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Oh, Scarlet's got a boyfriend now
She says she thinks she found the one
Well I don't what love is all about
I'm happy for her anyway

Oh they say that "You've missed out"
Cause you don't understand the misery
Oh they say that "you've gotta find out
I'd rather keep it all a mystery

My friend don't you worry about me
I'm fine
I got my head on my shoulders
My friend only cares about things
like time
She say we're only getting older
This is the lyrics to a work in progress I'm writing. It's still very rough, but I thought I'd share it just because, hey why not. Let me know thoughts if y'all have any on this...
We all cry from time to time
In between sheets and behind our eyes
When the heaviness of everything weighs on our minds
We scream out in agony these very lines:
How could the world be so unfair to me
When I was born a baby with nothing to share or bring
Yet it placed its weight down on my bare skin
And gave me the sharp end of all it has to give
And while I haven't yet cause any sins to be punished
It made it its business to show me whats ugly
And even though there are those who suffer much deeper
Pain than I have ever come to witness
I know that there are those living abundantly
Who have done things thats deserving of this suffering
I may be no saint but I am no demon either
So lift up your reigns and give me my freedom
When things feel unfair to me and I suffer more than any suffering I've caused. I remind myself that sometimes you're just unlucky
Go to hell??
It's really nice this time o' day
Would you follow me?
Don't think so...

I can go down there
And return in one piece
And learn new tricks to always win

Going to hell
Once again
It doesn't hurt anymore
  Aug 2019 Lone Chimney Sweep
The problems at your bedroom side
The crazy calling up at night
The way you talk to move your hands
The way you slither up the sand
Hissing and sparkling
Like the man outside your door who wants a piece of you
Why do my eyes want to see you?
When there are there are constellations and mountains and sunsets to look at
Yet my eyes are not satisfied until they find you
With your tired eyes that shut slowly behind the steam from your coffee mug
While the flowers are blooming and valleys are forming and cherry blossom petals are fluttering to the ground
I'm gazing over at you
My back turned to any other sight that could be more fulfilling
What more is there to see after I've spent hours facing you?
Why do my eyes tear when they can't find your face?
I have already found every freckle on your cheeks
Smile and make them dance for me
Let those hidden creases below your cheek bones bend and breath when you let your laugh out
Throw your head back and let those curls take flight
Just be you doing what humans do
Reacting to things as a human being should
As I'm reminded that most things are more worth seeing
Than a basic normal average human being
My eyes widen and whisper to me
"This is the show we came to see"
It's in the eye of the beholder
I never played with fire
I was too scared I'd get burnt
But, I played with you
And got myself hurt
Some fire has no smoke
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