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Where have all the moments gone
I think I spent them all on you
Come back find a way to begin
Fit your way in between
Rising and setting suns
Day and night
And the reasons that made it end

It’s the constant motion
You won’t sit still
You always painted a mood
But my eyes could no longer follow
Now there is no time to pause
No time to reflect
Like normal people should

Should we instead chase being ordinary
Being fulfilled is not always equal
We can find it in music anyway
There is too much pressure
Yes, too much pressure
To ride white horses
And wear red lingerie
it is not to understand my meaning
but to understand the point
it is not for you to receive
but instead to discover
for yourself
for as you see my path
it is not there for you to follow
but instead to suggest
to walk towards your own
where we will walk side by side
though we may part
and we may converge
but we will both know
we are the same
no matter
our differences
or culture
for we now understand meaning
and how to honor each other
so now i bow to you
my beautiful friend
Trying to make them love with hatred
Trying to make them forgive with judgment
Trying to make them understand with ignorance
Trying to make them give with selfishness
Trying to win hearts and minds with bombs
Trying to change the world with intolerance
Trying to end racism with predominance
Trying to make them happy with power
something i believe with all of my heart
the exact moment you are hurt, you hurt
without warning you are torn apart
you hurt yourself and those around you
darkness isn't something you can easily outsmart
but i will say piece by piece and day by day
you will learn to heal and your life will restart
((people who are hurt, hurt other people
= "hurt people hurt people"))
people seem to move their lips
comes out.
well, that's not exactly true.
words escape
like dead leaves
in a windstorm
but like leaves
and flurry
useless things.

a pretty painted kissable lip
no one
when the words it drops like bombs
the life
You never forgot what was lovely
What is a memory anyway
If you can walk as it is happening
Then what you forget
Awaits for you tomorrow
You remembered how to love
Nobody taught you that
Because a feeling is life itself
There are no more lessons
No more reasons to defend
You did what you had to do
And then you left it all with me
The tree of life
We search for it
But first we must find the garden

What we seek
Is not a myth
Except in hearts that can only harden

Stripped of bark
By my own hand
My roots dig deep seeking their pardon

Birds find a branch
But it is only time passing
They always leave when skies darken

The wind blows
It chooses my direction
There is no reason in my life’s burden

Though the rain pours
The soil softens below
As you remember how to grow once again
Words, never uttered
Not in the way they were meant to be spoken
To live honorably, an honest life
Full of dignity and promises unbroken
Instead, lost moments
Years of pursuing what my flesh would desire
Empathy, only a hint
Swallowed by nights with my mind on fire
Left behind, the past weeps
But it embraces my children beyond its duty
Cleanliness, a robe to wear
Is in the hearts of those who now define beauty
I see poverty, my eyes drawn to them
Touching the souls of those life treats as a sin
They are alive, breathing among us
Their pain is the path where humility will begin
When she is in your past
    you think of yesterday

When she is in your dreams
    you think of someday

When she is in your arms
    you think of today

When she is in your heart
    you think of everyday
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