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Araoluwa Jacob Jun 2018
I am so calm
As calm as the ocean at night
As calm as I could ever be
I am calm because I am mad
mad at the fact that my heart aches
i cannot express my emotion
my inevitable situation kills me
slowly enough to destroy me
making me break pieces by pieces
and become a shattered memory of the world
people would see my pieces and step on me
those pieces are of no use no more
they have been as calm as they could ever be.
Now they are shattered because of the inevitable pain they are feeling
The pain of a sick horse.
the pain of an eagle whose wing are broken
the pain of a mother during labor.
A hurt child. an abandoned beauty.
A flawless person whose name is flaw.
the pain is so unbearable that i have been shattered.
with nobody to reach out to
they left me in this agony
i still feel spite even when I'm in pieces.
My world of breakable hope and dissatified pain is reaching out to me with chains.
chains that i Can't break from
Araoluwa Jacob May 2018
Jade is very lucky man
a man people treat with value
a man people will **** for
A man people cherish
A man with everyhtig anyone could wish for,
A man of value, life, happiness.
A man people will do anything to get
Jade is a very unlucky man
A man with no life.
A man of no understanding of life
a simple stone
a man that has no experience of life
A proud man who just waits for people to fight for it
A man who indirectly kills
A man with no thoughts or imagination for he is treated like a god
Jade is created by humans, nourished by humans and destroyed by human
What an unlucky man jade is
However, jade has a very undemanding life
he does not have to obey any human being
it is not obliged to any human
free, easy and peaceful.
Jade is a man that is lucky
Jade is a man that is unlucky
Jade is a man with an undemanding life
because it has no breathe like that of a man
Araoluwa Jacob May 2018
I asked for one thing
And you gave me something else.
if i was to judge you, do you know what I will call you?
An Hippocrite.
you made me submissive
like you had everything under control
you gave me happiness, laughter, tears, anger
when I ask you for death,
you leave me in anger
you make me angry because you didn't answer
you just make me feel like going madder.
if you snapped your finger, you can make me among the dead
but you leave me alive. In pain, I am drenched
no matter how much I cry and beg,
you leave me in absolute tranquility.
I have a question
do you love and adore to see me suffer?
to see me cry in pain everyday in May
to see me fully enveloped with thorns from the gate?
the gate that I tried to pass through but you never sanctioned.
My life would have been better off, if you gave me something that will desensitize me.
Araoluwa Jacob Apr 2018
Lately, I don't understand.
I don't understand how,
How I can't control the water that rolls down my eyes like a waterfall.
It's meant to flow when I'm sad,
It's meant to assist me when I'm sober.
It does the opposite,
It makes me feel no remorse.
It makes me feel powerful.
Sometimes, I question it,
"Why have thee forsaken me when I need thee?"
it still does not reply.
I feel powerless over it.
it has more control.
One day, I stayed in the darkness.
my eyes were closed.
I was trying to blind myself from reality.
I was trying to create a world full of my own fantasies.
But it didn't work out well.
Tears crept in from behind,
they woke me up.
I was so close to escaping but they brought me back.
I tried to hold them in but they came faster than I ever imagined.
They sneaked in through a Trojan horse.
An unforeseen enemy.
They made me feel vulnerable.
I didn't need them but they came.
I'm sure they laughed because of the victory,
I cried because of my pain.
at a period in time, i could not control my tears. and whenever i felt remorse, they was no tears to express it.
Araoluwa Jacob Mar 2018
Never fall in love with a stranger,
You never know what lies deeper,
Their heart might have a different intention.
The intention to make you feel eager
to explore the evil of the world,
and lead youself into danger,
they will cast  you when you are deeply in love with them,
and tell you, "we are just strangers"
"What do you mean we are just strangers?"
you will wonder.
Your heart sink into pain because of those four words,
that changed your world,
you realize your mistakes,
and your evil ways,
you feel so sober and plain,
but he is not there say,
"Don't worry, you can lean on me,"
or all those things that made him sound meek,
You feel so lonely,
like you didn't have a life before.
To heal your broken bond,
you made another one,
with a common stranger,
you played with his heart,
and made him fall for you,
you made him miserable after he asked,
"What are we?" and you replied,
"We are just strangers."
I wrote this thinking about someone I liked. I though i knew them but i actually didn't.
Araoluwa Jacob Mar 2018
Rage kills,
sometimes, it might heal,
Rage might help you,
Rage might destroy you,
Rage has a choice to make,
A side to stay on for a day,
Whether me in January or you in may,
It will always find it's way,
back to me,
back to my heart,
slowly killing me,
slowly healing me,
slowly relieving me,
slowly grieving me,
My blood flows extremely fast,
my heart is about to blast,
the feeling rage can give you,
is a feeling that can **** you,
At the end, it will leave you stranded,
stranded with an enchantment,
An enchantment to have....
Rage is something all humans feel. However, It depends on us to control it.
Araoluwa Jacob Mar 2018
How fast do human beings change?
as fast as the speed of sound?
How fast do human beings change?
as fast as the travel of sound's range?
My journey of life so far,
makes me feel scared
the fear that I might one day become something I despair.
It is very deceitful because you do not know when you are changing
as fast as the wind, as smooth as the waves,
you become a different person just in one day
Later on you look at yourself and say,
"This is not the girl I was in may"
Your pictures might look the same,
but the people in the picture changed.
I would have been glad if it was in a positive way,
but you changed like the day
casting the sun away,
because the moon awaits,
Chasing the diligence in you,
bringing in disregard for the things you care for.
It's okay, I'll wait
I just want you to be the same
person you were in May
human beings change. even into things they hate
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