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Lunar Luvnotes Dec 2014
Vibrations reverberating from my front door to my mid-core,
your pupils focus and lock me down
in your heavenly pond,
shining, glistening.
Your iris like quicksand,
a non-fatal variety.
Leave the world and lead me,
to the underworld where we shall behold eachother,
none others.
Electricity shoots through my femurs to my toes, back out and down my crown.
I'm at peace,
locked tight in your gaze.
Never release me.
To speak of such a thing,
so silly..
"Clutch My Soul" series. Leopard collaborations. Past is past is past.
Lunar Luvnotes Dec 2014
Wait on me, as I wait on you.
Worship me back cuz I got feelings too.
Encompass me with particulars,
determined passion to adorn all I do.
Treat me like you give 3 *****,
and I'm stuck to you like glue.

Treat my words like they give life
and I guarantee these lips
will only form words around
the likes of you.
Look me in the eye when our souls sing,
otherwise we're just *******.
I don't like that.
I want to feel your gaze lock me down,
like there's silk bounds spooled up in your irises.

I want to feel your being rush inside me.
No matter how knarled and rampant our roots,
I want your spirit subdued,
dying back to life with each sigh
until morning dew breaks over your face,
beaming anew like the sun rising.
Good morning to you too.
"Clutch My Soul" series. This is actually the clean version.. My distant future inspired by my past, my first relationship to match the nurturing I give. I have new standards thanks to the path my life took. He was amazingly strong, dead ****, nurturing, true to his self, gave me gifts for no reason, breakfast in bed. I have found light. I finally got what I always give. God will bring me another soulmate in his time, not mine.
Lunar Luvnotes Dec 2014
When I feel weak,
when all I want is
your voice on the line,
I pick myself up.
Refusing to be meak,
I roar in my mind's eye,
I know what I hold inside.
As I roll my hips and
rah tah tah,
I am whole, and full..
of love, of brilliance.
Like you told me once,
and I shall never forget,
I am not weak,
I just have moments of weakness.
I am strong,
with untold amounts of gold glitter,
shimmering in my veins.
I am resilient,
Thrive is my middle name.
"Moonchild" series. That's not really my middle name..
Lunar Luvnotes Dec 2014
We found each other,
our eternal flames ignite.
Casting out shadows initially,
to creep back in at first slights.
We used each other,
to numb past tragedies.
We abused each other,
for failing miserably.
If only we'd been whole people
in the first place,
none of this would be happening.
"Man on the Moon" series. When soulmates meet, and squander the sacred flame, relegated to rebounds, unapologetically. If people loved themselves, things wouldn't have to end suddenly. I never give up on people, because I never give up on myself. When we give up on ourselves, on each other, tell me what is left?
Lunar Luvnotes Dec 2014
I have found the one for whom my soul implores me to be bold.
To step out of this box of self-deprication, so tired and old.
Familiar ***-backwards comforts and promises to self,
to never be sold.
Be sold *****!
Mixed up as he is, he IS it!
Not THE one, for there is no ONE!
This mirage is merely who we pick, to settle down and grow old with.
Who we bestow the honor, to be honored, to be cherished.
With whom we make the most of failed patterns, life's trenches.

He IS it.
Be vulnerable, give it all,
ME, your heart and soul.
If he wants me afterall,
after all mutual deceit, decay,
to be reborn, to rebuild and shine gloriously, in ubiquitous, unified heartbeats..this is love.
No different than any other force of nature, unrelenting.

If his spite denies me,
for all of time,
or at least this life,
I STILL find,
I have lost nothing.
My soul was already lost to him,
so what have I left to lose to him?
Nothing...aside from regret,
eating away at my self-love, my flesh.
I'd rather be full and whole,
in patience, virtue, strength and boundless, understanding love.
I'd rather be all of this,
grown past any dark corner of my soul, grown past any limit I have known before, stretching my hand up to the Gods, flexing the growth of all I have endured.

I love to be who I never was,
rather than a skeleton,
crouching behind a closed door.
A shell for the next man to come, every beautiful gesture inviting moths to perch these broken bones til they fall to dust,
as they did for him,
when he tried reclining into them.
This scene was obscured by a pretty smile, that stood as a remnant of who I was. Glassy eyed mirrors, shining back what might be love, or band-aid'd pride, a shell of who he was. My skin, a tally sheet, record kept of gains and losses. With mournful regret and contempt it'd be again inscribed..if I wandered off, giving up, licking my wounds of pride.

The only way left
to proliferate my cells,
to fill this hole in my chest,
is to give my soul bowed down,
freed from the chains of contempt.
Hold my hand and transcend this madness.
Afterall, you did say you love me. Perhaps you meant it for the fifty-third time. Or turn on your heel and there's reality, circumscribed. Some can say love and never mean it, not even knowing they've lied.
"Man on the Moon" series
Lunar Luvnotes Dec 2014
He scrambles to the next lover,
to soothe his own pain,
to scramble up their life,
to match his chaos brewing like coffee.
To rob them of reality,
of up from down,
rob them from someone who would consume their whole being,
not spitting out one seed,
who would be concious of just whom they are loving.
For in truth, when he said he loved me,
when he pressed his nose to mine,
when our auras conjoined...
what he really meant was,
I love not being lonely.
For love does not just throw up the white dish towel and die.
We do not mean to scramble up what we want and what we need inside,
it just happens from time to time.
Afterall, I'm the indulgent one who bit,
the half soul, half ego ***** who asked for cheese on top.
Protesting as a vegan means nothing in truth,
when I've just as soon devoured what's offered up too soon.
My system was not ready for eggs,
for dairy,
I threw it all up.
Then when my system was realized and ready,
I wondered why his breakfast plate couldn't magically be resurrected,
hot off the stove of "love".
When I threw it all up,
he took offense, rightfully.
He broke the plate on which he served me.
From the diner, he banished me.
He said, I thought you were ready!
At the sight of what looks like insufficient culinary ability,
I cannot have you here, this liability,
I am sorry.
"Man on the Moon" series.
Lunar Luvnotes Dec 2014
I engaged with ghosts.
I entertained notions bold.
I questioned my morality,
all the while promising my life away, happily.
So silly of me to promise what I did not have.
So reckless of me to treat his heart like a game of *** for tat.
God, forgive me.
I deserve to know this pain,
this tragedy coursing,
haunting me with all we were to be.
Please heal him of all I've done,
and all the ones before me,
before my knife plunged.
I wonder why my heart was ripped out of my chest..
So easy to forget that I carved out his own.
God, cleanse me of all men who have wounded me.
Let me see them for who they were, lovely, broken people.
Restore my framework,
my bones battered and bruised.
To you, I release all fear and rage,
to be present in this day, anew.
God, forgive us,
restore us,
I implore you.
For every person on this Earth today
who sheds tears, dismayed,
who have not the strength to pray..
Heal us of what causes such fear and pain in the first place. I thank you.
In Jesus's name I pray.
Part of my "Man on the Moon" series that I created this account for because I didn't want to bare my bones on instagram..there's a poem about that too, ugh. So many of this series I've had to face

— The End —