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I want to be a child

To be carefee
without a single thought of
   T o m o r r o w
     without a single thought of
        S o r r ow

And with no reason to be happy
because no one can take it away from me.

But there's this reason, the unexpected truth.

The error in the program
The lesson I cannot learn
The points on my circle
The turn in every road
The person I can't forget
The reasons are

Y O U.
I wanted to tell this, that he is my reason for so many things.
I'm so tired of loving the people I love and yet there's no day I would take a rest.
Why did you think
she was just a
With playful steps
And careful lips
She can be the earthquake
The ocean that swallows
Winds that scream
and a nightmare
of your daydream
You were
She is not just a
and you took the wrong turn
When you let her go
I wonder about your dreams

The things that keep you up at night

And these thoughts open my eyes

If I appear at them once in a while

Then the sun is peeking through the blinds

Wondering again if I'd see you again tonight
I wonder why she writes

And he always speaks

She writes the truth

For he who can't say a lie

And yet in between

She couldn't tell

And he couldn't write

What was in their hearts

Before stars would spark

So in the end

She closes her notebook

As he finishes his speech

Started with a hello
Ended with a goodbye
Time to move on

And then your eyes met again
On the place you once treasure
A place of pain and sorrow

Then you smiled and he did
Waved farewell and went on
Awkward isn't it?

The person who was in your dreams
Exist only to wave and smile
A past which future stands still

Then comes the times were you were crying for a broken love
A dissolved relation
That ended up as the option

Awkward isn't it?
You met again
And couldn't look in the eye

Because you can never forget the past
Until you actually feel okay
With seeing them with another
You never knew how to break

Until you said you should be strong

Because you knew you were weak

Smiling for too long

And then, you shed a tear

The feeling of the sorrow and pain creeping out

As much as you want to be strong

One will driven insane by smiling out and holding on

I'll be by your side

You smiled in front of the mirror

Knowing you can be stronger than tomorrow
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