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Flow May 2019
Logically, if a tour guide tells you what to expect when walking through a haunted house, he first must tell the tour group when the monsters will jump out and how to handle situations like these. The guide must give strategies to the group to help people deal with what is ahead, and by doing so, he can prepare his group to see the haunted house in an uncommon way. This is an insightful way of giving people a different perspective about the experience of a haunted house. This way of experiencing a Halloween thrill allows people to be comfortable with what is being shown and can offer them to analyze it much deeper than just the mere experience. This is how a guide brings people to another dimension of understanding.
For centuries, philosophers and other logical master minds have been formulating models about what logic is. Defining terms to understand logic, philosophy, religion, and contradictions will provide people with the tools to grasp their own beliefs. This will show individuals what is clearly going on with people in Western Society. There are many things to address in people’s beliefs systems and the models that they use to understand logic. For example, a phone call and a further in-depth Interview resulted in a chance to ask questions from a professor at a well-known
college in Florida. This Professor specializes teaching philosophy and defining terms. This is what Professor Luke C. Rogers insisted:
“Things work, that's logic. If there's a mechanic that we figure out behind things whether it be math, science, the fundamental mechanics belong to logic. Logic is split into deductive and inductive branches” (Rogers).
I compared the definitions of deductive reasoning to a Philosophy professor and a Philosophy website that had multiple terms. This is a simpler definition of what Deductive reasoning means:
“Deductive reasoning, or deduction, is one of the two basic types of logical inference. A logical inference is a connection from a first statement (a “premise”) to a second statement (“the conclusion”) for which the rules of logic show that if the first statement is true, the second statement should be true” (“Deductive Reasoning”).
In other words, deductive reasoning goes from a general statement to a specific statement. Inductive reasoning is the opposite. Logic is reasoning. If one defines it based on common models from math, science, etc. They will accept established theoretical concepts. Math, science, and philosophy are forms of logic to classify and formulate opinions. If someone stated that math is merely a model of reality, would it be something temporary? The answer is controversial and can be understood in various ways. When formulating logic, one must first acknowledge what logic means. Some people need common models to understand what is called physical and non-physical reality. These are philosophies intended on explaining these forms:
“Philosophy is defined as the love of wisdom. Wisdom comes in two forms: truth and value/meaning.  The ways in which we get at truth and value/meaning constitute philosophy. Logic, for instance, is the direct study of truth and all the methods that human beings attain it” (Rogers).
Many times, common logical contradictions about beliefs will spread throughout the world. Contradictions can be common which is why a definition of what it means is vital for understanding if common beliefs are logically consistent. This was what Rogers has to say about the meaning of logical contradictions:  
“A logical contradiction would be a pair of statements where in both cannot be deductively true. That is, if one is known for certain to be true, the other can be known for certain to be false. A belief system that contains both such statements is shown inconsistent due to this contradiction” (Rogers).
By creating clear definitions in any theoretical discussion, one will be led logically to explore reasoning, either deductive or inductive. This will guide people to see how beliefs and reality can coexist. An example of this dichotomy lies in any discussion of religion.
Christianity is an example of how a belief system within which logic is only applied sometimes; many events that were believed to occur can lack logical proof. This shows how people can overlook logic when faith is involved in someone’s belief. Another example might be when someone definitively defines something to be healthy because it was tested and proved in a controlled study. Common belief systems and logical models like these are inherently flawed because change is consistent and must be inclusive in beliefs. Contradiction of beliefs are common in Western society and must be acknowledged to notice logical flaws. Throughout history, this has occurred multiple times. The founding fathers of our country owned slaves during the time they were enforcing equality. In the 12th hundreds, the series of holy wars took place to purify what was done by Christians.
Why would a group of people believe in Biblical stories that aren’t scientifically proven, and still believe in science? Many stories in the Christian Bible express what is called the “Word of God”. Contradictory beliefs are a phenomenon in Western society based on facts from the CIA. About “46.5% are Protestant in the United States” (“The World Factbook”). The majority believe in something that isn’t factual, yet people still believe in it anyway. Sometimes, people overlook what appears to be logical to worship a different belief. A portion of text from the Christian bible says:
“Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night the Lord drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land. The waters were divided…” (Exodus 14:21-31).
If people have enough faith in a story, then they will believe it under any factual, science-based understanding. However, this is contradictory to what some people believe because in this case, some people believe in science but only sometimes. To believe in science sometimes, is merely taking a logical model of reality and then making it convenient to what you believe in. It is also an example of how faith, logic, and beliefs can all be manipulated. By observing beliefs systems like these, one can show how contradictory our beliefs are to maintain our precious belief systems.
The effects of possessing blind faith can be both rational and irrational. Faith without proof is an indication of trust in the unknown. Some might say that faith can be proven through biblical scriptures. However, that perspective in based simply on interpretations of translations.
Is this sentence “This statement is false” true or false? This has been an ancient puzzle that hasn’t been rationally solved. Famous Greek philosophers have died, without solving this disturbing statement. An article from the “Curiosity” website explained further: “If the sentence is false, then it must be true. That's what makes it a paradox. It's an argument that leads to a self-contradictory conclusion.” (Hamer 1). The paradox that is from the sentence “This statement is false” has many answers and continues to be open for a rational answer. This is to show how contradictions have existed in history for decades. The issue it has on how we handle contradictions affects how we handle dilemmas throughout life.
How does one know which foods, liquids, and supplements are healthy when different studies contradict each other? It is important to realize that in Western society, the internet with many online sources and accessibility to them are being exposed to more people who are interested in being aware of what is good and bad for you. An online video that was hosted by Olivia Gordon, a member of a YouTube channel with 5.6 Million viewers titled “Why Nutrition Studies Keep Contradicting Each Other”, addressed studies that were proven wrong. She then further explained how randomized controlled trials take place. In the video, a study was cited about the health benefits of wine:
“In 2012, a randomized controlled trial by Hungarian researchers found that adults who received resveratrol supplements showed an improvement in a bunch of signs of cardiovascular disease” (Saleh).
This correlates with wine because it contains a compound known as resveratrol which can lower cardiovascular disease, according to this study. By this time, it was a fact according to many people, and created an epidemic about wine being good for your cardiovascular system. Gordon explained how both science-based test groups and some people’s belief systems were proven to be wrong, according to a study calculated in 2014. Gordon then replied with: “In 2014, an observational study of adults in Italy didn’t find any effect of resveratrol on signs of cardiovascular disease of mortality” (Saleh). This shows that studies can be contradictory, whether someone wants to believe in it or not. It is important for people to see what appears to be fact as an unrestricted model of what was found. When scientists discover something new, it doesn’t mean that it’s conclusive. People who finalize their beliefs from a new conclusion in science aren’t open minded to what can happen in the future. Logically, this is key for understanding beliefs about nutrition and health because thinking that one study is definitive, eliminates any other viable possibility. History proves that change is consistent. Acknowledging how some people create their belief systems, can help people who are aware of this have a deeper and meaningful life. Most importantly, believing in something doesn’t have to be definite because evidence can change the outcome of a study.
The understandings of philosophy and logic helps people question facts. Logic is understood by following models that are based on reality from facts, studies, and sources previously mentioned. We use models that leads to our understanding of our physical and non- physical reality. However, change is constant and can alter many things that are perceived to be fact. This is important to discuss because including this factor in one’s belief system may guide them to explore their own and analyze the system that creates it. Being aware of how people in Western society maintain their beliefs takes it to another dimension. Flexible thinking is an efficient way to adapt to the change of new facts and studies. Belief systems are very diverse throughout the Western society. There are serious flaws in belief systems which can lead to a commonality of irrational thinking. The primary topic mentioned in this paper revolves around the contradiction of beliefs. When we cling to our beliefs, logical consistency becomes nebulous. We prefer illusions to retain our beliefs. Even if you wear a mask, is the truth still there? Or, is it okay to believe in an illusion?

Works Cited
“The World Factbook: United States.” Central Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, 1 Feb. 2018,
Saleh, Nesreen Abu. “Why Nutrition Studies Keep Contradicting Each Other.” YouTube, YouTube, 18 Apr. 2018,
“Deductive Reasoning.” Philosophy Terms, 25 Oct. 2018,
Rogers, Luke C. Personal Interview. 28 Apr. 2019.
Hamer, Ashley. “The Liar Paradox Is a Self-Referential Conundrum.”, 19 Nov. 2016,
“BibleGateway.” Exodus 14:21-31 NIV - - Bible Gateway, Biblica Inc, 2011, 14:21-31&version=NIV.
A final paper for a college English class :)
2.8k · Jul 2018
Growing with the Trees
Flow Jul 2018
How can it be?
A thousand words from the earth
under me.

I sprouted from an apple tree.

I've been growing,

flowing with the wind.

Silly me who thinks about the humanity
while I have plans to be

I'll sit under the apple tree
but I won't leave.

This giving tree
sells me apples for free.

My generosity has me smiling at ease
so please Mr. apple tree,
I'd like to grow with they
904 · Mar 2018
Vegan Poetry
Flow Mar 2018
A sacred line between
"Plants are Alive" and "Animals that Survive".

This stems from the vine
that reached the minds,
who went vegan in time.

A rise above the ground
to eat only plants and grains from the ground
and any fruit laying around.

This has been the talk of the town,
any voices around.
From any blogs I have found
to the speakers in bound.
The community around
Allow this
to be the map you have missed
to find a diet of bliss
that your taste buds don't miss.
Random line: So, board this train so veganism remains.
706 · Mar 2018
Vegan Train
Flow Mar 2018
I will board this train
so that veganism remains.
557 · Nov 2017
My Mind
Flow Nov 2017
My mind shapes the reality my hands cant create and my patience is the underlying sensation that lies between me and what my eye can see.
My feet lie beneath my stiff body standing strong because it knows I am too.
I felt as your love distracted my mouth so you can shove your soft smile into my eyes.
I want to ****** your heart with a hand full of tree parts so you
know I'm rooted.
Show you a sky so blue so you know how long I stretch.
I feel the rush that creeps inside.
Taking my body for a joyride.
I wanna ride your waves of love to
show me what its like to get hit by lightning.
The first poem I ever submitted :)
537 · Sep 2018
Flow Sep 2018
The rest can stay
I’ve felt enough on the way.
Its that passions that oozes
A fuse
A success I choose.

I rap to not be confused with attention
or to relapse an intervention.
I rap for me.
I take a knee.
In a non-secluded dream

that can not be broken.
Only forgotten.

So I yell it out.
So they can hear what its like to life without fear.
Only freedom tears.

I sense something near
a craddle to my feels
A support that craddles my tears.

Lets feel
like we are going
a million light years ahead

Falling in your bed
dreaming with out a head.
my heart speaks instead

I lay awake
to chase the days away.

And everyday I say “hey” to the amazing grace.

No first place but I feel success.
No X
I feel checked.

Flow Jul 2023
Please listen to this youtube video as you read it, it was intended for that:

Interstellar | Melancholic Melody, 1 Hour Magical Journey, Sleep Aid, Ambient Music

The I miss you again feeling, but we never met.
I always think to myself, why we never met.
Maybe I met her already…
But I never forget.
I always felt like I have a soulmate, but it isn’t true,
I though life was a journey, blues clue.

I saw her pace away, a sad journey that seems like everything is fading away.
I thought I would never share this, but it seems like today is the day. (pause)
A mass depicture, my mind is a movie that never aired, a motion picture.
I had to write this over again so many times, a re-written scripture.
How come I keep looking for love when it’s all the same
I hate the feeling, it’s all a game.
It feels like I haven’t eaten in years,    Hunger games.
I hate that I love people who aren’t great. (pause)
Life is a mystery, I can’t escape.
(fast) I see a whole world in my head that I can’t replace.
A constant fight with your mind, but its hard to believe.
It’s honestly hard to live in reality, when all you see is a dream.

I’m trapped in a wall in me.
I hate how they all can see, (pause)
I wish I could vanish, but would they all believe?
Everyone can find better so can anyone really be good enough?
So selfish it seems, so many people are helpless it seems.
My mind is blank I don’t understand,
If it’s a demon that trapped me, I’ll learn economics to know its demand.
I’m trapped here and I don’t understand.
Sometimes I think to myself, there’s nothing new, I know how this story ends,
Like it’s the same meal that I already chewed.
Like It’s the same song from 2002
I feel like love is something that happens when you surrender yourself to your mind.
We all have a dialog, but I honestly hate mine.
It’s so easy for me to fall in love, I’m scared to say,
because it’s so easy for someone to find better and only meet you halfway.
I’m tired of trying to make it work, shooting my shot but it seems like it’s only gunplay.
I love too easily. But it’s hard to stop, my heart hits the dashboard every time I have to drop them off.

I want to live a life that saves the day,
saves a person from feeling this way.

Idk what I have to offer because I’m scared to say.
I don’t want to be myself, it’s a bit odd in a way.
I feel odd in a way.
I thought that people could love me the same.

A conscious aim, a person that couldn’t destroy me, a small grenade.
A small cascade of every rejection
it starts to fade.
Writing a poem in a different way when you have an aim. (pause)
A First aid-that comes in to save the day.
This was a sad poem, but it doesn’t deserve a downgrade.
I wrote this when I felt love again and had to release,
all of these fake stories of love that were trapped inside me.
You don’t need to understand this poem, I promise.
I love someone I’ve never met and I’m just being honest.
I want to find the love of my life, I’m faithful I promise.
But why would I stay.
when every time I do. It wasn’t the smartest,
Life feels broken, when your faced with the harshness,
a bright future but my mind feels the darkness.
So many people can slip, my minds in a pit,
so many love stories that I just can’t handle it.

I feel bare, dark stare alone in a room like we are meeting the world for the first time.
A small climb to realize, this reality wasn’t mine, a corrosive world, that could only be designed.

I created a love story in my head that wasn’t mine.
A crazy wild surprise when I realized this happens a hundred times.
So insane to realize my imagination is an emotional expression of what I wish to be.
A thousand love letters, that I never mean.
Only to capture something I never need.
A demon invested soul, an endless toll that can catch up to me when I’m old.
Every love story told could be written down, that I can never hold.
I’m a love teller that could never fold.
I couldn’t tell you where this started, there was no replay button to control.
I created love stories in my head that I didn’t mean.
I felt love that was behind the scenes.
Behind the screen was all the actors, because I always dream.
It seems like I’m organized, the same routine.
It feels like a movie, like someone cut to a scene.

Was anything ever platonic?
Are we all living in our fantasies?
If its true,
can anyone even handle me?
It feels like a mantle, steam comes out and mantles me.
My mind doesn’t feel real.
Dismantle my heart and scramble the parts, I don’t wanna lose the whole thing.
A lost cause, a winner with no ring.
A losing battle, with nothing.

Nothing but the future to rethink.
I’m scared to use my mind, a thousand love stories, but I wish I could erase mine.
I’m in love with her and I don’t know why.
Help me for a hundredth time.
I write for the hundredth time; I tell you I love you for the hundredth time.
I tell you I made it up with a couple of rhymes.
I’m just looking for love, but it’s hard to find.

The past keeps creeping, but it passed the line.
I want to connect her words into a poem, a sweet divine.
I’m making this up, can’t you see the tie?
I’m writing to you, but it seems like lies.
I’m scared as ****; I can’t even deny.
Thank you for hearing this poem.
And thank you for your time,

Final line:
“I wonder if love is a disaster, or something plastered, an art piece that represents disaster, and maybe that’s what everyone’s after.” Thank you.
450 · Nov 2018
Flow Nov 2018
Whisper to me as the sun does to me
whisper your rays into my skin
so I can be darker.
because I came from the dark side.
it was rough, even tough, even too much.
yet my drive was intense
a fence around my chest
protecting the rest...
of my dreams to be
a world that seems,
to be driven at sea
like its vast to see
all these words to me
408 · Nov 2017
Creative Class
Flow Nov 2017
I see a creative class...
where there's no class to teach the past.
No passing kids
for the fact
that they remembered all the facts.
No black and white
No stress to fight
the inner bliss of the creative kids.
a vision I have for future exposure :)
397 · Nov 2017
Secret Vibes
Flow Nov 2017
Secret vibes that
reached inside.
To find...
collective words
without an outline.
389 · Aug 2018
Flow Aug 2018
Let the past wash a way to create
a clean demonstration of our staycation.
A reality that seems to me like the move to be.

Do what we want,
in a place with no chase,
that's were my mind splits apart
a walk in the park even if it's in the dark.
373 · Nov 2017
Vibrant World
Flow Nov 2017
A light that blurrs a heart that turns, a vibrant thought into a vibrant world
371 · Mar 2018
Flow Mar 2018
Waking up to this passing time.
Tear off the dead skin.
Gain your green power within.
364 · Nov 2018
Fades Away
Flow Nov 2018
As the day fades away
The memories simply stay
335 · Nov 2017
the color of silence
Flow Nov 2017
The color of silence
so still to the two seeing eyes
and bold to the third.
A random short poem I wrote...
312 · Aug 2018
The Hammock
Flow Aug 2018
The hammock I’ll lay
where my feet just hang
311 · Aug 2018
A Tree
Flow Aug 2018
I sweep the leaves, and my path is a tree.
300 · Mar 2018
The Moment that Passes by
Flow Mar 2018
This was written to this song:
Epic Uplifting Orchestral Music - Oblivion [Royalty Free Music]
The moment passes by
the last line that creeps behind
moving forward is what I align,
to the very thing that keeps me alive.
What could it be?
a light that glows
a sight forever bold
a passion to be told -"keep going"
:) This was written to this song:
Epic Uplifting Orchestral Music - Oblivion [Royalty Free Music]
297 · Nov 2017
Take your Time
Flow Nov 2017
Wine or dine ill take your jacket so take your time
289 · Sep 2018
Mountain Man
Flow Sep 2018
Im a mountain man thats stands tall and never holds on to walls.

His balance is useful to the mass.

A blast was the time someone said I motivated them.

Times like this,
with a heart full of bliss

I want to feel fulfilled in my life.

I want to be okay with moderation

I wanna feel like this.
285 · Jul 2018
Flow Jul 2018
"Toolbox techniques"
277 · Nov 2018
Flow Nov 2018
You must go on

Feeling strong doesnt take very long

Stay up like your star struct

And stay up like you just hit a blunt
266 · Jul 2023
My mind
Flow Jul 2023
My mind shapes the reality my hands cant create and my patience is the underlying sensation that lies between me and what my eye can see.

My feet lie beneath my stiff body standing strong because it knows I am too.

I felt as your love distracted my mouth so you can shove your soft smile into my eyes.

I want to ****** your heart with a hand full of tree parts so you
know I'm rooted.

Show you a sky so blue so you know how long I stretch.
I feel the rush that creeps inside.
Taking my body for a joyride.

I wanna ride your waves of love to
show me what its like to get hit by lightning.
258 · Nov 2018
The Rush
Flow Nov 2018
I feel it when I walk, I hear it when I talk
the spot is right at 6:00 o'clock
when dinner has been fed
I'm full of inspiration instead.
instead of lying in bed my feet decided to run instead.
my dreams never fled.
255 · Mar 2018
Flow Mar 2018
I want to remix the music biz
and change what music is.
Give sounds and emotions a twist.
253 · Mar 2018
Venture the Sky
Flow Mar 2018
I venture the sky and to find out why.
252 · Oct 2018
Anxiety hasn’t gotten me
Flow Oct 2018
Anxiety hasnt gotten me
I have it by its string.
It cant fly away because I also have its wings

Strong we will be
Even through this horror movie scene.

But I will take my mind.

Wash out all the grim

Even if I have to wash it
all the time.

Because im colgate
with extra shine.
248 · Nov 2017
Purple Sky
Flow Nov 2017
A purple sky with a wild arise of planets that can fly,
A random Poem I wrote at night.
236 · Apr 2018
She's a Flower
Flow Apr 2018
Expressing emotions that seems to me
like beautiful weeds.
In the crevice of the blossoming
the weeds all crowd around she.
The "Orchid Flower"
wearing a purple gown.
The spots of pink
and dotted purple.
This flower was sprouted
from organic fertile.

Eloquently known,
her identity is shown.
She's fine to be alone.
But she's never home alone.

She's not like the other flowers...
She only sips from the glass.
She's not like the other flowers.
She's in a different class.
227 · Mar 2018
Guide to Veganism
Flow Mar 2018
A priority
that I notice to be
A Vegan guide that gives context
I will provide...

A humble comply,
To re-define the way to survive.
That brings forth the core of the discussion that's in-course.
A determined passion, that interacts with a platform.

"I strive to be alive and only eat whats alive".

Welcome to the tour...

A circle to be, a rebuke that is key.
To question every conclusion that seems.
Like the answer to be.
I will question the soul
that never grows old.
And deplete to grow
into a weakness to show
an innocence that flows.
221 · Mar 2018
My Bones are Wood
Flow Mar 2018
My bones are wood
grounded and understood.
Flow Apr 2020
The drive that's inside will change our lives in ways that will make our eyes cry and are hearts fly.

Some might say that this passion is a distraction...

or only a fraction of the ice is gone.

And are you saying that gas is gonna **** us if I cut my lawn?

So clearly I see that the change is first with me.
214 · Jan 2018
Loving Insight
Flow Jan 2018
I replaced the fright and inner fight
with a courageous world
and loving insight.
213 · Nov 2018
Wave at sea
Flow Nov 2018
Inspiration comes to me like a wave at sea

No waiting for me

My heart will stay at ease with my smile at cheese
211 · Mar 2018
Conscious Light
Flow Mar 2018
Conscious light to reach the night
until the white is sound tonight.
210 · Apr 2020
Flow Apr 2020
CO2 needs to be managed by me and you. Even if we stand, just a few.
I pledge to you, something to do.
So, in 50 years we won't end up in doom.
But first let me explain when I'm about to. This poem isn't the best and neither is my idea. But I'll give you a clue...

it's surrounded by blue.
Not the sky
not the clouds.
But the light in the sky.
We don't have to fly
to switch out the sun that's so high.
So let's get on our ladders
just one at a time
and switch to fluorescent bulbs.
You do your's and I'll do mine.
209 · Aug 2018
Flow Aug 2018
A dream of creation
A bomb detonation  
A lot to say in a way he plays
Flow May 2018
Dear Mother,

Mother Earth grounds you beneath the dirt to blossom your worth
These words are what reaches you first.
To honor your making.
In your presence that is laying.
On your lap I am praying
Through the words I am saying...

I love you.

- Gavin
202 · Nov 2018
Flow Nov 2018
It's time to rise up
so lineup
for the greatest time to be alive .
no need to strive, its already here.
and what you don't want is here
leave it aside while you confidently stride to the proud state .
that i know im at.
201 · Jul 2018
A Way
Flow Jul 2018
A way with words, like a flock of birds
singing to the world.
200 · Mar 2018
Collaborative Community.
Flow Mar 2018
The collaborative community.
That brings together unity
To re-define and simplify.
The creative conscious divine.
Flow Apr 2020
The world isn't perfect, but it doesn't mean it isn't worth it.

Worth fixing our sky...

Instead of passing by the reasons why...It isn't fixed.

A quick fix is a bunch of...

and you know what rhymes with it.

I don't expect you to understand or plan...

or even comprehend the gases formed by the masses increasing heat trapped by the releasing fleet of radiation that meets and ultimately leads to global warming.

I pledge to you

even if it's only a few.

A call to action


Recycle more.
194 · Dec 2022
Poetry is interesting
Flow Dec 2022
I used to write all the time and cry till my fingers couldn’t write any more lines of poetry.

I used to write to relieve the sensation I had when I was sad. But now I just let it pass, I let it slowly go without trying to know what it is.  

It’s the sad mystery in life that electrifies me.

It’s the passion that fuels my curiosity…
192 · Aug 2018
Palm Trees Sway
Flow Aug 2018
I’ll stay where it’s grey
where the palm trees sway from night-to-day
191 · Jun 2018
Flow Jun 2018
My mind shapes
the reality
my hands can’t create
and my patience
is the underlying
190 · Jul 2018
Apple Poem
Flow Jul 2018
Apples don't fall far from the trees.
I love the green inside of me,
190 · Oct 2018
Rapture means joy
Flow Oct 2018
A rapsure of actors
Playing with the script

The laughter of the crowd
Catching all the wit
189 · Jun 2018
Top of the Tree
Flow Jun 2018
The light seems
like the sky beams brightly
from the top of the tree.
188 · Aug 2018
Flow Aug 2018
No need for a fee, please stay for free.
186 · Jul 2018
Flow Jul 2018
Alive the pride
maintain the vibe
and watch it reap inside.
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