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lo que sea quiere
yo quiero
usted y yo
lo mismo
todas las dias
por que mi amor
su vida esta mi vida
You are his will on earth
For in this blink of life we all live
Despite the denial of our own mortality
And an unknowing purpose before God
You have taught us how to give
My friend has breast cancer
They made him carry a cross
They whipped him until he bled
Why would a God allow
What no man can endure
And as he fell once again
His neighbor remembered what he said

They nailed his feet without mercy
And then his hands
He cried out to save them
They know not what they do
It was greater than loaves and fishes
Forgiveness they could never understand

They lanced his side
Though he was already dead
When water poured out
They filled their cups
And before they could drink of it
They saw that the water was red

The took him down
And divided his clothes
What did they do with the cross
Did they burn it
Or build a church
I wonder if anybody knows

The placed him in a tomb
And sealed it with a stone
He said destroy this temple
And in three days I will rise it up
They saw it with their own eyes
Still no man was able to atone

The stone invited them in
The angels told them the news
He has risen
And when he returned
He showed them his hands
And said, this church is built upon you
I was asked to write some things for Easter...
The birds and the breezes of a moment
Like so many people I came to know
Living long enough in my sight for love
But leaving without planting seeds that grow

Flags at half-mast from a grateful nation
I thought the same of a long lost friend
There is more than one who knew me well
But without a goodbye my past left with them

We’ve kissed so many people without thought
We remember now how it hurts so much
All that remains are the vacations you loved
You rescued them from the ruins of his touch

All of your feelings are ready to cope  
You like the view but the distance is better
We really feel these things the same way
I can prove it if only you would come closer
They say a poet should not cultivate sentiment
But I will not be wrong to cry with someone
Nor to smile for the fact that we met again
For though I could describe flowers
I’d rather hear your deep sighs
And even if I must wait
I will not be still waters dying under the sun
For if your heart is ever cast before another
I will be there if he walks over it
Telling you never to vow away love
You were made to try again
For your failures are what new rivers seek
Born from tears raining all around you
To fill your heart again before you put it away
Because what I want is to tell you that I love you
And I don’t care who knows
Or thinks
About how I say it
Or show it
I wrote a song for you,
It sounds lovely in my head.
Oh! How beautiful it is-
Something you should hear in bed.

I wrote a song just for you,
It spoke of my love for you,
Your smile and pretty face,
And my heart for only you.

I wrote this song for you,
A lovely song for lovely you,
A song that is more than words,
But beautiful cos its for you.

Oh! This song i wrote for you,
I imagined we danced to it,
With my eyes fixed on you,
And body close to feel your heat.
The happiness one feels when the believ that they are in love with the right person
What a dream once said to me
   is what a dreamer said to you
I hope what I see when I look at you
   is what you see when you look at me
What a dreamer thinks awake
   is what a dream never forgets
I hope what you feel when I touch you
   is what I feel when you touch me
What a dreamer dreams to be
   is inside the dream of another
I hope the way I want to live with you
   is the way you want to live with me
What a dreamer hopes to be true
   is what a dream told me about you
Foot prints in the sand
Traces of the escape
Erased by the tide
What we remember
Remains quietly inside

Hands on the pavement
Traces of their fate
Preserved by what dried
Frozen still every December
By what your life was denied

Candles on the bar
Traces of every mistake
Shadows on their sighs
Beach combing ember
My light by your side
12am* and imagining
a play on the dark ceiling
1.30am and relieved
for the 5 hours before light
but slumber is a deceptive guy
who lingers just out of frame
3am and wondering
when the sun will rise
end this torture
of lying awake
wanting to sleep
but being disturbed by
slices of daytime memories
haunted by the
ghost of tomorrow
6am and fatigued
wary of sleep that
comes in loose scraps
the sunshine peeks through
and it's time to live out
last night's tomorrow
which will metamorphose
into tonight's insomnia
I've been having more of these nights recently, and it *****. Big time.
Have you ever noticed
that when the unrelenting season
of air as crisp as the taste of september apples
comes washing in like the crash of sea upon the dry sand

It is on a day such as this,
on a walk I see
the meandering pines
stretching their hands to the sky
No longer appearing like branches,
they certainly look like roots.

As so.

When the summer is gone.
Perhaps the world is all upside down.
As I am upside down
without you.
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