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  Dec 2020 Tash Mckay
Nickolas J McKee
I would like to go there -
This place,
This somewhere anew.
It would be here,
My love,
My dear love with you.
O’, cherish me there home,
Our place,
For us young to rest.
Forever pure,
Laid upon God’s vest.
For I love you dearly,
My love...
  Dec 2020 Tash Mckay
This morning,
I am a mourning sunflower

Willing to burn than
lose my deity’s warmth
  Dec 2020 Tash Mckay
Mike Adam
But no
Lady J
  Dec 2020 Tash Mckay
eleanor prince
in the wisps of mist
stroking the curves
of a sleeping mountain
I hear a call

husky tones
siphoned off
by a cold wind

I see you still
as a filtered moon
drifts over my lashes

like the scent of you
as we dance
skin to skin
  Dec 2020 Tash Mckay
Stephen E Yocum
I was once a Wolf and
ran free in the woods,
Now I'm a tired old dog
that hides in the barn.
Such is the way of aging
and change.
Knowing one's place
Is a necessary perspective.
And the barn provides a
sense of serenity not always
found in the woods.
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