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1.3k · Mar 2017
"Life is Meaningless"
Raphael Grand Mar 2017
"Life is meaningless," I was once told.
So I ripped the wing off a butterfly,
And watched as it twirled.
Now this old ape waits alone in the cold,
For I ripped the wing off a butterfly,
And have destroyed the world.
1.1k · Aug 2011
Shoreline Woman
Raphael Grand Aug 2011
The memory I relive the most--
T'was a decade ago, you and I,  
Moving along the coast.

A younger me, A more innocent you;
If only I could foresee
The Damage that you'll do.
831 · Jan 2017
I Want to Listen
Raphael Grand Jan 2017
I want to LISTEN, and not think.
I want to SEE, and not blink.
Be SATIATED, without drink.
I want to LISTEN, and not think.
448 · May 2017
The Serpent Lies
Raphael Grand May 2017
There--by the cobble, the Serpent lies
Split was His tongue, black were His eyes.
Making His advance, I should have denied
But the words He spake were clever and wise.
He whispered to me, "Why do ye toil and cry
Serving a Being Who commands on High?
Does ye know, this Being, He is not nigh?
And all His decrees-- so capricious and wry!
For, you are hungry; eat! You will not die.
This is the sustenance to keep thee spry."
Reason spake within me, "Shan't I water that which is dry?
"The tree giveth fruit, shan't it be mine?"
With Reason, I plucked the fruit and gave it a try.
And Sudden-ly, I felt the Breath come on by
Thy Heavenly Father breathed the eternal sigh
For another child lost to the temptation as old as time.

There--by the cobble, the Serpent Lies.

— The End —