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 Feb 2015 Nina M
Christopher Lowe
Seeing my glass reflection
Everything goes into retrospect
And the day goes black with haze
As the weight of my thoughts sink
Everything disappears
Goes up ablaze
As brain alteration happens in a blink
While watching it burn with infatuation
It's like I'm stuck here
In this odd imagination
 Feb 2015 Nina M
Jamie King
Sometimes I wonder where I should truly be
No X on the spot, no key to set me free
The past clouding me I wish it would leave me be
Nothing guaranteed, my soul held in captivity
Every corner reminds me of my past activity
My loss of personality seemingly lasting an eternity

Lost and confuse hope mizzles
destiny becomes kind
faith extends a helping hand
Ink sinks in my mind
words become alive
imagination spreads wings and suddenly I can climb the sky
my destination is home
made of potent imagery
the only greeting I know
being Hello poetry
First stanza: Grant Horst
Last stanza: Jamie King
 Feb 2015 Nina M
Amitav Radiance
Caught between the mesh of rays
Light plays with the life’s existence
Oscillating between dawn, twilight and night
Etching out the horizon of life
Intrinsic influence on all the souls
This celestial space is swathed in new light
From the unknown origin, its journey
Cradles every life with equal benevolence
Kindles hope in every heart
Rays of light travels deeper into us
It heralds the beauty of every being here
Touches us with nimble rays
It’s an eternal repetition of the charmed circle
 Feb 2015 Nina M
Beebz The Queen
the truth about love is

          it leaves right when you are comfortable

the other truth is

          love is not forever no matter what they say

the truth about death is

          it doesn't even hurt that long

the final truth about it is

          *i hope mine is today
 Feb 2015 Nina M
straying far into a wilderness
the cannons began their thunder
a lunar landscape buried the bones
of men and animals and enemies
joined together now in a slumber
while the birds started their singing
of days gone by hoping for a future
silent of guns death and slaughter
To be the reason you breathe

Your every thought
Your every dream
Your purpose in life
Would be the reason I breathe

To be what makes you believe

Your reason for living
Your reason for smiling
Your motivation for existing
Would be what makes me believe

To be the one you depend on

Your rock when you need to lean
Your shoulder when you need to cry
Your soft place to land, when life's too hard
Would be the only thing I could depend on

To be the one who helps you feel strong

Your innocence when it doesn't belong
Your heart when yours breaks in two
Your soul when it's shattered too
Would be what makes me feel strong

**and of all these things
To breathe and believe
To depend on, to feel strong
I only need you
To feel that I belong

— The End —