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Michael Oct 2018
When I am gone,
Will you remember me?
Will you hold on,
Or let go of my memory?
Don’t say anything,
In time we will see.
Am I worth holding on to?
No would be the answer from me.
Don’t waste your time on me,
Your time is finite and fading.
Don’t wear out your heart on me,
Your heart is fragile and at risk of braking.
I bring you pain,
Yet you still thank me.
There will always be a place for you in my heart.
I have always loved you,
To the end,
And from the start
Will you remember me when I’m gone?
Michael Oct 2018
Why does my imperfect action,
Create such a negative reaction?

Why does your malicious intent,
Leave me feeling spent?

Am I really to blame?
I think so, do you say the same?

Do we have a future together,
The continuation no matter the weather?

Are we destined to soar,
Love, pain, and everything more?
Love and relationships are a tricky business that involves lots of hard work and self assessment.
Michael Oct 2018
Patience is power over the effects of time,
Patience is the power to let the negativity subside.
Knowing when to move,
And when to stay in line.
We don’t all have it,
But we do all need it.
You have the patience of a saint,
I have an inability to wait.
You have what I need,
But cannot give it to me.
Patience is not a virtue I possess
Michael Oct 2018
Where do you draw your line in the sand?
Is it lonely where you stand?
Do you need love and support,
Or do you need space to walk?
We all have our side,
There is no team.
Just the place we stand,
And nowhere in between.
Our position is empty,
Our hearts lonely and weak.
Under us the ground crumbles at our feet.
We start to fall,
With no chance of reprieve,
Only eternal darkness,
Looking for the light we seek.
Just a thought or two
Michael Oct 2018
Is it enough that I am me?
Am I really all I can be,
Is there more,
Or am I less.
Do I really have limits,
Or just boundaries to test?
I strive to be better,
But achieve stagnation.
Is this mediocrity really cause for celebration?
I judge me and I do not pass,
The strength of my heart is brittle like glass.
My soul weeps with pain,
Will it last?
Or is it just another flash in the pan,
A prang in my heart.
Weak and strong at all times
Michael Oct 2018
Good and evil exists within us all,
Nobody is one of the other.
A line we all share,
A balancing act of biblical proportions.
There is no god,
There is no devil,
There is only us.
Our failings,
Our successes,
Our imperfections.
Only us and our actions.
Life is one long tightrope Walk.
Michael Sep 2018
We start with nothing,
And we end up with the same.
It’s the events in the middle,
That defines the nature of our game.
For some it’s intense, fiery and short.
For others it’s a careful and considerate walk.
We strive for difference,
Yet we achieve deadly equality.
We try to make our mark,
Just to be remembered.
But in the end we fade,
Like we knew we would from the start.
With nothing left behind,
Not a scrap to be measured.
Is it worth all the effort,
Just to then disappear.
All the pain we experience,
Year upon year.
Should I stop now,o
And just give up here?
Or should I push on,
Despite my desperation and fear?
Just a thought or two on where we all end up and our legacies end up too.
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