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When the sky is folded and put away

When tomorrow will never be another day

When we all take Heavens last steps

When the oceans no longer have depths

When soldiers no longer need to fight a war

When diamonds no longer show any flaw

When life at last comes to an end

When the Angels no longer have anything to send

When the Devil no longer sins and can take no more

When we know what will always be in store

When God has to at last hang up his cape

When we can find no more ways to escape

When all this happens and it all comes true

Even then I will never stop loving you

So let us sit hand and nand and wait for when

Because I will always love you again and again

copyright Chris Smith  April 27th 2009
Some say you must be brave
And to face each new day
As a day further from the grave
A day where Death kept away

Try telling that to a cancer victim
Where each new day is a luxery
Each day is special to them
Each day they hope they will see

Or tell it to a victim of ****
Where the hurt is so deep inside
From nightmares they can never escape
Feeling they have lost their pride

Tell it to the soldier standing there
Living with the terror and blood shed
See the horror in his eyes that stare
Knowing that any time he could be dead

Tell it to the mother who lost her baby
Knowing new life was taken away
To her there will be no maybe
To her she weeps every day

So think of what is all around
What to this world we have done
Death, he comes without any sound
Cry with me new tears always begun
Once upon a time my heart danced

Now it is torn from my very soul

Once upon a time we romanced

Now I am just a gapping hole

You are gone and left me incomplete

I feel this lonely life begin to creep

With you our love was the meaning of elite

Now I am left here, where no one sees me weep

This man, this heart is in isolation and pain

Not knowing how to be able to move on

My tears are hidden by the cold rain

I have lost her now and she is gone

copyright January 2009

Chris Smith
The Christmas spirit is here once more
And Hospital decorations are out again
More Doctors that you get in a Tardis
Putting up tinsel around the tree

A pretty sight greets you to come see
How they have decorated the Nurse's Station
Even a pretty hand made cardboard fairy
Adorns atop the little christmas tree

Maybe they should hang up this porter
Suspend me from the ceiling for all
Because I am an amputee, and it would be fun
For all to come and kiss me from under the missing toes

Copyright Chris Smith 11th December 2009
Teddy was the little girls toy

Took it everywhere that she went

Gave her so much fun to enjoy

Even though one leg was bent

Teddy was her very best friend

Cuddle him on every day

But it had to happen in the end

She grew up and went away

Teddy was left to go cold

Forgotten that he was there

Another year gone, another year old

Wondering why she did not care

Years went by and he was raggered and torn

But another little girl found him and took him home

It did not matter Teddy was battered and worn

Because she loved him as her own
Slow kisses tingle on your neck

Hands touch you with sweet carress

Touching the tenderness of your *******

Teasing them with a careful hand

Kissing them in turn, teasing them with a tongue

Your breathing is fast with your desire

Slow kisses going down, moving further down

Kissing where holds the hidden pleasure

You tremble now with knowing expectation

As a lovers' tongue explores the sensation

Thrilling you until you can not take any more

Until the fountain comes to the lovers taste

Slow kisses as he gently places you down

And soon fills you with heated passion

You both move together in a dance of lust

Both lost in this moment of body heat

Until that moment heat fills you from within

And the release of satisfaction comes at last

copyright Chris Smith 2008
I am something small
Never seen, always there
A reflection of another time
Wanting to feel, hear me
For I am a complication
I am someone but no one
One lost amongst the crowd
Just a drop in the ocean
Copyright © Chris Smith 2013
She takes off her clothes
Showing her body to men
Some pay for more pictures
Some pay to meet her

She needs to earn the money
Because the rent is too high
She's young, still has her looks
They do to her what they want

Some are gentle, most are rough
They use every part of her body
Making her do so many things
It also pays for her addiction

The weeks went by, she wasn't seen
The police found her overdosed
She was naked, dead on the bed
All she wanted was to be loved

Copyright Chris Smith #darkpoetsoul
He had fallen in love when he had first seen her, her dark black hair and green eyes had been what had attracted him.

Yes he knew the danger but he had smuggled her out, taken her to his home and he had not told a soul what he had done.

She was nineteen and he was fourtythree, he did not see the age difference and only saw her beauty, if anyone found out he was hiding her then he knew they would be both killed.

She had lived with him for eight days, in that time he had never tried to ****** her or make any advance towards her, he clothed her and provided food and any comfort that she required.

On the eigth night she came to his room, she was naked when she slipped into his bed and they made love all the way until the dawn, it would be their last night together.

They came the next morning, he knew he had to shoot her, the Luger given to him by his father two years ago was the weapon he had to use.

She wept silent tears for she knew what must be done, he put the gun to her head and pulled the trigger.

He put the gun to his own head as he heard them break down the door, he knew they would have both been punished to death and this was the only way.

They were too late to stop him and he pulled the trigger with the gun at his head and his body fell to lay with the dead body of the woman he had loved.

It was not supposed to had happened, a German guard falling in love with a Jewish girl condemned to have been gassed to death at the camp.
copyright Chris Smith 2009

Even in war there is forbidden love
She helped kiss away my tears

Comforted my pain with sympathy

She took away my fears

She is an angel to me

Over me, she looks down

I feel that she still does care

Watches me, no matter which town

I will always know she is there

She lives on in my heart

My wonderful, Scottish nan

Long ago to Heaven she did depart

She helped to shape this man

All the things she ever did

Was help open my eyes to see

I am always her little grand-kid

And she is always an angel to me


Dedi­cated to my grandmother (Violet Eason Smith) who died in 1992.
copyright Chris Smith 2000
Last night I had the strangest dream
An Angel came and took my hand
She opened her wings and we flew
Forever high until we reached Heaven
She showed me to another world
Unlike the world far down below

Children played, black and white together
All races and creed walked side by side
The lion walked with a baby lamb
A little three year old girl giggled
As she rode on the back of a white wolf
Up above I could feel the sun shine down

I saw John Lennon and Bob Marley laughing
John Wayne in talks with Buddy Holly
A mouse and cat played gently together
This whole world was a marvel to see
No ocean but fish swam in the sky
Dolphins swimming next to the sharks

The Angel turned and she spoke to me
"Please do not judge our God", she said
"Those little children tormented to die"
"When down below in the world of yours"
"Will be reborn here and be at peace"
"For God can not stop the evil below"

I understood, for all the bad that we see
Of people who suffer and the things we do
God will never tresspass in our dormain
The souls will be reborn in this perfect place
To begin anew and to always be protected
Away from all the hate and bathed in love

I awoke and wished I could still dream
And I knew I would return there once again
When the right time came for me to go back
So until then, I will walk in this place of ours
Knowing that Heaven is now waiting up above
While down here we are all living in Hell
copyright Chris Smith 2007
He sits up from the unmade bed
Feels the chill of the night air
The sting of whisky in his head
The ten dollar ***** no longer there

Lives his life, selling from his car
Staying in one cheap motel each time
He used to think he would go far
But this job stripped him of his prime

He used to have a wife, so long ago
But he walked out on her, and his son
Thought he would be rich, he never wanted to know
Now he has only regrets for all he has done

No one has any money to buy anymore
The prices keep on getting higher
He coughs, then he spits on the floor
He wishes he could find just one buyer

As he ****** the whiskey inside of him
The ***** mirror reflects his sorry state
Wishes that he never took this job on the whim
But he can't go back, it is far too late

Packs the suitcase and it is time to go
Finding another poor town to drive to
Business might pick up, it's been too slow
If no one buys, he will drive on through

Until he stops for more cheap whiskey to drink
Until he picks up another ten dollar *****
Deeper into this life he will continue to sink
Hoping to still find the final big score
copyright Chris Smith 2009
Took a walk on the other side

The other side of sanity

Found that my problems collide

Taking away my vanity

Love just hits you hard

It comes and knocks you down

Love just drives you mad

In your sorrows you drown

Crazy thoughts and you can't smile

It just drives you all insane

Your mind just falls out of style

There is no way to try to explain

You want to love someone so much

You wonder if they really see you there

Your head just seems out of touch

All you want is a heart you can share

So you sit in the Asylum of your mind

Locked away form the realms of reality

No one knows what you will find

No one knows what you will see
copyright Chris Smith 2009
Little baby polar bear, lost and alone

Mother vanished, he is on his own

Scared he is beginning to cry

Mothers gone, why oh why

He was following on the ice

Behind her it was so nice

But in the water she went

To go with her he was meant

But the water is too cold

Now wishes he did what he was told

Little polar bear is scared

When up pops a head

But now all is all right

It's mother, to his delight

He is so happy as can be

She has brought fish for tea
copyright Chris Smith 2007
Standing here, I look out now

Over a field covered in smoke

Littered with the bodies of the brave

Witnessing the death that we plow

Gagging on the blood that will choke

The dying of soldiers now gone to the grave

I am just the ghost of a hollow man

A bullet took this life from me not long ago

As I ran across this ****** battle-field

Oh how I wish it was not me who ran

I died alone, and I witnessed my own blood flow

There was nowhere to hide and there was no shield

Through the white mist I see a thousand more

Their bodies scattered and broken on the ground

We are the victims of madness and war games

While Generals hide away never entering the war

The victims like us, we all die without a sound

Buried and then long forgotten, in a battle-field no one blames
copyright Chris Smith 2009
Through the birth of a new dawn
The new dew on the lawn
The first birds song
And night is now gone
For the day begins as new
I am here thinking of you

As an early Summer rain falls
Somewhere a rooster calls
And as this morning begins
For whatever this day brings
The memory of you will stay
A memory never to fade away

I stand here naked in this new day
The rain washes the night away
The birth of a new dawn is born
Fading away stars that shone
This day is born in all its' grace
A beautiful day as beautiful as your face
copyright Chris Smith 2005
Sometimes life is strange
Leading us down dark paths
Where we fear that darkness
And can not see where we go

Then we find the words
That are written to read
Of a poem, or story that reaches out
Coming from deep within the soul

It leads us back in the right direction
For the poet and writer can touch us this way
That is when the reader finds the light
For they will always return once again

Sometimes the words are strange
They chill to the very core inside
Telling dark tales that dwell on fear
But we always need to read some more

The writer always feeds the imagination
Showing the pictures etched on the mind
No movie could ever match that skill
So we bless all the writers with gracious hearts
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Give me the land where the daffodils grow
A land where we can all roam free
Where the songs ring down in the valleys
Like a heavenly choir of purity of voice

Show me the sport of true champions
Where men clash just to entertain
And nations battle in all their skill
In the pride in all that they do

Take me back to the city where I was born
Where the river runs through docks to the sea
Where people greeted you from hard toiled work
You were treated equal, and always a friend

Mountains that bask in beauty of snow and ice
Where you can rejoice and be one with nature
And when you ask where to find this wonderful land
Follow with me, I will bring you home to Wales
Copyright © Chris Smith 2009
Going home from visiting a friend
I have walking this same path
Walked this way, countless times
Up a slight hill of a lonely street
To a desolate alley in summer darkness

But I need to take a call of nature
So I start to relieve myself
To **** against a unyielding wall
And I am blind to those behind me
Two youths of eighteen or nineteen

I feel the liquid pouring down my leg
Then in seconds it is a ball of flame
My left leg, burning in pain, agony
I turn and they are running and laughing
Leaving me alone and I feel the skin burn

I kick the right shoe off my foot
And intend to take off these burning Jeans
But the foot is a ball of orange flame
The liquid had not travelling down the leg
It had gone into my shoe, burning from inside

I am shaking, in my shorts in night summer heat
I try kicking this fire out against the wall
The agony has taken my mind, insanity takes the pain
Unknowing, three toes snap as I continue to kick
But the fire burns on, with the smell of burning flesh

No one is there to help me, I only want to sleep
Concrete steps keep me from reaching safety
From this alley up to the waiting maisonettes
So I hold the rail, and force myself to climb up
And still the left leg burns and the pain returns in fury

I make it and there is someone in the kitchen
The first maisonette that stands on the corner
He sees me and he sees the flames that hurt me
He looks at me in horror, and then there is screaming
The screaming is coming from me, I can not stop

The man comes out with a bowl of water
He throws it over the burning foot and I pass out
I awake and there is a neighbour holding me
I see people all around me and I try to remember
The pain and memory come rushing back

Firemen are there now, hosing my leg with water
I hear a crackling and realise it is the leg
The screaming starts again, and it never stops
Coming deep inside of me, for this madness to end
And again darkness takes me as my mind shuts off

I am in an Ambulance, but I do not feel safe
They are out there and could still come for me
Why did they do this? What did I do?
I never even knew who they were
And the horror etches deep into my head

That was years ago, and I still carry the scars
The leg was saved, full thickness burn
Skin grafts rebuilt it, but it still breaks down
Three toes amputated, the big toe and ones next
Yes it still haunts me now and it always will
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Sadness touches the lines on her face.
A face that was once smooth with grace.
Age came visiting and left the trace,
Now she is searching to find her place.

Beauty did once belong to her,
She believed it would last forever.
But time has marked her like the weather,
She is now lost amongst the wild heather.

Once they used to call her the Celtic Queen.
For many her beauty was always seen,
Now faded like an actress on the silent screen.
She is wondering why life seems like a scene.

She sometime wishes that she could die,
Because for her faded beauty she will cry.
If to be beautiful again she would try,
Beauty has left her and she ponders why.

But if she opened her eyes to see,
That in my eyes she is always beauty.
Time come to us as it has to be.
My Celtic Queen always is beautiful to me.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
A child sees a better world
A child loves stories told
A child plays unseen adventures
A child never sees the danger unfold

Long ago we were all children
We played with an invisible friend
The joy we could always find
But one day, childhood came to an end

A parent is there to protect the child
A parent sees the real world outside
A parent will never go away
A parent is still a child deep inside

I miss the arms of my Mother
The authority of my Father's voice
The love of my Grandmother and Grampy
Just to have another day with them to rejoice

That child long ago, used to be me
That child long ago, they lifted up above
That child long ago, I want to be again
That child long ago, always had their love
copyright Chris Smith 2009
You told me you were precious
Promised you only belonged to me
But if only I knew the future
We were never meant to be

I gave all that I had
But you gave me copper diamonds

I surrendered everything for you
You surrendered it all for others
When I believed my heart was yours
You were stealing too many lovers

I gave you all that I had
But you gave me copper diamonds

Now the years have passed on by
Our lives only faded away
We were two different empty souls
That were never meant to stay

I gave you all that I had
But you gave me...

... Copper diamonds

Copyright Chris Smith #darkpoetsoul 2020
Asteroids come passing on by
Beautiful visions up in the sky
Cosmic wonders seen at night
Delivering a spectacular sight
Each magnificent feature we see
Forever in a universe that is free
Galaxies are still waiting to be seen
Heavenly bodies, they glitter and gleam
Innocent twinkling of the stars
Jupiter shows beauty, so does Mars
Keep looking at the visions above
Lights shining out, brightly with love
Meteors are coming,visiting near
New born universes,somewhere, here
Open wonders that are in their prime
Paradoxes shown from another time
Quickly passes on,a shooting star
Running on past, from somewhere afar
Space still hides countless treasures
Teaching us still, of untold pleasures
Universal feelings are what we feel
Venus, the love Goddess, is so real
Wondering of what secrets still await
Xmas of endless galaxies are our fate
Yonder, up in Heavenly skies, a beautiful dream
Zodiacal river flows from a starbound stream
copyright Chris Smith 2010
From his cup he sips

But the coffee is cold

He plays with paper clips

And he is feeling old

Trying to meet a dead line

But life is so grim

Pretending things are still fine

His wife has left him

He just wants to be a reporter

Report with all his glory

He should think of his daughter

He only thinks of the cover story

He lights up a cigarette to smoke

He never has any time to choose

People see him only as a joke

He lives just to tell the news

Cover stories and small articles

Writing words that he feels he has to say

Going home now to dark shadows

Tomorrow the paper is thrown away
copyright Chris Smith 2006
I have created life from death

Proved I can cheat the reaper

I have created the eternal man

Brought him back from oblivion

And still they call him a monster

Let them mock me, I will not be stopped

Let them try and storm this castle

No one will control me, I am the Baron

And they will bow down to my will

I will rule with an army raised from the dead

I gave him life, why does he defy me?

He is my creation, his life is mine

How dare he try to turn against my will

How dare he try to be free

He is mine, and he will always be mine

We fought and he believes me to be dead

I now lie here broken on the ice

But no matter where he may hide

I will hunt him down and destroy him

The world has not seen the last of me, I will return
copyright Chris Smith 2009
Goodbye cruel world
I am leaving you today
I have had enough of it
Of all the things I see
So I am going away
To escape from it all

Black man burning on a cross
Judged by those cloaked in white
They dare to call him inferior
When they are the ones filled with hate
The man bleeds red, just like them
So I say goodbye cruel world

Native Americans forced from their land
Put to live in a reservation
This seems like being in a concentration camp
But it is done in a different way
Allow these proud people to live their lives
So I say goodbye cruel world

Why is gothic culture frowned upon
Or Wicca mistaken as something evil
Why accuse this as being seen as satanic
When they seem to think it is wrong
It is something they fail to understand
So I say goodbye cruel world

Extremists are there taking innocent lives
Not caring who they will now ****
All in the name of some religion
But what kind of God will let this happen
This is no type of worthy sacrifice
So I say goodbye cruel world

They will pick on those that are disabled
And they treat them as second class freaks
They will laugh at them in their face
And they will keep on knocking them down
All they do is show a sort of discontent
So I say goodbye cruel world

Now I hear them say that poetry is dead
No one wants to read it anymore
But I, for one, know that they are wrong
Because someone will always read our words
So I say that if poetry could not survive
I will then say goodbye cruel world

I will fly away in a rocket ship
To seek out some place that is brand new
Where everybody will be treated as one
And no one will come to spit at you
So I will carry on, still searching
And leave behind this cruel world
copyright Chris Smith 2010
A man took his life
Just the other day
Left behind his wife
Then she blew herself away

A gang of racists came
Beat a man until he was dead
That poor man was not to blame
It was the prejudice eyes instead

I see this world around me now
And I am crying tears of blood
I wish it could be changed somehow
So I am no longer crying tears of blood

Addict asleep there in the road
Getting off on his highs
To the Devil, his soul is sold
You see death in his eyes

Young girl all on her own
Left home just to live in Hell
Now she feels so very alone
On a street corner, her body to sell

I see this world around me now
And I am crying tears of blood
I wish it could be changed somehow
So I am no longer crying tears of blood

Politician, corruption he always gives
Always going on holiday, somewhere sunny
In his life of luxury he always lives
He is getting rich on the public money

A soldier died in the line of duty yesterday
The ****** that shot him was never seen
His body now lies in a land so far away
His life was ended and he was only eighteen

I see this world around me now
And I am crying tears of blood
I wish it could be changed somehow
So I am no longer crying tears of blood
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Dance the moon
I fell too soon
You picked me up
Yes, you picked me up

You gave me shelter
When life was a helter skelter
And baby, oh baby, I wish you knew
How much that I love you

Dance the moon
I fell too soon
You picked me up
Yes, you picked me up

I wish I could be there
To stroke your long red hair
You are so far away
I wish you could kiss my tears, today

Now I have danced the moon
And when I fell too soon
You picked me up
Yes, you picked me up

Run with me, my one love
Help me to soar high above
Kiss me within a heart beat
You make me be complete

Dance the moon
I will be with you soon
You pick me up
Yes, you pick me up

copyright Chris Smith February 1st 2010
Dark beauty sings tonight
Angel voice by candle light
Reaching dimensions long gone
Keeping them mesmerised by song

Bright light now giving them choice
Each are heeding her sweet voice
As music soothes beasts everywhere
United by the sounds they share
True beauty singing in the dark
Yielding her song like the lark
Copyright © Chris Smith 2014
She believed he would make her a star.

Sixteen and believed his false lies.

He was fifty and only looking for fun.

Cast her aside when he had what he wanted.

Now she is too ashamed to go back home.

Plays tricks just to make money to live.

A victim of one of the dark city tales.

He wanted to part of the gang and belong.

Tried too many drugs and ******* up his head.

They gave him a knife and laughed behind his back.

Like an idiot he thought it was big to rob.

Eighteen years old and destroyed his young life.

A cop with a gun was forced to end it for him.

He became another victim in dark city tales.

She waits for him to come home drunk.

He lost his job and takes it out on her.

Very quick to use his fist to lash out.

Another black eye she tries to hide.

Says she walked into the door once again.

Neighbours shut their eyes not to be involved.

Both are more victims in dark city tales.

Young fourteen year old girl throws her baby away.

A drunkard night of unplanned emotions was the cost.

She never knew what her life would have in store.

Hid the baby as she felt it growing inside her.

An unwanted pregnacy she had to face all alone.

A new born baby left to die in some unknown dumpster.

Another twisted story of the dark city tales no one knows.

copyright Chris Smith 2009
Did you see the stars
As they shone on you
Vivid like a thousand scars
Inside the darkest blue
Did you see the hero

But that hero was you
Onward for people feel
When music becomes true
In the end you're never gone
Eternally remembered in a song
Copyright © Chris Smith 2016
Dear Nobody

Dear Nobody,
I was wondering
What you are doing today

I'm doing nothing special
If you want to come my way

You see, I look outside
This dusty old window
I never notice you there
Somebody I don't know

I see a lot of you
Those nobody people
Where nobody is special
But everybody is equal

Sorry, I have to go now
You really are somebody
Who am I, you ask
Me, I'm just nobody
Copyright © Chris Smith 2012
Death is but a fleeting kiss
Tasted on her icy lips
As I gaze on her cold beauty
She tenderly takes my hand
Leads me away from the pain
Leaving behind all the misery
Walking to an unknown destination
A new beginning from the end
Copyright © Chris Smith 2015
Death come claim thy soul
Taketh it, for it hurts me
With nowhere to go
She fell in love
With his deep blue eyes
Surrendered her heart
Gave him her sighs

Forgave all his faults
Stood by him each day
Whenever times got hard
She took those troubles away

He loved her with eternal bliss
Envisioned her within his mind
She always opened his eyes
Even though he was blind
Copyright © Chris Smith 2013
I am floating out on a sea
On a sea of lost thought
Wondering where it's taking me
Away from the battles I fought

I never learnt to swim away
To escape the troubles following
I was always trying to stay
But my pride I kept swallowing

I am forever sinking
Into deep water
It's too late for thinking
I'm drowning in deep water

Looking at my soul so empty
I wonder where it all went
It used to be be full and plenty
Now it is all spent

Being lonely is a curse
Which only you can see
It is when it starts getting worse
That you started drowning in misery

I am forever sinking
Into deep water
It's too late for thinking
I'm drowning in deep water

I'm floating away to God knows where
Swallowed up by the waves of tears
Taken far away on my saddened despair
Never going to be found for years

Now I can feel myself being dragged down
I begin to sink under all the weight
Destinied to be lost and to drown
Because sometimes it is far too late

I am forever sinking
Into deep water
It's too late for thinking
I'm drowning in deep water
copyright Chris Smith 2010
There are vampires, but they like to feed on blood and they do it because they have to, to exist.

The werewolf has to feed because it is in their nature and meat becomes their prey.

Zombies are cursed and that is why they feed the way they do.

But me, I do what I do for the sheer pleasure of it and you would be shocked if you knew how many people like me were out there in this world of ours.

You see, I am what you would call a cannibal and if you even tasted human flesh, then you would understand how it is an amazing required taste.

And the fear of my victims makes that taste so much sweeter, the mingling of their sweat is just mouth watering and they just so much better when they have to feel pain.

Mind you, heavy smokers can be a bit annoying because you get that smell of nicotine in the air when you fry up their lungs.

There are so many of us about, have you ever wondered about those exclusive restaurants where you find it difficult to be able to book a table.

Where if you order the sausages it has so much great flavour and the gravy is just so delicious.

Next time and look around at those regulars that always seem to get a table, that look is not the expectation of the food but the wonder of what you might taste like.

I've had it all, Indian, Mexican, Chinese and nothing seems to beat a nice English roast.

But never complain to the management because the next time you might find yourself on the menu.

Sooner or later we are going to get you, we might cut you to pieces as you are still alive, because as I said before, the flesh tastes so much better that way.

Maybe we could boil you alive like a lobster, I've done that so many times to my victims.

I know the neighbour was having some problems with some teenagers but they have disappeared now.

So I decided to celebrate and have a barbeque and invite everyone, the food will taste like nothing you've tasted before.

Yes I'm going to invite you over to join us, we would love to have you over for dinner.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Bar tender, pour me another drink
For within this dank pity I wallow
Fill the whiskey full to the brink
So I can drown away my sorrow

Once, I was a man able to keep my cool
Never one for the rage to over take me
But bad times came and made me a fool
I allowed anger to always leave me empty

Come, I want you to fill my glass once again
I will be the one who decide when enough is enough
I want to swallow up when times were good, back then
Because now this life has become much too tough

Then fury visits me and his glass I hurl and smash
Unsteady on my feet I find my way out the door
People try to keep away, as at them I will lash
So now going home, I find myself crawling on the floor

Once inside, I will open another bottle to begin anew
They try to say I have a problem, and they are wrong
I can stop drinking, I can give up this Demon's brew
Because this man is able to stand and be strong

But in reality, I can not sleep for my spirit is weak
I say I need no one, because I fear my own shame
I want to stay drunk, because then I need not speak
I scream at the world when I know that I am to blame

copyright Chris Smith 1998
Kept her away from it all
She was there at his call
She always knew of his wife
But became his separate life

His mistress, his one and only
Still she felt a little bit lonely
Did everything that he wanted
But for love she still was haunted

Just kept her as his little secret
She was his ***** little secret

So then as the years passed on by
He'd change, he'd make her cry
There were days he never came
She wondered if she was to blame

Then he left her to find another
Got himself a younger lover
She finds a wasted life of regret
Just a ***** little secret he met

Just kept her as his little secret
She was his ***** little secret

Copyright © Chris Smith 2015
She puts on her lipstick
Then makes up her eyes
Maybe she puts it on thick
What is she trying to disguise?

You never see the hidden bruises
You will not see her blackened eye
She never speaks of all her abuses
All she will tell you is another lie

She tries her best to always say no
But then he always flies into a fit
She takes it until he decides to go
Even then, she knows he likes to hit

She would shoot him dead, if she had a gun
But then she wonders what that would gain
She has nowhere to go, nowhere she can run
She knows she has to continue to suffer the pain

But her mother is always so blind to the truth
When she comes home, he asks where she has been
He kicks and batters her, because she is under his roof
She feels so very lost, even though she is only fourteen
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I saw the diamond birds
Flying in the midnight clouds
Before falling into crystal seas
Swallowed up by demon waters

But it's all just pretending
Of having to face reality
Standing alone with insecurity
Slapped in the face by indecision

I'm begging you, I'm on my knees
My lady, don't take your love away

Once again the dragons came
Breathing fire across distant lands
Looking for somewhere to belong
A creature that time long forgot

It's just another metaphor of me
Once again I'm lost in myself
A broken mirror image, cracked
I'm nothing if I'm without you

I'm begging you, I'm on my knees
My lady, don't take your love away
Copyright © Chris Smith 2013
Down in the alley

The cats are swaying

The leader is O'malley

He's got a guitar he's playing

Ginger is on bass strumming

He's doing his thing

Tabby is there drumming

And they're ready to sing

She cats are sharpening their claws

Dancing with their tails in the air

See the cats licking their paws

All the cats are there

Join in if you're a cat

The party is out of sight

Down in the alley where it's at

Going on all through the night

copyright Chris Smith 1998
I like being here
The nurses are nice
The Doctor comes to see me
I always have something to eat
They always look after me
If only I knew why I was here

Today, I don't know who you are
Why are they treating me like this?
I don't know what I have done
When did I come to this place?
I don't remember ever coming here
All I want to do is to go home

Who are these people visiting me?
This crying woman says she is my wife
I wonder when did I get married
And the man, crying into his hands
He tells me he is my son
Why can't I remember him being born?

I feel so trapped, alone, in my mind
I just want to be how I once was
Each day, a piece of memory dies
What have I done to deserve this?
I want to remember, I want to be me
I am locked inside, wanting to be let out
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Soaring through the sky, going higher
Roaring with a breath of fire
He is searching to rescue his mistress
He knows somewhere she is in distress

He looks so majestic high in the sky
Searches around the land with a lizard's eye
He would give his life to save her
He begins to seek so much further

Three knights have caught the maiden in a field
They will force her and they will make her yield
But the dragon comes roaring with a ball of flame
Putting and end to what would be their wicked game

She is so happy to see her brave loyal friend
On her dragon she knows she can always depend
Climbs on his back, and they ride through a cloud
He takes her back to the village, a dragon so proud
Close my eyes to sleep

Then I am sleeping deep

I have no words to say

So I will dream the day away

Dream of a World of peace

Where all war will cease

Where no killing takes place

With no discrimination against race

No child will ever starve

Everyone has food to carve

No famine is out there

Everyone is treated fair

Never crimes saved on tape

No woman will ever face ****

No drunkard fist to feel

No one will ever steal

No dog or cat is rejected

No illegal drugs are injected

Dreaming of only harmony

Never fear of any harm to me

But when I awake from my dream

The world will still silently scream

Of a dream that can not be true

No real dreams for me and you
Who can feel these drops
Who can heal this numbing pain
Can you feel how this heart stops
As tears begin to fall like rain

One drop, two drops, now three
Tear after fallen tear I will cry
Too many drops, I am too blind to see
An empty room and I wonder why

Four drops, five drops, now six
No one will see, no one will come
Broken heart that no one can fix
Too many drops for some
Copyright © Chris Smith 2008
I saw the flash in the sky
And an Angel came to me
She told me I had to try
Not to live a life so empty

But I awoke and she was gone
I wondered if she had been there
In myself, I was feeling strong
I knew someone is somewhere

Then I saw the feather by my bed
From an Angel that was unique
I can still hear her voice in my head
For now, East of Paradise I seek
copyright Chris Smith 2010-
Sitting here and my mind wanders

I never know where it takes me

Across the world, exploring new Galaxies

In my mind I can visit outer space

Because I never know what is in there

Sitting here when my mind wanders

So many people need the freedom

When their lives seem like a prison

Locked away, doing the same things

Where every day just seems the same

They can never seem to find any escape

When so many people need the freedom

Endless stories are there to be told

Different tales with so many possibilities

Because they are waiting to be found

Trapped in the boundaries of your head

Open up and you will find them

For endless stories are there to be told

A poem that has no end

Something to find and to write

To add on to it at every time

Because there are more words to find

Words that come at any given moment

For a poem that has no end
Try as we might, we never win
We lose sight, fall into sin
We still fight, never to win
It is never bright, always too dim

And the enemy at the gates
They keep on calling
We are victims of the fates
We keep on falling

No matter what we say, no one hears
Troubles never far away, too many fears
In our pain we pay, rewarded with tears
The sun will never stay, rain never clears

And the enemy at the gates
They keep on calling
We are victims of the fates
We keep on falling

We can't take anymore, it takes too long
Crawling on the floor, not feeling strong
We are victims of what for, always being wrong
Always looking for the door, waiting to hear that song

And the enemy at the gates
They keep on calling
We are victims of the fates
We keep on falling
Copyright © Chris Smith 2010
She writes from deep within her
Opening up her soul to all,
finding the words like a river
Allowing them to come, to flow

Power transformed to her fingers,
igniting the flames of her soul
Fire given form to the written page
Releasing all she has deep inside
Just like she would submit to a lover

All-consuming fire is in my essence
An eternal flame burning wildly,
never to diminish, throughout time
As it seeps through these fingers,
in unearthly passion, writ in blood

A creative mind is set into motion
Capture now this notion, if you will
As I spew forth, in depths unknown
Yet known, in the core of existence
The pulse of an unrelenting desire

I press pen unto page within love
Nevermore to please the masses
Evermore to appease the essence
I care naught for fame, nor fortune
Wishing merely to pierce the silence

In a sole purpose, right to be heard
Amongst the chaos of every day
Creating a cleverly laid design,
to ensnare those who take notice
Touching the soul of yet another

Copyright © 1/2013 Chris Smith/Lucy Martins

All poetry by Chris Smith/Lucy Martins are copyright protected by International Copyright Law, the use without written permission is illegal. All Rights Reserved ©
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