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 Mar 2015 Kale
Gentle words spoken
And laughter
Easy conversation
Speculation and sharing
These are the days I've missed.

It feels like warm sunshine
After a perilous winter.
It feels like time goes by
When I'm with you.

Everything is a little brighter
Life and my stress are a little lighter.
Yes these are the days I've missed.
All those nights with
You laughing at nothing
In particular.

You make things a little easier
For me to bear
When you're here with me
And I can't help but plead
To God
That this becomes
What I hope it will be.

For all I see
Right now is a hard road
And a heavy burden to be
Planted on my back.
But I think things would be easier
If you were by my side.
I think that's probably why
I hate when we say goodbye.
This can be something special
All we need is time.
 Nov 2014 Kale
Joshua Haines
 Nov 2014 Kale
Joshua Haines
You think you're a lost cause
but you're just stuck in the middle.
Life's been hard since you were little.
I don't know every thing,
but I know it's getting warm outside
and you're going to be fine.

You think you're a cancer
but just wait and see
that you'll heal yourself,
like you helped heal me.
This may sound cliché,
but it's getting warm outside  
and you're going to be fine.
 Nov 2014 Kale
Tony Scallo
It's being stuck in a dark room
Separated from the light of happiness, by a cruel locked door
That has a small viewing glass for you to see
What lies on the other side,
Within your reach

It's having what seems like an entire ring of keys
To open the door, yet they're all the same key

It's refusing to stand up,
To take advantage of the little bit of light
That shines through the viewing glass for you

The little bit of light that'll show you
You keep recycling the same key
Over and over again

Because you use the dark to see
What is depression?

It's being stuck in a dark room
Separated from the light of happiness, by a cruel locked door

Fitted with a small window just big enough for you to see
What lies on the other side, within your reach

It's having what seems like an entire ring of keys
To open the door, yet they never seem to work

Depression is refusing to stand up,
To take advantage of the little bit of light
That shines through the viewing glass for you

The little bit of light that'll show you
You keep using the same key
Over and over again

Because you use the dark to see
 Nov 2014 Kale
 Nov 2014 Kale
I am naïve aren't I?
How could I possibly believe
That you could ever look beyond yourself
To just once
Consider maybe,
Just maybe,
That Everything is not about ye.
 Nov 2014 Kale
Seems easy to forget, yet it's so hard
why do i dare go this far?
To have something you want
but forced to let go
am I crawling my way out, or just digging a hole.
I see something now and it seems kinda bright,
but I cant see who's standing there at the end of this light.
perhaps its a hand to pull me out, or judgment demanding for me to go down.
whatever it is, I can smell the air. To feel that breeze going through my hair.
what a dream to have, I could finally be free.
to live the day where I can just be me.
 Nov 2014 Kale
Define perfect.
Is it a pretty face, nice hair?
Is it thin as a rod, or ripped with muscles?
Is it smart, witty and brilliant?
Is it funny and personable?
Is it friendly and kind?
Is it honest and true?
Is it in the way you walk, the way you talk?
Is it in your nature, in your core?
Is it inherent or attainable?
Is it even real, or just an illusion?
Perfection is an illusion, but one well wrought. Everyone falls into its trap.
 Nov 2014 Kale
You mean my whole world,
My whole life.
You are the reason I can love. Live. Laugh. Forgive.
You give me the strength to keep going.
I love you over everything.
You are my everything.
I can't do anything without you.
Without you, I'd be lost,
In the shades.
You are my night and day,
The reason I live,
I thank you for everything,
My family,
My friends,
My life.
You are the fountain of love,

Thank You God,
I can't say it enough.
Was feeling very grateful. Everyone, you should be grateful too. Especially with God. He has done everything for us. In the hashtag, there is no capitalisation, but God is capitalised.
 Oct 2014 Kale
Joseph Schneider
Don't allow yourself to feel "dumb" or "stupid" based on your inability to achieve something you care little about.

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
 Oct 2014 Kale
Blood (Universe)
 Oct 2014 Kale
Do you ever realize that
This universe
Can be likened to blood?

Do you ever just sit down and realize,
That the stars in the skies
Are platelets rushing to form a clot
Around an ever expanding cut
Constantly pouring out blood?

The composition of the blood
And becomes that rich oxygenated red
That becomes dilutes with the air
Of our atmosphere
And the ruby red sunlight becomes
Lovely, lovely orange and yellow,
The kind that get you all mellow.

It also splits into the
Cold color of deoxygenated blood
Yes blue.
We watch it ooze
Putting the vast expanse of the heavens
On display
After the day
Is done.

Then there is the plasma
Which scientists say is the
Fourth state of matter
But what does that even matter?

Do you ever realize that
This universe
Can be likened to blood?
Produced from an
Ever expanding wound
Like that of Christ whom
Was bruised for our sins.

Do you ever realize that
The universe that surrounds us
Could be
The blood of Christ
There to erase our sins?
That the more we do wrong,
The more blood he bleeds
Thus the more we see
The universe increase?

Do you ever realize that
The universe is constantly expanding
And will never stop?
I mean doesn’t that thought
Ever pop
Into your mind?
Thoughts at 11:43
 Jul 2014 Kale
She; Restoration.
 Jul 2014 Kale
She always wondered what it would be like to be loved
And not slipped under someone like a glove.
She always dreamed of not being a man’s trophy.
Yes she
Wondered why
No guy
Seemed to truly love her
Enough to stay.
Day by day
She’d think to herself
This may well be the reason her daddy didn’t
Stick around
Long enough to hear the sound
Of her first cry
Because he too knew
Before she was born into the world
Deep down inside,
There was something wrong with this girl.

So she chased every guy who smiled in her directions
You see,
Seeking love was her infection
Passing the shards of her heart
To each ‘brand new start’
Thinking they were the one
Who would put her together again
Yet every encounter left her even more broken
Each ***** gentleman left a token
Of their ‘gratitude’
Which was pain etched on her pieces of heart
Leaving her further away from the start

“What’s wrong with me?
Am I not worthy of love?
Or am I just a girl
Destined to be second in another world?”
She’d cry out.
Then she’d search about for the one.
Yet it never occurred to her to
Seek out The One
Who could truly save her

The One who died on a Calvary Hill
Healed the demon-possessed and the ill.
The One who bled dry to save,
The Ancient of Days,
The Prince of Peace and Lord of Lords.
Yes Jesus the risen Christ,
Who mends hearts and makes them alright.
The one who two thousand plus years
Defeated death
And Is worthy of all praise and cheers.

Then one faithful day they met
Her heart could not believe the love
After so many years of neglect.
The Jesus she always cast aside
Pieced her heart back together
And gave her access to forever,
He cleaned her sin with His blood
And anoints her with His everlasting love.
Yes the broken she
Was now the beloved Princess
Of The Perfect He.

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