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Oct 2014 · 2.3k
467: Sinister
Stranger there in the shadow
I am watching you, waiting
Night will belong to me
Intimate nightmares to visit
Soon we dance in our minds
Taking you to dark places unknown
Ecstacy of my forbidden touch
Reacting to something, sinister
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
465: I Don't Know Me
So who is this man?
He stands here alone
At the corner of the room
Looking out the window
Wishing for yesterday

Is he someone I know?
Because I knew happiness
Of days of forgotten love
Arm in arm in green meadows
Kissing amongst the buttercups
Dreaming of tomorrow

Now I don't know me
I am not who I once was
Is there anyone who can tell me?
How this predicament came to be?
For I cry inside alone
Fearing about today

Copyright Chris Smith 2014
Sep 2014 · 1.8k
464: Complicated
Can you feel this fear
Orchestrated by a tear
Made by a scared thought
Pushed by what the mind taught
Listen now to this trembling story
Illustrated by an apologetic sorry
Compacted by a mirror broken
Agony of those words never spoken
Time came when terror made a mark
Erupted to ignite this morbid spark
Darkness becomes a tad complicated
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
Aug 2014 · 1.7k
463: Dirty Mind
Dare you become my thrill
Imagination of your free will
Ready to obey my dark mind
Tied and submitting in kind
Yet responding to a hard hand

Making you feel and understand
Imposing your body for my pleasure
Naked and isolated at my leisure
Demanding more than you can give
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
Aug 2014 · 8.6k
462: Submission
Sensually surrenders to me
Utter submission set free
Bonded to my will
Made to satisfy my thrill
In dominance I must live
Satisfaction she will give
Slave to my carnal desire
Innocent to my burning fire
Obey the punishment above
Naked for our darkest love
Copyright Chris Smith 2013
Aug 2014 · 951
461: Children Burn
They said "let's have a war"
Blame it on the other side
People will blame them more
Their real purpose they'll hide

While they keep watching rockets
Blasting at the opposite soil
They will secretly line their pockets
By stealing all of the oil

But they just never will learn
Because there are too many that cry
Watching as the children burn
When it is only innocents that die
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
Jul 2014 · 1.5k
460: Our Little World
We are dancing on the Rings of Saturn
Riding high on a glistening Comet
Then I reach up to gather Stardust
And sprinkle it on your Astral golden hair

Hold your hand as we are crossing Moonbeams
On our way to bask in the heat of a White Sun
Dining at the restaurant in the Milky Way
Then we enjoy a kiss under the Asteroid Belt

Your finger points up at the Shooting Stars
Your eyes shine brighter than any Nova Light
And with the magic in all of Cosmic Space
I want to stay here with you, my love, in our little World
Copyright Chris Smith 2009
Jul 2014 · 843
459: The Last Great Poet
Shuffling in broken down shoes
Where people blink blindly by
Thoughts are ruined by today
Tomorrow seems to be no better

Why does humanity dwell in death
Where children are taken away
Snuffed out like a candle flame
As leaders play in their war games

Souls are burning in crying shame
If only words could heal as before
But nobody wants to try to change
Innocent blood spills unnoticed

The last great poet has shut the book
Scratched out his eyes of the unseen
Broken his fingers of all around him
Alas, that great poet will never be me
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
458: Nobody Special
Naked minds clash together
Onwards and then forever
Bold poets with words to tell
Only rising high and then fell
Drawn faces with obsession
Yet they hide deep depression

So fighting to be understood
Pouring emotions as they should
Everyone with metaphors of pain
Crafting in tears of pouring rain
Inwards seeking out special meaning
As somewhere lost hope is gleaming
Let me tell you, you're special to me
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
Jul 2014 · 1.3k
457: Afraid Of Darkness
As night silently creeps
For the world still sleeps
Relaxing for some other day
And nightmare comes this way
Installing fear within the mind
Dread is a rope used to bind

Only darkness makes it call
Fixing terror for one and all

Distilling horrors yet to unfold
A cold sweat will now take hold
Ready to open up the gates of Hell
Kindred demons released by a spell
Now cast by unearthly creatures
Every one with ghastly features
So dream on and you will never see
Strange beasts that are not meant to be
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
Jul 2014 · 1.4k
456: Watching Life
In life we are all living in our own reality show
Jun 2014 · 464
455: Help Me
How can I do this alone?
Each time depression hits
Leaving me inside my head
Praying someone understands

Making me feel if I'm trapped
Everywhere seems always closed
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
Jun 2014 · 899
453: JACK 10 W
Don't feel down, your friends will lift you back up
Jun 2014 · 741
452: He Said Goodnight
He said goodnight
As he lit his cigarette
The smoke drifted up
Maybe it reached the stars
The night had a chill
But he didn't feel the cold
I watched him walk away
Until darkness swallowed him
The mud beneath my boots
Squelched as I moved on
But the night made a noise
A sound we knew to fear
In slow motion moved my feet
Until I saw him on the ground
A bullet had sought him out
Maybe by a cigarette glow
Another soldier of the trenches
Gone in an act of war
But I can still hear his words
He said goodnight
Copyright Chris Smith 2013
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
451: Old One Sock
How people laughed at him
Old vagrant wearing one sock
As he begged on the street
But no one knew him well

He could have been eighty
Or he could have been older
Most people walked on by
Some gave him loose change

Then came the day he died
Found in the frozen streets
He never had a place to sleep
He was only skin and bones

He would give away all his money
To charity for disabled soldiers
Never took a penny for himself
He was an Angel on the streets
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
Oh how fools can pity me
For they can not know
Of into which sadness I flee
Of those dark shadows I go

If they dare, sought me out
They know not what they find
From the terror of midnights' shout
Buried forever within insanitys' mind

I will take to the grave my sorrow
Even in Death I am never free
Condemned to rot in somewhere hollow
Where the fools can pity me
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
May 2014 · 1.0k
449: Until We Meet Again
Time, my love, for I have to go
To vanish like a shadow tonight
Returning, I do not know when
For a dark poet soul fades away

If you should dream of me
I will come, walk through your dreams
Embracing you with sweet memories
But for now, this is only a brief goodbye

Fond submission remains in your eyes
Alas, my dear, I wish I could stay
But do not allow your heart to break
I belong to the night of a thousand words

I carry with me the touch of your body
The knowledge of every part of your flesh
An ageless beauty forever in my mind
Remember me, until we meet again
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
May 2014 · 2.0k
448: Atlantis
One: The Gathering

Lo, on a field of green
Came a few warriors
Tired from endless battle
Of killing in senseless need
So together they thus decided
Something new must arise

A scattering of small huts
Were slowly built by these
A wall erected to protect
As something new was born
Once brave men, now farmers
Near the forgotten oceans

More came to this gathering
Begging entrance to be inside
For naught was sought but peace
A name was needed for here
As something born of the future
Everyone wanted to be in Atlantis

Two: Brothers

The wall kept those away
Attempting to invade inside
But security was stronger
As peace dwelled within
Foundations of an army
Protecting Atlantis from harm

Two brothers slowly plotted
How could there be peace
If no one wanted to rule?
They decided to take control
To overthrow those in council
Wanting to have power themselves

As with those who want
Both brothers plotted
Secretly against each other
Gaining two sets of followers
Deciding each was the best
To have order of Atlantis

One night two huts were ablaze
Two bodies found in the flames
For both brothers were dead
Greed had been their downfall
Once again thoughts were gone
But the seeds of betrayal were sown

Three: Fated Love

She was a warrior's daughter
But he was a farmer's son
Fell in love and secret trysts
On the cliff tops where nobody came
There it was where love came true

For she was promised to another
To an older warrior she belonged
Only she wished to follow her soul
But she knew they would slay him
Or cast him and his family out

Each night they made love
Under the moon and stars
Ignoring those unsafe rocks
For they only saw their hearts
They would be together, forever

But hidden caves lay beneath
The ground opened up under them
Both plunged down to their deaths
Until a search was made to find them
A discovery of the caves under Atlantis

Four: The Caves

Miles of rope were used
With flaming torches
For those brave to explore
The mysteries of the caves
Of the treasures they had

Strange encrusted gems
Found embedded in the walls
Mined and brought to the surface
Where the wealth of Atlantis
Became a legend to behold

These caves were too valuable
Outside forces would come
For years they crafted below
While warlords battled above
There would come the first king

As a city was created underground
A war council was born to defend
Never to see the slendours
That only a select few would see
But it would take a century

Three kings would come to rule
As the city in the caves took shape
Where wondows watched the ocean
A stairway of gold led down
The city of Atlantis was born

Copyright Chris Smith 2013
May 2014 · 10.9k
447: Spanking
Sensual pain like no other
Practiced on a submissive lover
As the hand slaps fast
Naked flesh hit at last
***** agony belongs to you
In your mind, doing what you do
Naughty thoughts connect somehow
Good girl I will call you now
Copyright 2014
May 2014 · 1.1k
446: Ticking Clock
Time passes on by
Intimate moments fly
Counting as seconds pass
Keeping secrets such as;
In the midst of dreams
Nothing is as it seems
Gathering specks of time set

Comforting of how you met
Leaving behind a future gone
Of when the days were long
Clouds are in darkened sky
Killing hours before you die
Copyright Chris Smith 2012
May 2014 · 734
445: She Never Could Love
He needed, he wanted her
All those things she'd do
Did everything to please him
But she never could love

The times she took the pain
Of the darkness deep inside
Allowed him all that he wanted
But she never could love

Just to be his plaything
Her body taken at his mercy
The slap of his hand on bare flesh
But she never could love

The times he pounded inside her
Releasing his need deep within
How she craved to feel it
But she never could love

Each scar would be a memory
Each lover would be a need
Each day she'd just carry on
But she never could love
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
444: Too Beautiful
You are too beautiful
To belong to me
Such a perfect vision
Seen by these eyes

Always a perfect lover
With an angelic body
The art of all desire
But only in my dreams

I am an ordinary man
No Adonis to behold
Not worthy of your love
Too afraid to be seen

You are true beauty
A goddess of divinity
The art of my gallery
A dream of this dreamer
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
Somewhere the shadows watch
Through the unseen darkness
At all the lost souls
That attempt to feel their way

As eyes unseen, lurk eager for the hunt
The prey seldom understands the Devil's grasp
The demonic hands grasp the weeping
Squeezing their flesh, only to gloat at pain

Sanity lost in such a devilish bliss
Lost are the remains of my former self, a rebirth into madness
This baptism of blood, now I understand what it is to live
But within a Phoenix tries to break free, scattering the burning ashes

Then no matter the darkness, let the hellish demons hide from a new found regeneration
As chaos rules my thoughts,  the storm on the horizon burns my desires
No number may quench my blood lust for madness drives my need, as the darkness hides my soul
Copyright Chris Smith & John Patrick Robbins 2012
Apr 2014 · 939
442: Night Fell
The thunder of Demons
Rising up from Hell

Taking to the skies
Only when night fell

Nightmares came crawling
Hear the Gothic bell

Coming of the end
Only when night fell

Hear the Angels crying
Nothing left to tell

The world in flames
Only when night fell
Copyright Chris Smith 2012
Apr 2014 · 4.0k
441: Fade Away
Plastic wires inside my brain
Drastic thoughts still remain
Concrete jungle, no escape
Complete in dream scape

Workers doing endless jobs
Shirkers being called slobs
Scope is far out of range
Hope is someone strange

When time started to run out
Then phantoms silently shout
Never will they be heard
Whether it should be absurd

Playing the same old game
Praying nobody is to blame
Elastic fades away the grain
Plastic wires inside my brain
Copyright Chris Smith 2012
Apr 2014 · 727
440: Be Safe
Of all these times of trouble
Of when this world is screaming
Of those moments we face face
Of friends needing our support

Be Safe

Of the healing yet to come
Of the tears now being shed
Of the children all alone
Of those we loved and have lost

Be safe

Of the times you supported me
Of all my words you have read
Of the blessings I send to you
Of this heart that goes out your way

Be safe

I care and you are in my thoughts
Copyright Chris Smith 2011
Apr 2014 · 913
439: If You Cared
Innocent eyes looking on
Forgotten like the song

Yesterday was no better
Of us staying together
Until the darkness came

Creating nothing the same
After you walked away
Reaching for another day
Everywhere tears would fall
Drowning out your call
Copyright Chris Smith 2013
Apr 2014 · 589
437: Kisses Of Desire
My arms are around you
Holding you from behind
Soft kiss to your neck
Followed by the gentle bite

This desire is just for you
A love more powerful now
More stronger than just ***
To hold you next to me

You turn around and face me
My hands tracing your body
Our lips together in a honey embrace
Tongues dancing a Tango of need

We are sharing kisses of desire
Love unites our two hearts
Whispering sweet words together
Waiting to bond our bodies tonight
Copyright Chris Smith 2012
Apr 2014 · 4.9k
Squirrel Dog
A squirrel dog in a tree
Looked down at me
"I'm half a Chihuahua"
"So how are ya"

I was too shocked to walk
I never knew dogs could talk
"I'm fine, thank you"
"What do you do?"

"Not much" the squirrel dog said
"Hang around here before bed"
"We dogs really have brains"
"Hiding in trees when it rains"

I wondered if I had gone mad
Was this some passing fad?
"How do I know you're real?"
"What's the real deal?"

"Well, I'm as real as can be"
"it's the squirrel in me"
"Now I have to run away"
"So I'll wish you a good day"
Copyright Chris Smith 2012
Apr 2014 · 813
434: Theatre Of Hate
If the world is a stage
Then life is but a game
Where the acting is rage
So nobody takes the blame

The audience is of war
Watching for their fate
Drifting from shore to shore
Following this theatre of hate

Nothing changes each scene
Where Death awaits us all
Everyone knows what they've seen
But no one calls for an encore

If the world is a stage
With nothing knew to find
Let them act out their rage
I'm looking for peace of mind
Copyright Chris Smith 2012
Apr 2014 · 739
433: Softly Spoken
Two warriors faced each other
Prepared to fight to the death
Because it was the way it was
Blades ready in the shining sun

Everyone stayed in hiding
Afraid of being caught in the fight
So many innocents had been killed
Because they had got in the way

From nowhere came the young man
Boldly stepping between the two
They seemed ready to slay him
But then the young man spoke

The warriors put away their swords
Each warrior bowed to the young man
Both warriors walked side by side
Never would they fight again

The young man was never seen again
Nobody ever knew what he said
Nobody even knew where he came from
The young softly spoken man called peace

copyright Chris Smith 2012
If only peace could be found
Mar 2014 · 1.0k
430: Please Don't Cry
Please don't cry
You're not alone
In this world
Feeling so alone

Come with me
Outside the window
The sun shines
Flowers still grow
Sky is blue
Day is smiling
Just for you

Never give up
There is hope
We'll find it
True friends together
Take a look
And you'll see
Beauty is outside

Then look inside
Deep into yourself
The beauty there
They call life
Starts with you

Copyright Chris Smith
Mar 2014 · 1.4k
429: Never Walk Away
Today I saw you, my son
You had tears in your eyes
Visiting me with your mother
Five years old, my boy
I wanted to hold you
Then you both walked away

Now you are eleven, my son
You have grown so much
Visiting me on your own
Telling me how you missed me
How you wished I was there
Then you turned and walked away

Sixteen and almost a man
I am so proud of you
You want to be just like me
But you promise to always stay
My love is there for you, my son
Then you turned and walked away

Twenty and in your uniform
You joined the army, my son
A soldier as I used to be
Soon you will have to go
You promise you will always return
A rose on my grave, and never walk away

copyright Chris Smith 2012
Mar 2014 · 841
428: Club Of The Damned
Those who enter here
Consumed by the darkness
Where the coldest touch
Finds their very soul
They keep searching
For the heat of humanity
That stays out of reach
So they keep writing
To escape their pain
Embracing unreality

Some live forever
Their immortality claimed
Like some hungry vampire
Seeking their own need
The purpose to exist
Their words flowing
Finding hungry readers
Devouring all that they see
Where the poet is haunted
Releasing their own anxiety

Like those from the past
Writing of ravens and night
A new breed has come
Embraced in torment
Looking for release
Setting free their inner self
Poetry born in flames
Of the forbidden imagination
Forever to be remembered
In the club of the ******
Copyright 2012
Mar 2014 · 918
427: Ghost Girl
When Ghost girl comes to call
She walks through the wall
Which can be a shock
If only she used the lock

It must be hard being dead
When she loses her head
She can't take any more
Of staring up from the floor

copyright 2011
Mar 2014 · 622
426: Skeleton Boy
Skeleton boy
Only has one toy
A piece of skin
That means everything

He took it to school
Which wasn't very cool
He went and misplaced it
No one was able to trace it

He started to cry
But his eyes were dry
Because they are sockets
Which he uses as pockets

Copyright Chris Smith 2011
Mar 2014 · 2.6k
Gentleman Jack
I rode for a long time
But came crashing down
As I felt myself falling
The wagon carried on
Leaving me too far behind

Staring at Gentleman Jack
Mixed with ice and cola
Beckoning to bring me down
A taste of forgotten thirst
Straight out of the glass

In truth, an acquired taste
Hard but something I need
But one can never be enough
So I shared the bottle with myself
Waiting for oblivion to come

Tomorrow comes the shaking
But Gentleman Jack is near by
Drowning sorrows in silence
Dragging me to forbidden places
I haven't visited in a long time

Copyright Chris Smith 2014
Mar 2014 · 782
424: I'm Not All There
Lost within the invisible
Misunderstood by doctors
Am I wrong being myself
Playing with a little madness

Normality walks on right by
Never a hello, only ignorance
But I'm a one not to care
Trapped inside a little sadness

I try to talk but nobody listens
A shadow on the ruined wall
A place the Sun never shines
Where they always want to stare

Craziness is my solitary companion
Insanity seems my forbidden fetish
Nobody really tries to see me
In fact, you see, I'm not all there

Copyright Chris Smith 2014
Jul 2013 · 1.6k
423: Crying Tears Now Cold
Candles once burnt in the night
But a cold wind took their light
I was cast down into damnation
With no hope of finding salvation

No one listened to be heard
A voice speaking without a word
Who could rescue a fallen soul
That could find no place to go

A gothic ghost screaming out
Like some demented Banshees shout
Crawling through the filth of disgrace
Ice cold tears falling on my face

An endless night without stories to tell
Countless doors leading to Hell
Nightmares daring to be my end
Gashing wounds try to offend

I fight back and yell "no more"
Bandage up this festering sore
Stop cutting my soul with this knife
Time to fight in the war of life

Copyright Chris Smith 2013
Feb 2013 · 1.2k
422: Dear Mr Smith
Dear Mr Smith

We can see that you have gone over your limit and it is sometimes unavoidable.

If you can not get back to your limit In the next week please get in contact to see what we can do.

We hope you soon heal your soul and fix the rates of a hurting heart as soon as possible.

There are daily fees of pain and suffering until you manage your account back to happiness.

Thanking you,

Manager at the Bank of Life
Feb 2013 · 2.1k
421: The Price Of Peace
Tired soldiers going home
Hope is the road they roam
Each waiting for war to cease

Proud to believe in peace
Ready to return to family
Instead of facing the enemy
Courage becomes their reward
Endless warriors with a sword

One wish for each day to live
Fighting for protection to give

Pressed to use the power of will
Endlessly not wanting to ****
A time for a loved ones kiss
Candles in a window and a wish
Each day is the price of peace
Feb 2013 · 2.2k
420: These Troubled Times
Towns become empty shells
Hollow shops where nothing sells
Everyone becomes trapped inside
Safer indoors where you can hide
Endless problems with job insecurity

Too many looking work in obscurity
Rich keep taking from the poor
Often they still come looking for more
Unemployed battle just to survive
Battled and down but still alive
Lodging in shelter with the rats
Even if politicians live like fat cats
Decay in a country that was proud

Today and tomorrow, the same black cloud
Innocent and guilty live together
Meeting in clusters lasting forever
Everywhere you turn the future is gone
Stranded like some long forgotten song
Feb 2013 · 974
419: To Kiss Your Heart
To kiss your heart
Tame the passion within
A woman who needs
The touch of desire

To treasure the moment
Touch of your body
Feeling the burning want
Our souls in lust

One night of temptation
Life time of bliss
The sweat of pleasure
To release carnal yearning

To kiss your heart
Carress of your soul
Sensations of the flesh
Belongs only to you
Jan 2013 · 1.0k
418: To Love
When you fall in love
The World is an open book
A sky filled with white doves
Beauty in everywhere you look

When you see her crying
There is pain deep inside
As if your heart is dying
It strips away at your pride

When she kisses you
On the clouds you walk
Feelings touch so true
Finding voices to talk

This is a feeing of hope
Deep down in your being
For each day you can cope
The gift of the feeling .....

.....To love
Jan 2013 · 1.9k
416: Halloween Dog
The dreaded Halloween Dog

Teamed up with Franken-Frog

Along with the Vampire Bat

Also the terrible Zombie Rat

The world would be theirs

As long as there were no bears

Because that is what they feared

Grizzlies that were long earred

Now the hero called Mister Toad

He was with Brave Kitty the Bold

Toad said "these fiends we must stop"

"Come with me, time to hop"

For days they battled the four

Until battered bruised and sore

Mister Toad had a trick up his sleeve

Something they would never believe

Vampire Bat was the first to fall

A giant robot bunny hit him like a ball

No one knows if he will be seen soon

He was last known to be orbitting the moon

Zombie Rat tried to put up a bitter fight

But that robot bunny held him tight

He never did make a sound

As he was buried far underground

But Franken-Frog battled to the end

Then robot bunny became his best friend

They went on holiday on a plane

Now enjoying the sun in Spain

So Halloween Dog stole all the gold

Waved at Mister Toad and Brave Kitty the Bold

Decided it was time to run away

Then come back and fight another day
Jan 2013 · 1.7k
415: For Jyoti Singh Pandey
Let Heaven look after her
Her last moments were in Hell
A beautiful woman taken
A victim of brutality
Thrown from a moving bus
Left out in the cold to die

A friend feels the pain
He loved you but was powerless
His soul is crying for you
A family lost someone special
She was a daughter, a sister
Hear her father in agony

The World stood still that day
The shock remains for all time
You still had so much to give
So very much to live for
In silence the World prays
Rivers of tears fall for you
A distant man with distant heart

Kept her, a fallen Angel, in a cage

Never would he let her be seen

But every night he visited her

Entranced by her naked beauty

Fallen from grace I now linger

Utterly spellbound by my captor

Veiled, remaining in the shadows

Untouchable – Quite vulnerable

Entangled, I shall never break free

Her thoughts within his head

He wants to take her, desire her

But afraid to surrender to lust

Always watching her, needing her

This dark Angel of hidden mystery

Clueless I am where this will lead

I can feel from afar a deep longing

Yet, I am mystified with every move

Hoping for a sign to appease my soul

To not have fallen from grace in vain

Oh, how I wish to know his thoughts

If it is not at all a dream within a dream

On the edge I now stand – so insecure

As I tread these waters ever so lightly

Frightened to awaken to a harsh reality

No longer can he resist the urge

Opening the cage and takes her

She does not resist, welcomes him

He penetrates deep into her soul

Both lost in the art of experimentation

She takes all he gives and wants more

Over and over again, they have their way

Never has she surrendered before like this

He cannot match to her satisfaction

As he fears her, the Angel of Death

Knowing she will never age, never die

He knows she longs to keep her

Wanted her forbidden lover,

these emotions are unexpected

He will always be her temptation,

now he leaves but forgets to lock the cage

Never in my darkest of desires did I dare,

surrender in total abandonment of my soul

I long for more, but my captor now eludes me

Should I escape, there shall be no going back

So here, I linger awaiting his return in my arms…


In the darkest of my secret desires
It becomes unsettling as time passes
The silence of these days and nights
As I wait, longing for my beloved

I become lost, in a loving memory
Yearning to become alive anew
As only, he can touch my soul
Ever so profoundly, in every touch
Soaring in abandonment – awakened

I cannot envision a life without love
Since the day I have fallen from grace
I was dually blessed and then cursed
As I am alone in the mind’s memoirs
Awaiting the break of unbearable silence

Years have passed him by
His youth seems fading away
Still she is as fresh as before
From the first moment he captured her
Now he watches her from the shadows

Remembers the sweet feel of her flesh,
the sensation of her kisses of nectar
He never locked the cage, she stayed
She yearns for him each and every night
But now he finds himself too afraid

For he is only mortal, she is Eternal
An Angel of Death fallen in love
If only he dared to approach her
Take her now in a fury of lust,
could she still crave this withered shell?

Penetrating the stillness of the night
I can hear a voice, long thought astray
I can feel the blood pulsating in my veins
As I cry out for my beloved to come anew
Even as times passes, nothing has changed

Though my wings have has been clipped
As I had fallen into forbidden temptation
I remain the same, though he has now aged
I care naught for appearances, as in my eyes
It is the pureness of his heart, which lures me

I cannot help but wonder where he dwells
Grasping unto faith, that he shall return
Accepting, with no remorse of what was
Surrendering to this love, I so freely offer
United as one being, forever without end

He dares to approach her once again
Long ago he felt no love in his soul
But she has changed how he once was
An ancient naked body, he now offers
To this beauty that smiles to welcome him

He responds to the gentle touches she gives
Feeling like a young man again, once more
Lovers in this night of forgotten shadows,
daring to surrender to desires of the flesh
Allowing two hearts to be now, as one

Then he feels the agony within his chest
Age has taken a toll for a moment to cherish
He holds her as she trembles, knowing
The last thing he sees are an Angels tears
As in the final moments, he dies in her arms

After waiting for so long, it seems cruel
Befalling such heartfelt sorrow, losing
Once again my beloved, as destiny rules
Fallen from grace, atonement must be paid
Pleading now for redemption for my sins

I know there is no going back to paradise
As I have found heaven, here earthbound
It is now within my power, to make amends
Bestowing my love upon those in dire need
Finding peace in the light of loves true gift

A state of a higher power that takes hold
Ruling now these days, that comes forth
Nevermore in the darkest of my desires,
as I find the strength within to arise anew
In moving on, with all of my heart and soul

Copyright © 1/2013 Lucy Martins/Chris Smith

All poetry by Lucy Martins/Chris Smith are copyright protected by International Copyright Law, the use without written permission is illegal. All Rights Reserved ©
When those storm clouds are gathering
As the rain prepares to lash down
The lightening flashes in the sky
Like an angry God throwing thunderbolts
I see a hidden beauty within this world

I see the rivers flowing gently across the great divide
Misty shades of faded grey arising way up high
All the world is aglow with God's lighted bolts
Everything is beautiful once again inside my heart
Peace is found no matter the rain and I am have rest and hope

And even though, through shades of darkness
There are times of a thousand hidden tears
I know that hope rises high for us all
For beauty walks side by side with the beast
We must open up our eyes to embrace it

Embrace the darkness, receive the light with gladness
Knowing those hidden tears will fade away
They will be replaced with joy, forsaking sadness
Never to be forgotten but held in store
Remembered when those new storms roar

A Collaboration by Chris J Smith and Neva Flores 2010
Dec 2012 · 964
412: Today A World Weeps
Today A World Weeps

Today a world weeps
At a loss of life
I have to ask why
Why **** the children
Why **** the teachers
So near to Christmas
Please cry with me
We lost the future
Maybe a cure for cancer
Maybe a leader of peace
Or an inventor of Time
All now taken away
By a madmans gun
Children are a new generation
To create a new, a better world
Young lives yet to learn, to begin
This Christmas as we celebrate
Families will mourn their loss
Life should be cherished
So let us send prayers
Because all around this world
All religions and all people
Cry with you on this day
Give me one dance
With the crystal Angel
Someone so beautiful
But so very fragile

Do not hurt her
Such a delicate creature
But never cage her too
For she may shatter

Crystal Angels will shine
In wonderous multi-colour
Flying back towards Heaven
As you keep the memory alive

copyright Chris Smith 2012
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