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J B Moore Dec 2015
I can't take this any more
I'm so battered and so worn
I've lost my way and my mind
I'm just so awfully torn.

I need my friend back,
I need my home, 
I'm so sick and tired
 of feeling all alone. 

I can't get my mind off her 
I can't ever let her go,
If only I could tell her,
 If only she could know. 

But would that even make a difference,
would it really bring the change? 
Or am I just losing my mind 
becoming totally deranged?

 I told her I loved her, 
I swore it was true
 but she doesn't feel the same, 
If I could only get a clue.

 But I can't move on, 
I can't ever let her go. 
If only I could tell her, 
If only she could know. 

I just need to find a friend, 
I need someone to hold. 
Someone who can keep me warm 
While the world outside is cold. 

I'm not sure where I'm going, 
I barely know where I've been. 
Still I just want to go back 
If only to feel alive again.

I want to find a new friend
But I'll have to let her go
If only I could tell her
If only she could know

But I can't move on
I can't ever let her go
If only I could tell her 
If only she could know.

Something written, what feels like ages ago
J B Moore Dec 2015
"Why do I write?" asked The Poet to his pen,
"For justice? For peace? For the chance to get some sleep?
Did I think I'd be heard if I just wrote down my words?
Was it my belief that I did it for the fame or the glory
Or to just get some relief from the misery in my life's story?
"Why do I write?" asked The Poet once again.

"That is the question," said the pen in reply.
"After everything's done we must ask why.
That is the question to last through the ages
The question to fill all the books and their pages,
Written by the teachers and their sages
All seeking to answer the question why.

"Why do we do what we do when we do it,
If to wake up down the road and conclude that we blew it?"

J B Moore Dec 2015
Ashes falling, embers burn,
Sirens calling, "Lessons learned!"

"Help is on the way," they say,
But help won't make it here today.
You try to run but can't get away,
Death will come and fear will stay.

Ashes falling, embers burn,
Death is calling, "Lessons learned!"

Crimson streets, the bodies line,
Those still living are losing time.
Death is searching and will always find.
Fear will take hold and rot your mind.

Dreams are falling, memories return,
Regret is calling, "Lessons learned!"

"Play not with fire," you were always told,
"Lest you be burned before you grow old."
But you loved to stare at the colors bold,
Enjoying the heat, despising the cold.

Ashes falling, embers burn,
Fire is calling, "Lessons learned!"

You loved setting fires and watching them burn,
The only thing for which your heart ever yearned,
 But a flash and a bang say you'll never return;
Life is fading, lessons learned.

  Dec 2015 J B Moore
Nigel Finn
Words are harmless, so they say,
That's where the problem starts;
Sticks and stones
May break our bones
But words will break our hearts.

Words are harmless, so they say,
And point you to their charts;
It's harmless fun,
No damage done.
But... Who will mend our hearts?

The x-rays show no damage
Where words have scathed across,
But it still feels hard to manage,
And leaves you at a loss.

Words are harmless, don't complain,
That's where the problem starts.
It's quite absurd-
A single word-
Enough to break our hearts!

But words are harmless, they maintain;
The subject of their parts,
No less or more,
So let them pour
From all our broken hearts
“Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words will break our hearts” is a quote I have stolen directly from Robert Fulghum.
In my defence, he'd already stolen half of that quote himself.
J B Moore Dec 2015
It seems like time
Will forever last
In this near perfect world,
Where I have no past.

I never hunger,
I never thirst,
I never wonder
What comes first.

I am not standing
Nor do I sit.
Maybe I'm floating, 
Yes, perhaps that's it.

It seems like time
Will forever last 
In this near perfect world
I've naught more to ask

It's warm here,
And my room is small
Every time I stretch 
I bump into the wall

There's a soft glow 
There's a warm light
I hear a small drum beat
Saying everything's all right.

The room it shrinks
Either that or I grow,
Time starts to reveal
What I don't know.

It seems like time
Will not forever last
In this near perfect world
The end is coming fast

Suddenly there is a change
And I'm feeling very strange
I think there's a type of claw
I can only stare in awe.

It grabs my arm, I feel the pain
My bones sound a crack like a horses reign

I cry out in silence, Can anyone hear?
Slowly I slip away into the abyss of fear.

I can't bear it as the pain carries on
Why in the world is this allowed by my mom?

What did I do? Why doesn't she fight?
I guess it's too late to know
Why ****** has become my birthright.

1/4/13 12:21 am
Life is a beautiful thing, to destroy one before it even begins... I can't think of something more appalling than that.
J B Moore Dec 2015
Oh the beauty of the seasons,
Each one with it's own specific reasons.
Winter springing as Summer is falling,
Look at the sounds of Memory, calling.

Feel the warmth as a summer breeze blows;
Washing us over, from our head to our toes.
Remember the laughter spent in summer days bright
As children dance with glee into the summer night.
As August comes to an end you should know,
Summer is the season in which life and friendships grow.

Oh the beauty of the seasons,
Each one with it's own specific reasons.
Winter springing as Summer is falling
Look at the sounds of Memory, calling.

Autumn is here now and summer is over
Kids return to school another year older.
This is the season where change happens most
The beauty in the changes, her greatest boast.
We gather around while the world outside is dying
Giving thanks for each other, while others are crying.

Oh the beauty of the seasons,
Each one with it's own specific reasons.
Winter springing as Summer is falling
Look at the sounds of Memory, calling.

Old man Winter arrives with a storm
Beating us down, making us worn.
But then the storm is over and snow covers the ground.
Frozen crystals hang from the trees, beauty all around.
Winter has washed the dead of the land snow white.
A reminder of the power of the perfect work of Christ.

Oh the beauty of the seasons,
Each one with it's own specific reasons;
Winter springing as Summer is falling
Look at the sounds of Memory, calling.

As old man Winter blows away,
Spring brings life with each new day.
A gentle breeze blows in the honey bees
That love the very trees that make you sneeze.
Rain drops splatter with every April shower,
Working with the Sun to give life to every flower. 

Oh the beauty of the seasons,
Each one with it's own specific reasons;
Winter springing as Summer is falling
Look at the sounds of Memory, calling.

Winter covers Autumn's death with beautiful snow white
And Spring brings the rain to give us life.
As life lives through the summer we continue to grow,
And Autumn reminds us of things we don't want to know:
There is a beauty to change and even in death,
So long as you live for Him who gives rest.

Oh the beauty of the seasons,
Each one with it's own specific reasons;
Winter springing as Summer is falling
Look at the sounds of Memory, calling.

  Nov 2015 J B Moore
A. E. Housman
There pass the careless people
That call their souls their own:
Here by the road I loiter,
How idle and alone.

Ah, past the plunge of plummet,
In seas I cannot sound,
My heart and soul and senses,
World without end, are drowned.

His folly has not fellow
Beneath the blue of day
That gives to man or woman
His heart and soul away.

There flowers no balm to sain him
From east of earth to west
That's lost for everlasting
The heart out of his breast.

Here by the labouring highway
With empty hands I stroll:
Sea-deep, till doomsday morning,
Lie lost my heart and soul.
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