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Maxwell Shaw Mar 2018
You are my


I am your


Through good

And bad

I will give you my best

Even if It's my worse

Look inside my chest

And you will see broken

Shards of the past

Present and future

Now I challenge you

To take these pieces

And build

A human being

A foundation

A temple

Then will we see if you

Can feel me

The real me the one

They can't behold

The boy who can stand

On his own through

The frozen cold

I often wonder will I

Forever be alone

A beast is what I am

But a beauty is what she is

To me.
Did this while I was on FaceTime and ideas just popped into my head. So I just wrote away until I couldn't anymore
Mar 2018 · 312
Dear R I D A
Maxwell Shaw Mar 2018
My groove

Is classic

His is new aged

I got the kind of love

That is  nostalgic

The energy that is sacred

And never fades

Would you rather hold

Fools gold or cherish

A Rose from the concrete

And watch it grow

I pray your world

Never turns cold but

Instead shines brighter

Then a new born babies

Eyes or smile

That can last more then a million

Miles my angel just because

Your heart is broken

Doesn't mean your wings are

Let my be the glow to your


The feeling where you think

Your lost but suddenly

You know

With you anything is possible

A cure

A miracle

A blessing

A gift

A shield

A lifetime

So please oh please I am not

Begging but simply asking

Now and forever will you

Be mine

My spirit my soul

My heart my mind

My sunshine
Yeah can't lies I was in my feels lowkey I blame Jhene for this. Everything just flowed when I was writing this so let me know what you guys think
Mar 2018 · 493
The Spirit
Maxwell Shaw Mar 2018
**** it...

Time and time

And time again

I find myself

Stuck between a twist

Within spin I think everything

Is finally settled down

Only to get back up

On my feet

To see flames around me

At certain points I ask God & his son

Why work this way with me

Why let me bathe in

This immense heat

Sweat resting on my forehead

Blood surrounding my feet

Tears ready to take lift off

From my broken eyes

Is this price of attempting to

Be Great....

Tell me!!! Answer my question

Hear my I looked

Up at the sky all I saw

Was the storm and all I felt

Was the pain I continued

To crawl and scratch my way through what I felt like

Was hell using every piece

Of strength I had left

Wondering what was the point

And after awhile I finally came to a

Just when I thought all was lost
I realized

The heat

The storm

The pain

Was no more

I looked up only to see

Big clouds and a clear sky

Then it happened a voice

Spoke inside my head must first see the dark

Before you behold the light....

Be strong not weary....

Those word from now and forever I would

Always hold dear to me
This is for everyone going through something very serious or deep that no know could ever understand or you can't express right now let this be the remedy to it all I love you guys.

— The End —