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4.2k · Sep 2020
That girl
Jenna Sep 2020
The friend we all wanted with a smile we all need,
she was funny and loving, just a regular teen.
Black dyed hair with platform heels, nobody noticed she was missing meals.

A song in her head with a knife in her heart,
these rude little kids were tearing her apart.
"Too skinny." "Too fat." "Too this." "Too that,"
This confused little girl was getting kicked to the mat.

Teenage life is a struggle alone,
but she was being bullied and had problems at home.
We spoke up and spoke out, but the school swept it away.
A perfect reputation was bound to stay that way.
1.2k · Jan 2020
Trail Blazer
Jenna Jan 2020

Ariel gave up her voice for human legs,
Cinderella risked her life to go to the ball.
Moana left her family to save her island,
Merida defied the rules to be truly happy.

Real life:

Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman in space,
Virginia Hall was the first female spy.
Emilie Chatelet was the first female philosopher.
Hypatia was the female mathematician.
578 · Jan 2022
When the last petal fell,
Jenna Jan 2022
She was born a rose,
With deep red cheeks and hair blonde as gold,
Companied by a smile so kind, it was said to heal your soul.
And this "rose" was held delicately in the hearts of those who met her,
As she was just a young girl, with a heart made of gold,
But this "rose" had thorns to protect her sweet heart,
Only to be picked, and used, and thrown, and stomped,
By the world who didn't care about her or her thoughts,
By a world that kept spinning, when she was hurting and lost,
So that "rose" used her thorns to keep people away,
And finally, finally, got things to go her way,
Till one day she was picked,
When a "bee" landed on her petal,
So she shook and fought and punched and kicked,
But that "bee" didn't sting her, at least not right away,
Instead he stuck around, day after day,
Till one day he got tired of that "rose,"
And she had thought things were going okay,
And then he left.
And she was back to square one.
Her thorns had grown dull and her petals had holes,
And she again, picked herself up,
Ready for the next one.
Until the last petal fell.
577 · Dec 2019
Another Birthday
Jenna Dec 2019
Aging happens,
Never ceasing,
Far from flattened,
Always increasing.

I am still young,
But will grow older.
God's will be done,
Let me grow bolder.
544 · Nov 2021
Going Going Gone
Jenna Nov 2021
I'm gone.

And if I'm not,
Then I'm slowly fading,
Erased from thought,
My mind degrading,
Memories on fire,
Existence blazing,
But through the fire,
I stand there gazing.


I'm lost.

Because if I wasn't,
Then I would be found,
Raised from the ashes,
Like a phoenix heavenbound,
So I'll face the thrashes,
Of anxiety leaving my mind,
I am forever now ashes,
Of a phoenix,
That fell to the ground.
414 · Dec 2019
Cold Hearted
Jenna Dec 2019
Her hand is where roses go to die,
Her heart is cold and made of stone,
Her gaze is where they cannot lie,
Her smile keeps her from being alone.
I have been having a lot of trouble writing lately. I have found inspiration and will write more.
342 · Oct 2020
Jenna Oct 2020
Roses hold lies,
Daises hold dreams.
Orchids hold lust,
Thorns hold on by a seem.

Sunflowers hold a smile,
Unique and full of youth,
A pretty face full of love,
Yet there the ones no one's pays attention to.

Bright bold colors that wish of trust,
Dance in the wind without a care,
Shining bright among the others,
Petals fly into crisp Autumn air.
Be a sunflower in a field of roses
331 · Oct 2020
Not real
Jenna Oct 2020
I feel her presence,
I can hear her laughter.
It feels like forever;
It's only 2 years after.

We thought we'd live forever,
But all good things have to end.
She was caring, kind, and clever,
Lord, why did she have to ascend?
Have a good day everyoneđź’•
318 · Mar 2022
Jenna Mar 2022
No one is real anymore.
We're just a bunch of mannequins;
Plastic, painted on smiles greet you everywhere you go,
Perfectly formed families in matching outfits filled with love,
Bigger built ones so that we know the system doesn't pick favorites,
Different outfits for different seasons; judged if wearing "last years clothes,"
No worries, flaws, or problems; visibly anyway.
We're just a bunch of mannequins.
No one is real anymore.
308 · Feb 2021
Jenna Feb 2021
If you could see what's on the other side of the mental mountain your climbing, would you make it over? Even if it's heartbreak, or the lottery, if you had the option to see what lyes before you, would you look? Or would you let the anticipation of "what if" drag you to the other side? Or would you terry along the mountain, knowing not what lyes before you, dreading what's to come, or having the knowledge of what's on the other side?
Let me know what's on the other side, and keep climbing.
301 · May 2023
Jenna May 2023
Why do I get left behind?
I sit here patiently waiting for my turn
For someone to come to me, wanting to be mine
Wanting to see what I have to offer.
Because if only people cared,
They would see it on my face
That all I want to do, all I crave
Is it take care of someone.
But I want to take care of someone who wants to do the same for me,
Because god knows I give and give
But people take and take
Until I have nothing left to give.
So I go back to sitting
Waiting patiently for my turn
For my time.
288 · Mar 2022
In love with love
Jenna Mar 2022
I'm in love with love.
The thought,
The feeling,
The chase,
The pain,
The heartbreak,
The healing.
I'm in love with love,
But love is not in love with me.
260 · Apr 2020
Jenna Apr 2020
When you can't be alone,
When you can't think straight,
When you still smell his cologne,
When you carry all the weight.

When you tell your friends your fine,
When you drink to drown the fear,
When you can't drink red wine,
When you feel his presence coming near.
234 · Jan 2022
If the meds stop working,
Jenna Jan 2022
Just a few dollars a month and we’ll make it go away,
Just take one with water at the start of every day,
In the same way you wake up every day,
These pills will be here, leading you every step of the way,
Out of the darkness, and into the light,
Then back to the darkness, where the symptoms lie,
To tear your mind apart,
To drive you crazy,
To weaken your heart,
But there’s no need to worry,
We have more pills if these ones don’t work,
So just take these and wait,
Until there comes the day,
That the meds stop working, so the doctor comes to say,
“There’s nothing more we can do, but we do invite you to stay,
We have a spot with Kathy, over in room 3A,
She screams at night, but it will be okay,
You’ll get used to it.
Now, we won’t really listen to you,
We have more important things to do,
Than to comfort a crazy mental issues,
But it’ll be okay.
So, what do you say?”
Going through some things, but will be posting more soon.
225 · Dec 2019
Jenna Dec 2019
Why must words be used so rudely?
Words are weapons, use them wisely,
See the world in all it's beauty.
But not even then, will you see what I see.
223 · Dec 2019
Jenna Dec 2019
Seeds were sprouting,
Birds were shouting.
The mother was crying for,
Her father was flying.

The girls heart ached,
Pain didn't break.
For the father of her mother,
Was never more to wake.

The girl had wept,
With her mother and her mother.
The family's eyes were wet,
We had finally trusted each other.
223 · Feb 2020
Black and White
Jenna Feb 2020
When the world had no color,
Life was dull and never bright.
And now with everything a flutter,
The world wakes up at night.
193 · Feb 2021
Jenna Feb 2021
"I'm okay," says the teenager with hair covering her face to hide the tears.
"I had a good day," says the tired single dad to his daughters with a big smile.
"I ate today," says the boy with his ribs showing through thin long sleeve.
"I look good," says the man in heels too self conscious wear them in public.
"I'm not scared," says the young girl with anxiety on her first day of school.
Do we lie to convince others, or ourselves? Is it worth it?
174 · Dec 2019
No more
Jenna Dec 2019
He will never see her break,
Not even 2 inches from Death.
Her best friend won't even shake,
Not even when she takes her last breath.

This will happen no more.

Her mind is racing,
Her fists are shaking.
Her best friend pacing,
Her anger is shaking.

This will happen no more.

Her and her best friend are power,
He will fall before our throne.
For we will not be princesses locked in towers,
No, he will be forced to change his tone.

This will happen no more.
172 · Jun 2021
Why does it matter?
Jenna Jun 2021
The struggle, the pain
The fear inside,
Is breaking me, changing me, filling my head with lies,
But you don’t see it. You don’t see the flame, the fight, the tears in my eyes,
They tell me I’m wrong,
And I break down and cry,
But why?

Why don’t you see my thoughts, the worries, when I walk out the door,
To go out in public,
To this judge mental world,
As only a kid,
With these feelings and scorns,

But this is me, a human,
What happened to “equal?”
Just cause I’m different, doesn’t mean that I’m evil.
But Maybe it’s you,
Your the problem, the pain,
The reason I hide,
The voice in my head,
Telling me to disguise,

But why does it matter?
Respect is respect,
It doesn’t need a social latter,
So stop worrying about who I am,
And worry about who you are,
Because United we stand,
And stand, we will, forever.
169 · Feb 2022
Jenna Feb 2022
You see a smile,
A soft glance of her green eyes,
You've noticed her before, but something new shines within her eyes,
Yet she's not much to look at,
Other than her *******, eyes, and thighs,
She doesn't look up from her phone or her feet,
She just keeps walking under the cold fluorescent lights,
As she feels the eyes of her peers lingering on her skin,
As if poking, prodding, waiting to get in,
You take her for granted, as if prey for your eyes,
But she's just a human being,
Not just her *******, eyes, and thighs.
163 · Feb 2020
Jenna Feb 2020
Same songs,
Different tunes.
Same nights,
Different moons.
Same stories,
Different endings.
Same mornings,
Different beginninng's.
163 · Jan 2020
Today is my Birthday
Jenna Jan 2020
Mistakes will be made,
Lessons will be learned.
Excitement will fade,
My family will be adjourned.

I can drive with supervision,
I can stay out til 10.
I will never be in evil vision
I refuse to lurk in sin.
159 · Mar 2020
I'm fine
Jenna Mar 2020
(Tired, lonely, depressed, hurting, scared, sad, messed up, complicated, dying inside, quitting, sick of it...)
Im... Fine.
159 · Feb 2020
What it's like
Jenna Feb 2020
When I turn to look at you and see you looking at me,
It makes me feel lighter than air.
When I'm in pain and your the first one to see,
It gives me hope that life is fair.
When I have bad days and only you can tell,
I believe that your a blessing.
When we're both sad and going through hell,
I believe that your the only thing I'm missing.

Broken hearts, shattered dreams,
Daily glances, perfect schemes.
Your someone I'll never forget, but...
Why haven't you left me yet?
Sorry if there's any bad grammar. I have been having to use voice type because I have a mild concussion but I really wanted to write my poems. Enjoy!
Jenna May 2022
She was not the first pick for dodgeball,
Or football,
Or soccer,
Or tennis,
Nor was she the fastest,
Or strongest,
Or prettiest,
Or fittest,
But she was the nicest,
Most loyal,
Most kind and true,
But at the end of the day,
That never mattered to you.
You wanted the most perfect,
And prettiest,
And fittest,
And fakest,
… Which wasn’t her. So why’d you do it? Was it a bet?
A dare?
A scam?
Or a lie?
Because now in hindsight,
You are that type of guy,
To go after the nicest,
Most loyal,
Most kind and true,
To leave her broken, hopelessly devoted to you.
And once she’s rebuilt you’ll come back around,
Just to once again, try and knock her down.
And you knew she’s the nicest,
Most loyal,
Most kind and true,
So you knew that she’d come back to you.
And she does, because she is the nicest,
Most loyal,
Most kind and true,
And again, she’s left chasing the memory of you.
So again, she rebuilds, and throws out the
Manipulative, memory of you.
And she won’t let you come back.
Not because she isn’t the nicest,
Most loyal,
Most kind and true,
But because now she is the smartest,
Most loyal,
Most kind and true,
Which at the end of the day, never mattered to you.
So chase your Barbies,
Be happy,
Find a love that’s true,
Because in time, the same thing will happen to you.
155 · Feb 2020
Jenna Feb 2020
Should I tell him?
Should I stray?
Should I want him?
Should I stay?

Does he like me?
Does he think I'm weird?
Does he want "we?"
Does he care?

Is he real?
This can't be true.
Am I dreaming?
I know you don't feel how I do.
Should I? Shouldn't I? Does he? Does he not?
153 · May 2020
One of the guys
Jenna May 2020
You tell me pretty lies,
You protect me from the truth.
You look into my eyes,
And tell me not to fall for you.

You tell me about your crush,
And I dream that I was her.
You tell me not to rush,
But I don't wanna see you with her.
150 · Mar 2021
Jenna Mar 2021
I wear the mask that shades and hides,
All the pent up tears inside,
It causes pain when I have to lie,
When people ask me, I say, I'm fine.

I have the eyes that see the demise,
Of the people who will never realize,
How words cut and jab like knives,
Bruising and clawing me up inside.
Just a little freewrite
143 · Jul 2023
Jenna Jul 2023
We were fine
Then we weren’t
As if at the flick of a switch
Our relationship lay under the dirt
From whence it came
To where it stays
Tell me love
Is this the price of love I have to pay?
139 · Mar 2022
A thought
Jenna Mar 2022
I’m fine…
Is what I say everytime,
When you ask if I’m okay,
I don’t wanna hide,
But I feel like you’ll judge me and I don’t know why,
I can’t tell you what’s going on inside,
But something inside of me, fills my head with lies, and I can’t control it.
My anger, my sadness, the rage inside,
Tearing me up, clawing me from the inside, Holding me under, a never ending tide, of self loathing.
Changing me into something I’m not,
Causing doubt within all of my thoughts,
Making me forget all that I’ve been taught,
Like how to love myself.
How to smile at the red headed reflection,
The girl who fell victim to the power of suggestion,
Because our society is so far from redemption,
That it’s become a battlefield between acceptance and rejection,
Girls filling themselves with plastic and lip injections,
For what?
To be pretty?
To be accepted by people who don’t know who you are,
To be adored by the community that left you with scars,  
The world that we live in keeps us behind bars, and shackle us to certain beliefs.
The beliefs of a place that don’t care about race,
You could be a kid, but they will always discriminate,
Will things ever change?
Will we ever be comfortable in our own skin?
No matter what side you on, this war will never end,
If your skinny, gain weight.
If your big, lose weight.
If you show of your skin your considered a ***,
If you don’t show skin, you may as well stay at home.
Because no one will want you.
These are the lies of our glorious society,
The place responsible for the suicidal thoughts I have of me,
For the deaths of sweet souls, crying out in need,
For someone to tell them their perfect,
To love them for the person they are,
To encourage them to chase the stars,
To tell them that they can colonize Mars,
Because we can’t do this in our own.
Self motivation is hard when you don’t love what you see,
Like when your down in a rut you think it’s as good as it will ever be,
But you are perfect.
Love yourself for who you are,
Whether your skinny, fat, or your skin has scars,
Love your stretch marks and puffy eyes,
Your back rolls, or your rib cage outlines.
Because society can’t tell you that your not good enough.
Because all society is, is people who can’t stand it when you love yourself for who you are.
Be kind to one another.
137 · Feb 2020
But I don't
Jenna Feb 2020
I could drown in your eyes,
I could faint in your smile.
I could laugh at your lies,
I could leave for a while.

I don't leave when your staring in my eyes,
I don't leave when your making me smile.
I don't leave when you tell me your lies,
I could never leave for a little while.

So why do you?
Sorry about not posting daily, have been very busy. Please enjoy!
137 · Mar 2020
Made of glass
Jenna Mar 2020
Delicate and beautiful,
Innocent and kind.
True and loving,
She was forever lost in time.
Slowing fading away
135 · Nov 2021
Most Wonderful Time
Jenna Nov 2021
That time of year again,
When the grass bares a light crisp,
The trees stand barren,
Air into sweet smelling whisps,
Of a season so fragile,
It comes and it goes,
With birds flying south,
Families coming home,
It's that time of year again,
Time to go home.
135 · Feb 2020
When the sunshine came
Jenna Feb 2020
I need to straighten my crown,
I need to clear out my head.
I need to flip up my frown,
I need to get out of my bed.

I'm gonna take back my smile,
I'm gonna be the best me I can be.
I've been hurting for a while,
I was blinded by sin, but now can see.
134 · Dec 2019
Not the same
Jenna Dec 2019
The drive to the house on the hill,
The drives the rivers.
The walks we took to The Old Mill,
Memories of him, beginning to wither.
It will never be the same.

Her heart ached to hear his voice,
She had missed the loud guffaw.
The tears she cried weren't her choice,
But its better to have loved than not at all.
It will never be the same.

Christmas, birthdays, holidays,
Everything still hurts.
Births, marriages, deathdays,
It will always stay and lurk.
It will never be the same.
132 · Dec 2019
Home to me
Jenna Dec 2019
Sweet tea, mud pies,
All I've ever known.
Praisin God, chicken fried,
This truly is my home.

Country accents, deer hunting,
Southern born and raised.
Shot gun shootin', foot ball rootin',
My life for the rest of my days.
131 · Dec 2023
Glass House
Jenna Dec 2023
You hurt me.

You’ve placed blame on me,
You’ve beaten me down,
Throwing rocks of anger and disappointment,
Not realizing that
Time, that you throw a rock,
You’re chipping away.
You say you want to talk,
But you have to get your way.
Because if you don’t,

You throw a rock.
And another.
And another.
Until there is what feels like nothing left,
So then you can convince me to repay my debt,
Of life.
Of breath.
Of my existence.
So, I picked up a rock.

And you shattered.
Suddenly, you were the victim.
I was “disrespectful,”
I was “out of line,”
But it was nothing knew,
Because you said that all the time.

You threw rocks when you were the one in the glass house,
And when that got repaid,
You came undone,
And I will not take that blame.
131 · Oct 2023
Jenna Oct 2023
They say forgiveness is easy.

Have you tried it?
Have you tried swallowing a pill without water?
Have you been in a fire, wondering if the flames can get any hotter?

Or did you just say that because that’s what’s easy?
Forgiveness is the hardest thing to come by,
And sadly it’s not always worth giving it a try.
129 · May 2022
Jenna May 2022
Squiggled lines on a page where school work should be,
But her mind can’t rest whilst she’s writing a story,
Multiples stories, actually
Well, at least their endings
Looking at things in every perspective,
Trying to understand who went wrong and where,
Sometimes ending in happy ever after,
Other times ending in angst and despair.
129 · Dec 2019
At last
Jenna Dec 2019
As the lush green died,
And the sunshine left,
She wore a mask to hide,
Because every night she wept.

Her mother was happy,
The kids were distraught,
The father got really snappy,
So every now and then she fought.

She fought for her freedom,
She fought for her rights,
Her brother she "She don't need him."
All this anger and the feeling made her slip away in the night.
129 · Mar 2020
Time to change
Jenna Mar 2020
I looked in the mirror.
I didn't recognize what was looking back at me. I rubbed my eyes but the image wasnt any clearer.
She was broken and bruised. Submissive and misused.
Pushed around and cut up.
She was tired of being a **** up.
She had mascara on her face.
She felt like a big disgrace.
She was a sheep in wolf's clothing.
She deep in self loathing.
She quick to give a smile.
She only looked sad once in a while.
She looked whole.
She looked bold.
She looked strong.
Nothing was wrong.

Looks can be deceiving.
They can also leave you grieving.
Take my advice. No one is completely whole
127 · Apr 2022
New Day Dawns
Jenna Apr 2022
The flower buds many on the tall leaning trees,
Squirrels running across branches; like balancing beams,
Bees buzzing a tune for all to hear,
And the dawn of a new day is soon to draw near.
124 · Feb 2020
Where were you
Jenna Feb 2020
When my eyes were flooded,
When my world stood still.
When my heart was gutted,
When my mind lost is will.

When my smile lost its sparkle,
When my laughter sounded dull.
When my depression fought hard,
When my pain rang through my skull.
124 · Feb 2020
All of my truth
Jenna Feb 2020
Why do we get judged by the look of our cover? I don't get it, this is childish, can't we talk to each other?
The things I do chase people off, I understand that I standoff.
"Did you hear the things she said?" "Did you hear what she gets called?" But the thing is, did you that I was Christian at all?
118 · Oct 2020
Work in progress
Jenna Oct 2020
Im Bonnie with no Clyde,
An apple with no eye,
Missing colors to my sky,
Solemn sea without a tide.

I'm a work in progress,
getting better everyday.
A sunflower in a rose bush,
I don't care what people say.
Just a small poem.
116 · Feb 2020
Good gone bad
Jenna Feb 2020
Good girls like bad guys,
Bad guys like good girls.
Good girls want pretty lies,
Bad guys want between your thighs.

Good girls want bad guys who are good to them,
Bad guys want good girls who are bad for just him.
In my experience as a stereotyped good girl, we always think we can change people. This isn't just a female thing either.
115 · Jan 2020
Jenna Jan 2020
Why do I love you?

You don't love me.

You wouldn't give up your smile if it made me happy.
You wouldn't cry to take my pain.
You wouldn't take my place if I stared down a barrel.
You wouldn't protect me when my name is said in vain.

But the difference between us...

I love you

I would give up my smile if it made you happy.
I would cry to take your pain.
I would take your place if you stared down a barrel.
I would not let your name be said in vain.
I'm sorry I haven't posted in a long time. I have been sick and out of town. Family is my everything.
115 · May 2023
Jenna May 2023
I find myself drifting away more recently
Into a place in my mind where no one goes
No one knows it exists
Because it’s somewhere only I know
Where the grass is always greener
And the sun shines year round
Filled with chilly late fall evenings
And listening to the birds sing while in a porch swing
It feels like home
Because where I’m at is not home
The stress
The sadness
The burn out
That’s not where I want to be.
So I drift away
114 · Dec 2019
In My Head
Jenna Dec 2019
"Keep your hair straightened"."
"Don't take your makeup off."
"Keep your stomach flattened."
"It's the breast you need to show off."

"Be seen, not heard."
"Keep your chin up high."
"Show them you're the only girl."
"Let them think your fly."

"I'm tired of the brand name clothes."
"These boots are giving me blisters."
"Powder your nose, smell like a rose."
"But is it worth losing friends that are like your sisters?"
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