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Flatterer (n).

Bits of silver whispered
from a well-polished tongue;

a certain flexing of fondness
 Jul 2016 Icarus Falling
Red flashes and white
Black spots and no air
Fear of myself and fear of drowning
Time and experience are a snare

I am hydrophobic
So instead I love fire
A hatred and fear born for water
But fire and smoke guides me clear

I fear my own anger
I fear my own strength
I fear being helpless
More fears among my ranks

I fear giving up
I fear losing friends
I fear so many minor things
And the pain doesn't end

I hate all my mistakes
So in turn I hate myself
I guide it inward so that I can
Lend help to anyone else

I hate to hurt but I hurt myself
I still hate that I do this
But if I'm not hurting others
It must be good, if anger like mist

Clouds my mind rather than my vision
So that I envision terrible things
If no-one is there, it's aimed at me
So clear and vivid, unlike a dream

I picture the pain, or perhaps the death
And when I do, I'm short of breath
I talk to myself, oh maniac I am
But at least I can connect it to where it began
pretty shaken right now... I know it is somewhat riddled but this is my past
Everything is dim
Someday we will all just fade away
Leaving no sign of our existance
But the legacy we portray
Our gift to humanity
Our gift to the universe
That has breeded us with such mercy
A miracle in the making
I wonder if Icarus knew how close to the sun he came before his undoing fell upon him.
Was he so captivated by the beauty of the sun that he could not change his ways?
Trapped by the freedom his wings gave him, like a moth to a flame was he destined to burn?

I wonder if he failed only because his wings were formed from feathers and wax.
Was his freedom formed from illusions and wax?
Would the outcome have been different if his wings were not faux?

I wonder if the sea tried to save him.
Did the waves try to extinguish his flames and cool his melting wax?
Did the ocean ensure his fate by trying to help?

I wonder if it was hubris that was his downfall.
Was it his pride that catalyzed his failure?
Was it simply an account of failed ambitions?

I wonder if it could have been different.
Was he foreordained to fail?
Would the sea have swallowed him had he not flown too close to the sun?

I wonder if he was ever free at all.
Did the sun capture him the second his wings freed him from the ground?
Did Icarus know how close “too close” was?
"Be careful son, but be free"
You were warned, and yet
higher and higher you flew
closer and closer to Apollo
and your wax wings were melted
with his embrace.

But tell me, Icarus,
was it worth it in the end?
How did it feel
to graze the heavens?
Tell me, dear one,
how did it feel to live violently?
to live carelessly?

"Be careful, son, be free."
You chose to live,
if only in that moment.
Higher and higher you sailed
until your very being insulted Apollo
and with one kiss,
your wings were destroyed.
I think what Icarus forgot
Was that the sun was never his to touch,
Blinding and beautiful as it was.
Yet he reached anyway--
Doesn’t that remind you of something?
 Jul 2016 Icarus Falling
here again
when will I learn
when will I learn not to fly too close to the sun
it's so bright
so warm, so, so warm
singeing, suffocating
I finally feel
I can breathe  
with open arms, I'm flying
higher, they cheer me higher
into the sky
it's lonely in the heavens
but it's fine
it's fine when you want to burn
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