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 Jul 2015 Mallow
Liis Belle
Love makes us selfish
Love makes us brave
Love makes us reckless
Wild and misbehaved

Love makes us kind
Love makes us good
Love makes us see
The world as it should

Love makes us thoughtless
Love makes us blind
To anything else
But the one on our minds

Love makes us careful
Love makes us scared
About things which we wouldn't
Have previously cared

Love makes us malleable
Love makes us weak
Love makes us sacrifice
Whatever it seeks

Love makes us dangerous
Love makes us strong
Love makes us realize
What is right and wrong

Love makes us answer
The knock on the door
Love makes our lives
Worth living for
 Jul 2015 Mallow
JR Potts
Late at night sadness covers up my skin, ivy
on the old bricks of an abandoned mental hospital,
broken windows, we stopped needing help years ago,
and this place is just as scary empty as it was full
expect when the doors were open the crazies
would come and go, I swear it made the stay
a little more tolerable
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Leyla Jude
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Leyla Jude
My heart was covered by ice
Now it has melted cause of lies
And I realize what's under it
Is way too weak
I had never cried
Now my pillow shines bright
I used to be strong
Now I feel like in these stupid songs
I've got knives in my chest
My throat is all compressed
It's so hard to keep breathing
I guess I just started what's called living
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Not my home
 Jul 2015 Mallow
I'm so tired, so ******* tired
Of feeling trapped within these walls
Of this house that is supposed to be my home
Like in a box with no air holes, I am suffocating.
Looking at the same things, day in, day out
Nothing's changed, there's nothing new
Just the same walls that hold me prisoner
And if I could just leave, I would be gone
So far away from here, free at last
But, no, it's not that simple.
Though I wish it were as easy
As saying the words
"I'm leaving"
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Sam Vaghi
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Sam Vaghi
A flutter of feathered wings,
A blink of a blur of bright colours
at the edge of my sight.
I turn quick to catch it,
A gasp of beauty
glimpsed for a mere moment.
But such is life- we are
Only here and alive
For a very short time,
Here only for barely one breath of the enduring earth
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Emma Sims
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Emma Sims
I'm not used to unwarranted critique,
from dear friends or family.
Their views of me must be pretty bleak,
A **** abnormality.
With them, my relationship is pretty weak;
Merely a formality.
It feels to me like they have formed a clique,
To cure me of depravity.
Peer pressure is a cruel technique,
This is just insanity.
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Oscar Prince
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Oscar Prince
Thinking is silence leaving
Fear is wisdom retreating
Love is life breathing
Perfection is the mind deceiving (again)
I am is nobody
Nobody is everyone
Everyone is I
Why is the answer
The Way is the direction
Ritual is sacred
Sacredness is reverence
Seasons are balanced change
Change is Now slowed down
*** is union
Children are the closest to God most people will ever come
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Drove through the town
You once called home
I instantly knew
It was no longer your own
Nothing had changed
The same old bones
But you no longer lingered
The grass overgrown
Everything was empty
No life to be found
Though people were bustling
All around
The absence of you
Was just so profound
So I looked over once more
And turned around
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