking up the senses, the voiceless speaks
it’s empty whispers
echoing back unto itself
it’s intention complete
Jun 2020 · 270
Beyond the scenery
Melissa Rose Jun 2020
When you surrender to
the wisdom of life
you realize
not only have you been walking
across the hands of god all along
you are the eyes through which
god realizes itself
Apr 2020 · 134
True nature
Melissa Rose Apr 2020
Outside my window
darkness pervades naked branches
as dusk settles beneath the horizon

A pale blue sky lingers in quiet contemplation
while the last glimmers of daylight
ripple through puddles
soaking the outskirts of shadows

Today takes its final breath
and it's here I find solace
weeping inside its death

But ephemeral thoughts
quickly lose their shape
swallowed by the stillness of night

My body mind lets go
I become driftwood guided by soul
embarking on an odyssey
I come to rest outside of space, beyond time

Now rooted
I am the ground
the unwavering abyss
The Source of all that is
Feb 2020 · 149
Melissa Rose Feb 2020
Light glistening through Winter’s stillness leads awareness to its deeper truth
Oct 2019 · 267
Melissa Rose Oct 2019
I dipped my toes into her ocean and was completely swept away
Melissa Rose Oct 2019
One who loves with conditions will never be unconditionally loved
Oct 2019 · 334
Melissa Rose Oct 2019
I am the ever-changing sound which beckons me to listen
10/6/19 non-duality
Oct 2019 · 237
This exquisite moment
Melissa Rose Oct 2019
The wind by it’s breath
renders me breathless.

The underlying peace within and beyond
all experience follows me here.

It beckons my attention to rest in the bliss of stillness through which this exquisite moment remains endless
Sep 2019 · 281
After the Fall
Melissa Rose Sep 2019
She gathered them like the dead
autumn leaves of Fall
old habits and beliefs
crumbling into dust
through her fingertips
never once grasping to save one
or any at all
now only remnants remain
her soul reclaimed
she leaves all suffering behind
as the most desolate parts of winter
begin to fade away
uncovering her beauty
and the love she was meant to find
unearthed like the roots of Spring
she is Violet amidst the blossoms
reaching out to the Summer’s sun
it kisses her radiance
and welcomes her home
Sep 2019 · 229
Summer’s sweet grass
Melissa Rose Sep 2019
Lie down gently upon the last
of the summer’s sweet grass
and quench your thirst for beauty
upon which each moment drifts further
into a cloudless sky
while yellow leaves dance in periphery
to the harmony of Fall
breathe slowly and deeply
welcoming the fragrances
as they playfully invigorate your senses
just be in this placeless place
listening as time stops ticking
where stillness prevails
all other sounds they are like waves
sinking silently into the depths
of its bottomless sea
become the vastness now
and close your eyes
know yourself as the last
of the summer’s sweet grass
and that cloudless sky
those yellow leaves dancing
to the harmony of Fall
you are the harmony and
the fragrances invigorating your senses
you are the breath
from which the winter wind blows
existing as everything
defined by nothing at all
Aug 2019 · 612
The art of living
Melissa Rose Aug 2019
8/30/19 True peace is imminent as soon as we stop striving to get “there” and be “that”. All is as it is meant to be “here” and “now”. <3
Aug 2019 · 941
True love
Melissa Rose Aug 2019
I let you go.
Not because I do not love you
in that I do.
Aug 2019 · 231
The art of dying
Melissa Rose Aug 2019
She dips her toes into the shallows
and watches apathetically
as her form migrates
with the current
forever washed out to sea
drowned is the concept
of who she had to be

The moon shines into desert eyes
as she walks midnight back to dawn
grains trickledown the hourglass
yet time remains loyal
to the presence within
a blank canvas to the light
as dawn paints her crimson

Across space
beyond time
now extends itself
inviting stillness to speak
of divine love, joy and peace
here she becomes the image of clarity
and honours the art of authenticity
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