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468 · May 2018
A Different Color
Brendan Hicks May 2018
A different color
Is what I see
No one else
Only me

A different color
Is in my eye
Bright enough
To make me cry
462 · May 2018
The Kindest Creatures
Brendan Hicks May 2018
Deadly demons
Are the kindest creatures
But anger makes them monsters

The kindest creatures
Are the deadliest demons
But civillty makes them angels
354 · May 2018
Brendan Hicks May 2018
Shalla is the name
The name I hear
Shalla my dear
My love
My hope
The dreams of fear

The dreams of fear bring Shalla more dear
The lights that reflect Shalla to my eye
The darkness neglects the panic and shy
The dreams of darkness aspire my mind
To neglect the dreams without Shalla

The dreams that hurt my soul and core
The dreams I neglect to accept false lore

Shalla my dear
The only name that fills my bones
Joy, contentment, and lust
The name I hear
I’ll always hold dear
For Shalla could turn to dust

Long after
The storm is gone
The mangled corpse of Shalla
My lovely swan

My pride
My joy
My bride
My love
My trust
My dreams
My swan
My dove

I’m driven to pain
Inescapable clenching
Of remorse and broken opportunities
With the only one I could hold dear

Shalla is gone forever
Shalla my dear

The dreams come back
And so I here
The true lore that brought me fear
My neglections blinded me
Drove me to denial

Brined me and sliced me open
So vile
That beast I neglected for so long
Showed me that Shalla meant more
More than I knew
More than I thought
Shalla my swan

Shalla the eternal torch
I extinguished by my lack of thought
I ignored her and murdered her
I left her to rot

My dear Shalla
The fault is mine

My beast
My carnage
My venom
My toxin
My death
My hate
My fears
My tears

My neglections of true horrors
My ignorance brought me your death
156 · Jun 2019
Alone, Yet With
Brendan Hicks Jun 2019
Journey away with me
To home we go
To the only place I know
The salvation I helped to grow

Alone we go
Away with nothing I know
For sure I’ll need you though

To find my way through the woods
To find the path of glory
Of happiness
Of carefree, childish spirit

Where I haven’t visited in so long
Where here I forget the past
And hide from the future
154 · Jun 2019
Brendan Hicks Jun 2019
Eldest of my two sons
Was quite the burden
Whilst the second not perfect
He wasn’t absurd

Unaware, naive
Untruthful to himself
Stuck in his own head
Away from everyone else

Deniably sad
And mostly alone
Introverted, quiet
In his own “home”

Odd thoughts struck him
Not the most pleasant
He was quite troubled
Taught himself no lessons

And yet one painful day came
When he was torn away


Now I ask you
A much later day
Once long ago
Which son past away
145 · Jun 2019
Brendan Hicks Jun 2019
I chase myself
I chase my dreams
But I leave you alone
Behind the scenes

I’m sorry for acting
This obscene
Forgive me Chase
For being so mean
143 · Jun 2019
My Bloody Brain Socket
Brendan Hicks Jun 2019
In my head

I found a question
Lying on my bed
I found the answer
Deep inside my head
But I chose to leave it instead

Instead I chose to feed
I fed
I ate the guts inside my head
Leaving my thoughts
Leaving them dead
And understanding
The color
Of red

******* the ****** remains
From the pores
I understood a little more

Nothing more to matter
A ***** i was to flatter

Though that night I engulfed my thoughts
The hole began to clot
And I lost all I had wrought
Hell would await my trot

I climbed the spiky, thorny steps
Each one tearing my tendons less
And the less I bled
The more blood was shed
Killing my friend
I fed

Far ahead
I found
Under some sound
The sound of demons screeching

Tell me I’m insane to think
This world is great and
I’m unique

I’m the same manure as all
An ugly ****** troll
A spawn from below

A bellow to many a fellow
138 · Jun 2019
Brendan Hicks Jun 2019
As this chapter ends
A new one begins
You’re not allowed to make new friends
You were taught once the friends you have
Will hold you hand and make you glad

But your guardian isn’t here anymore
He doesn’t love your sluggish bore
You don’t smell like you did before
You never should have acted poor
133 · Jun 2019
Brendan Hicks Jun 2019
Greasy pores sprouting tendrils
Little puppets make me mental
Little domes of fleshy pieces
Make me wish I could eat them

Nice people with gross image
The worst with that of better
But I am left with ***** wenches
Hurting me, making me skin redder
130 · Jun 2019
Brendan Hicks Jun 2019
My three legged cat ran away
I don’t know how
But I miss him now

I never thought I’d know a day
We’re I couldn’t find why
I despise

The feeling of being alone, but I know
I’m alive

Without my three legged cat
I feel a pain, it drains
My soul; it pains
113 · Jun 2019
Brendan Hicks Jun 2019
Twice I’ll take it
No more, no more

The war will come
Again, for sure

Thrice will cut it
Severed away

Thrice is all
Night by day
113 · Jun 2019
Brendan Hicks Jun 2019
Though power eats you
And love defeats you
The truest threat
Is the ground beneath you
112 · Jun 2019
Throne of Bones
Brendan Hicks Jun 2019
Set alone a dark room
A pile of bones the darkness consumed
Formed a throne and nothing more
Spirits scraped across the floor

One sat mighty upon the pile
Many souls rapped across the tile
Trying to escape the room
Yet all of them the darkness consumed

Consuming darkness from the gullet
The core of the spirit a deadly bullet
The core of the demon angrily spewed
This darkness across the wilted room

Quickly many scrapped at the tile
Hastily, zealously, in denial
Yet all dying of tire and sorrow
All giving all of their bones to borrow

Bones began to fill the room
Soon all remnants had been consumed
All bones added to the throne
Added to the demon’s throne of bones
102 · Jun 2019
Brendan Hicks Jun 2019
Gross little creatures
Eating my thoughts
Picking my brain
Feeding on drops

Droplets of love
Droplets fear
Droplets of everything
I hold near and dear
98 · Jun 2019
Brendan Hicks Jun 2019
My body is weak
I am a statue
I serve for your lust
I brave to find values

I feel no pain
When you **** my spirit
Objectify me
And test my limit

I cannot endorse others
To do the same
But when you **** me
I feel no pain

So do it again
I don’t care
It feels good sometimes
To build wear and tear

You aren’t afraid
To show me my place
You do it often
And hide it as an embrace

“Just leave me alone”!,
Said the girl locked way
“It’s all fine now”!
Said me the same way
96 · Jun 2019
The Unexplainable Things
Brendan Hicks Jun 2019
The unexplainable things
Are the best
The ignorance of not knowing the half of it
Is bliss
Brendan Hicks Jun 2019
I dream
I dream
Of a world of certainty
A world without troubles
A world without hate

I dream
To be the only poet
Who doesn’t die
From this bizarre world
And his bizarre thoughts

To be alive and happy
Knowing all that I know
The little I know

All that I love
Doesn’t exist
I don’t exist
To care

We don’t have true purpose

But that’s okay
Because we don’t exist to care

I don’t want to go insane
I’d rather know nothing

Is it true it will all end


Or not...

— The End —