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Nov 2012 · 1.1k
410: Please Santa
Please Santa,

All I want this Christmas is Daddy home
Mommy keeps crying, she misses him
I miss him too, I'm only five years old
He is a soldier and has been away
He has been gone over eight months
Please bring him back, I don't want toys
Last week two men came to the door
They looked very important to me
Wearing uniforms with medals on
Mommy was given a letter and a flag
Not just any flag, one of the country
But when Mommy read the letter
She started crying, she hasn't stopped
Mommy won't tell me what it said
I'm scared I won't see Daddy again
So please Santa, I'm begging you
I don't want anything else
I want you to bring Daddy home
Sep 2012 · 4.8k
409: Will You Love Him
For no reason he starts screaming
Then begins to hit you
Shouting for no given purpose
He will begin to bite himself

It is then as nothing happened
He plays with an electronic game
Something then will disrupt him
So begins punching himself in the head

He will not wait his turn
Even when others are already speaking
So starts to bite himself once more
Shouting out threatening behaviour

You can never try to tell him off
It will only make him worse
He believes he is only allowed to shout
He will never understand what you say

The throwing of things will then commence
Showing you outrage and anger
Comes up and shouts in your face
Followed by slapping and hitting you

Then it will all suddenly stop
Begins talking nicely to you
Talking non-stop about his cars
He will then put them all in a line

Come and ask for a cuddle
Not even remember what just happened
For an hour or two he talks politely
You dare not try to change the subject

Never try to break his routine
For he will start swearing at you
Everything will start all over again
Because he will never understand change

He even hates his baby sister
Because he needs all the attention
He has no understanding of sharing
Or how to ever show fair play

He is locked away in his own world
Expects everyone to know what he is thinking
He can not even dress himself
But he has a perfect photographic memory

Others will never come to realise
They will only think the worst of him
They call him names behind his back
All because he is a little different

Autistic children may be a challenge
But remember, they are still children
All they need is understanding
So, will you love him?

copyright Chris Smith 2012
For children with Autism/Asperger's Syndrome
If only we could understand autism a bit more
A Daredevil came
Lighting a Green Lantern
Even a Scorpion King
Bowed down in respect
For a fallen comrade
They travelled the Green Mile
Walked the final Whole Nine Yards
In honour and in silence

A Kung Fu Panda
Followed with Cats And Dogs
Crying tears into the night
For a gentle giant
So deeply missed
Aug 2012 · 3.0k
406: The Atheist
At eighteen he could not believe
No one could change his mind
At christianity, he rolled his eyes
Buddism never made he think
Refused to become Wiccan
Never picked up the Bible
Nor tempted by the Koran
For years he was never swayed

No embracing any religion
When they said he'd go to Hell
Well, he never believed anyway
Not wanting to know any God
Laughed at thoughts of a Devil
Lived his life with his family
Even though his children
Grew up to have faith

Now an elderly man in hospital
Alone in a room and dying
A night so dark without stars
When a light shone in the window
He felt tears on his cheeks
Put his hands together
Then he whispered
"Please forgive me".

copyright Chris Smith 2012
Aug 2012 · 821
405: Realm Of The Bear
Through the white wilderness
Hunting in knowing hunger
Some slow moving Seal
Will become the next repast

For this Polar region is named
After the mighty Bear that roams
Ursus Maritimus, the Sea Bear
Hunting under the Ursa Major

Never eating during the Summer
Spring or Autumn, the hunting season
Legends on the Arctic dormain
Rulers of the snow and ice

copyright Chris Smith 2012
Jul 2012 · 1.4k
404: Anniversary In Hell
July 24th 1997, and I still hate it

The thing that it left with me

A decaying piece of charred meat

That will never belong to me

Something I continue to abhor

I still can not accept as mine

The hatred should be at them

Because they took it away

Killed what was my life

Destroyed everything I knew

They ignited the flame

That devoured my flesh

Not knowing what happened

But the nightmare still remains

For three months I suffered

So much in this World

Seemed also to be happening

As I faced a hospital bed

Wet Wet Wet did a version of Yesterday

Princess Diana died that August

My partner rarely came to see me

I found myself using a wheelchair

Terrified by horrible dreams

Where they still came for me

Then came the time to go home

I feared about leaving the safety

Of a place full of caring nurses

But that day would arrive

Having to live with the shock

When I first saw what was done

Home, finding out she cheated

Slept with a family friend

Her reason was so simple

She didn't want to sleep

With the way I was disabled

Not able to accept the leg

So I drank, almost attempting suicide

Anything and everything I took

But it never blocked it out

Still she found other lovers

My children gave me reason

To keep on living each day

The writing became my therapy

Finding the release through words

Giving freedom to those feelings

Some I thought were forgotten

Still finding it harder to cope

It was not mine, take the leg away

So what did these years bring me?

Apart from refusing to want this scarred monster

That seems to be attached forever to my soul

A bitter memory etched in torment and pain

Each anniversary is a walk through Hell

Where everything was a ripple effect

If I had stayed home on that night

Then this would not be my fate

Part of me is in fear of that

For would this poet had been born?

Created from the flames of agony

To try to find himself in life

Partners have come and gone

Sanity was almost lost at times

where I dwelt in my own fantasy

Refusing to accept what was real

It cost me a treasured friendship

But I learnt the value of that lesson

For seven years I have not drank

But have suffered the edge of madness

I almost lost this woman, close to me now

She forgave the strangeness in my mind

Now she makes me stronger each day

But the Anniversary in Hell nevergoes away

copyright Chris Smith 2012 (Bearing a tortured soul)
Jun 2012 · 542
403: Angel By Moon Light
My Angel by moon light
How precious thou art
You are a beautiful sight
We shall never be apart

Souls flying together
Like birds always free
Two wolves running forever
Wild passion for thee

The night stars shine
Diamond hearts aglow
My mind will be thine
Our love can flow

Divine beautiful you give
My life always bright
Giving me purpose to live
My Angel by moon light

Copyright Chris Smith 2012
May 2012 · 1.8k
402: Cobalt Electric Blue
Cobalt electric blue
I thought of you
Of what you do
Where nothing is true

A million people fell
Into their private hell
With demons to tell
Their souls to sell

Did anyone listen to me
I never asked for sympathy
Only to escape from misery
Where vessels lay empty

So I grabbed the sky
Reached up too high
Heard an Angel cry
Knew I could never fly

Whatever we go through
Breaking from every rule
What do we look to
Colbalt electric blue

copyright Chris Smith 2012
May 2012 · 507
401: From The Madness
From the madness
I saw myself
Deep in darkness
Trying to escape
Out of blackness
Looking for the light

Running from weakness
Only into empty thought
Lost in the bleakness
Which I had made
Hating this deep mess
I find myself in

There is nothing less
But still nothing more
On my knees to confess
All is now long gone
Leaving behind stress
Sanity gone away

copyright Chris Smith 2012
Lonely birds fly away home
To distant lands and far away nests
Never do they look back
For the places that they leave

Open their wings to roam
Flying as the hard wind tests
Trying to send them back
To those places that they leave

So hard for us to let go
As they continue to grow
Let them learn by their mistakes
No matter how your heart breaks

Take care of them for me
For I must set them free
Never let them see my tear
I will always be here

copyright Chris Smith 2012
Apr 2012 · 565
399: The Path We Seek
We build our own path
Towards the future
Trying to learn
From the past mistakes
But sometimes we forget
Then make those same mistakes
Once again too many times

The journey through life
Where we touch so many
Through the good and bad
Sometimes we can forgive
But we can never forget
The heart can ache
Only we can make it mend

There are those we hurt
Where we did not mean to
We can only walk away
From we had done
Striding for the future
Unable to change the past
Trying to forget the present

So many comrades we find
Some remain in our lives
Some go separate paths
Their memory stays with us
We may change with the times
But something stays with us
That is the beauty of friendship

copyright Chris Smith 2012
Apr 2012 · 701
398: Pondering
"Are you pondering what I'm thinking, Pinky?"
"I think so Brain...

A world where peace reigns
Where men and mice are equal
Free cheese for everyone
Hope is no longer a dream
The big wheel we run
Finally has a purpose
Laboratory mice see freedom
No more experiments anymore
Even humanity see the light
All animals coming together
From a gift we should cherish
So I am pondering that dream"

"I don't want to take over the world anymore
Pinky, I want to live in your one"
Mar 2012 · 2.6k
397: Rotting Carnations
She sits there alone
Head in her hands
Crying about the past
Of the hurt inside
She feels so forgotten

He is miles away
Forever being drunk
Lost in a bottle
Never forgiving himself
For what he had done

But there on the window
Long forgotten and neglected
Is a reminder of their love
But now faded and died
A vase of rotting carnations

Copyright Chris Smith 2012
Mar 2012 · 783
396: Well Of Madness
Chocolate hearts melting
In a sweltering heat
Crushed by sticky fingers
Licked by insecure tongues

Little bird battered
Never learnt to fly
It will not soar now
Someone clipped the wings

Mother Earth woke up
She took a look around
Saw nothing had changed
Then she went back to bed

Young man fell in love
She was a serial killer
Let her have her way
She tore out his heart

Poet looked for words
Found his pen was dry
Could he comprehend
He had a mental block

Does anybody understand
What I am trying to say
I think I will step back
Into the well of madness

Copyright Chris Smith 2012 (orginally written on )
Mar 2012 · 744
395: Mothers Day
May blessings come your way
On this wonderful day
To celebrate everywhere
Honour you with loving care
Every wish granted for you
Respect in all that you do
Special kisses are sent

Dedications of intent
All this to discover
You are always loved, dear Mother

Copyright Chris Smith 2012
Mar 2012 · 1.1k
394: Never Turn Back
You can never turn back
The past has been and gone
Now the future awaits ahead
So take that step forward

If you lose your self control
In a game you never chose
Then you can never win
No one will try to listen

So those stories they tell
It is only side being told
Bite your tongue forever
You know what took place

Another day seems better
Away from what used to be
Just keep holding the good times
But you must never turn back

Copyright Chris Smith 2012
Mar 2012 · 716
393: Sticks And Stones
The little girl
With the red hair
Stands alone crying
Out in the playground

The young boy
Suffers his torment
Sitting in the classroom
No one speaks to him

Disabled man at work
Told he should stay home
Let someone fit do the job
Managers turn a deaf ear

Does it matter who you are
Black, white, whatever race
They will pick on you
Make you feel different

A bully is sometimes a victim
Is afraid of being cast out
So begins that vicious cycle
Of pushing someone else aside

Let them come, I am waiting
Who says names never hurt you
They can throw their sticks and stones
I am fighting them with words

Copyright Chris Smith 2012 (first published on )
Mar 2012 · 1.2k
392: Saxon Blade
I pray to you this night
For my Goddess to bless me
That if I fall in battle
On the new born morning
You will reward my soul

The invaders took our land
They have ***** our woman
Have stolen our only food
Destroyed what was our homes
Driven us to hide in the hills

But now, when daylight dances
We will take this no more
Fight side by side, with fury
Our swords will taste their blood
We will be free once again

To the death with no surrender
Saxon warriors in blood and soul
Brothers in arms until the end
But if I die in the coming battle
My father will guide my spirit home

Copyright Chris Smith 2012
First published on
Mar 2012 · 815
391: Day To Day
Would you remain in dreams
Instead of facing reality
Where the world can't touch you

The warmth of the pretence
Of how it might be
Rather than what you go through

No one can drag you away
Back down into your despair
Of the darkness of your mind

Because you can ignore it all
The growing pangs of uncertainly
Of everything you must find

So reach up to the sky
Don't throw it all away
All we can ever do is try
To live it day to day

Copyright Chris Smith
Feb 2012 · 964
389: Broken Poetess
I once spoke to a broken poetess
Transfixed with her words
She told of hearts long forgotten
Of the loss felt in her soul
Her poetry led me to other places
Her imagination became an open book

I never told her of what I saw
A woman full of compassion and beauty
Her aura was of a warm, sensual glow
In her very eyes I saw her sparkle
Her words entranced me like a spell
Her voice was the sound of an Angel

But alas, I could never fix her
She was fated to be a broken poetess
So fragile, but with words so strong
Her heart forever beats in her poetry
Reaching to touch those chosen few
My broken poetess touched me as one

Copyright Chris Smith 2006
Aug 2011 · 796
388: The Hand Of Love
A poet paints with the gift of words,
Expressing the feelings of the soul.
They touch you with visions,
Sharing the beauty written.

But a poet suffers for their art,
Taking the pain deep into their soul.
Crying tears of blood upon the paper,
The ink screams out their remorse.

This poet has known shame.
He has hurt himself and the one he loves.
The time has come to heal,
To tear down the walls.

Shatter the misery deep inside.
To take hold of the hand of love,
To find the acceptance of the heart,
And all of the dreams to come.

copyright Chris Smith 2011
Mar 2011 · 1.1k
386: The Cat Lady
Like a faded photogragh
The memory slips away
Of times that belong
Buried in the past

She picks up the kettle
Pours in the water
Places it on the cooker
But forgets to turn it on

She is used to the smell
The cats are her company
Running around her home
Because no one calls to visit

She rarely comes out the door
Only to gather food for her cats
Eating very little for herself
For she seldom remembers to eat

In every city and in every town
You will find them living there
Past glory days, all but forgotten
Always alone and never visited

copyright Chris Smith 2011
Feb 2011 · 1.0k
385: I Am A Broken Man
I am a broken Man
Made of glass, shattered
Pieces of myself found
Like smashed rain drops
Adorning this dusty floor

Do you believe a man can cry?
Weeping of the love he lost
That his soul, now forever ******
Could not take that needed step
To take him in the right direction

That man is a dark, fallen fool
I am he, who fell hard from grace
Never able to find that moment
That passing second, all I needed
But my pitied pride kept me back

So the heart aches, no more say I
Leave me suffering with my demons
Let the broken shards lie where they are
That which once contained true love
That I carelessly dropped from my hands

copyright Chris Smith 2011
Feb 2011 · 2.0k
384: I Salute You
For all those who feel the pain
Of a tireless job, again and again

I salute you

For all single mothers all alone
Working and aching to the bone

I salute you

For all the soldiers away from family
Risking their life against a common enemy

I salute you

For all the nurses doing the hours godsend
Doing the night shift that never seems to end

I salute you

For the people reading this and relate
Knowing life can sometimes be a desperate state

I salute you

For all of you who find life can be a test
When you are out there and doing your best

I salute you
copyright Chris Smith 2011
Feb 2011 · 761
383: Far From Home
She is far away from home
Working hard, tries her best
No time to find what she needs
To allow herself to seek love

A thousands miles from family
She passes the hours, everyday
Never finding time to rest
Being lonely hurts her most

She refuses the offers coming her way
Not wanting just one night of passion
Then facing another empty, cold bed
At least she still believes in dreams

She never asked to be this way
Coming here, working a low wage
But there was no money back home
And she thought things would be better

So the hours pass, going home so alone
A home which is not there in her heart
Because her heart stays in another land
In that place she was born years ago

All she needs is someone to hold her
Show her how special she can be
To be there each night she comes back
To make her feel cherished once more

copyright Chris Smith 20th December 2010
Taken from the blog
Feb 2011 · 1.0k
382: Excuse Me, Sir
Excuse me, Sir

Did you have to order
The most expensive food
That is on the menu

When outside the window
A hungry child looks in
Only dreaming of this

You waste half the plate
So it is thrown away
But never a scrap for us

Excuse me, Sir

You buy for your own sake
Not really needing it
For it is left to be forgotten

Never thinking what you could do
Sparing for the needy with nothing
One percent of your money is too much

You do not believe in charity
Millions wasted for your own good
The rich always rob from the poor
copyright Chris Smith 2011
In these times we live
We see horror take hold
And we try to survive
Knowing all that we do
Seems to be never enough

Wars come and are fought
Where the brave will die
Scared in a battle far away
Terror striking in a distant land
Praying they will make it home

Only the dead are without fear
For the dead can no longer feel
Never aware of the thousand flowers
That will adorn a thousand graves
Only the dead are without fear

copyright Chris Smith 2011
Feb 2011 · 5.3k
380: The End Of A Circle
Going around and around

Will love finally be found?

Looking for life out there

Seeking for it somewhere

So on and on I will go

Back and forth, to and fro

Feet aching, never stopping

Always window shopping

I'm looking for the end of a circle

It keeps on being never ending

I'm looking for the end of a circle

I feel like things are transcending

Looking up, then I'm looking down

I'm the king who has lost his crown

Sometimes mad, maybe sometimes sane

Trying to make sense, trying to explain

If you look for which you seek

You never can find the words to speak

I am here and you are over there

Dreaming that we can be somewhere

I'm looking for the end of a circle

It keeps on being never ending

I'm looking for the end of a circle

I feel like things are transcending

copyright Chris Smith 2011
Feb 2011 · 1.6k
379: Valentine
Velvet like kisses on lips
A taste of sweet love, gentle sips
Lovers embrace and never let go
Each telling words that they know
Never allowing a broken heart
Together and never being apart
In emotions grip, which they feel
Noticing their passion is real
Every beat welcomes more love
copyright Chris Smith 2011
Feb 2011 · 643
378: They Are Coming
They are coming, getting closer
I try hard but can not awaken

They are coming, getting closer
This is no dream, I was mistaken

They are coming, searching for me
If only I could escape somewhere

They are coming, searching for me
I am trapped in this nightmare

They are coming, stalking now
Who will be there to hear my cry?

They are coming, stalking now
Please help me, I do not want to die

They are coming, they have my scent
All I want is to come out of this dream

They are coming, they have my scent
All is left for me is to scream

They are coming, they are here
copyright Chris Smith 2011
If only this was a perfect world
Where all could be set free
Where words were expressed
And read with love and devotion

If only there was never feuds
Where friends fell out at times
Where friendship was created
And it always reigned true

If only people could be equal
And forgive any injustice
So everyone could fit in
Instead of competing to win

If only poetry was that simple
To touch everyone in so many ways
That we could understand the true meaning
Where so many poems mean so many things

If only I could find the solution
To help make everyone find happiness
Where we love the friendship we have
Because then, I would find happiness too
copyright Chris Smith 2011
Feb 2011 · 1.1k
376: Hello Beautiful
Stop crying my sweet
You burnt the dinner
And it has got you down
Come here for a hug
Listen to what I say

Hello Beautiful

Don't you worry now
That dress suits you well
Never mind about others
Of what they might think
Because in my eyes I say

Hello Beautiful

From that very first day
I still feel the same way
Every moment I see you
Every day I am with you
Every time we make love

I say...

Hello beautiful
copyright Chris Smith 2011
Feb 2011 · 1.8k
375: Thy Blackened Soul
Thy blackened soul, it reaches out
Trying to break free this hellish night
Demons screaming with a banshee shout
Attempting to drag you from the light

I know who you are, hidden in mortal form
The rage of your darkness, forever screaming
Your eyes betraying your devilish storm
Taking away those that need hope in dreaming

So here you are, for you are coming for me
I was a fool to believe I could make this deal
Now the lowest part of Hell awaits for my misery
You have no heart, it is impossible for you to feel

Thy blackened soul,comes to seal my fate
And those hellish hounds come baying
To beat the Devil, before it becomes too late
Because in those lower regions, forever staying
copyright Chris Smith 2011
Feb 2011 · 636
373: Would Ye Remember Me
Would ye remember me,
If I fell into Deaths embrace.
Or would you soonest forget,
I ever dwelt within thy place.

Could you soonest know me well,
Of this man I used to once be.
Maybe yon memory would fade,
Until I was, at last, forgotten by thee.

And aye, mine words may live again,
Thy words may be revisited once more.
This World could rediscover the beauty of poetry,
Where begging to read, could, nay; shall implore.

The minds will be opened, all poets then blessed,
Where people will think, and come to ponder.
Books once again shall opened, and enjoyed,
As the best of thee, through words from yonder.
copyright Chris Smith 2011
Feb 2011 · 740
371: Fear Itself
Shivers, creeping down your spine
Grabbing you like a demon of ice
You are shaking, each passing terror
Gripped by the visions of the unholy

Nothing can stop these feelings now
Bubbling up like the foulest pit
Nausea like a fist, clenching inside
But  nothing can be seen, nothing there

That feeling there is something behind you
Watching, waiting, ready to strike
For what can be more terrifying, my friend
Than having to face fear, the horror of *fear itself
copyright Chris Smith 2011
Feb 2011 · 932
370: Paddy Wouldn't Mind
Take off your shoes, rest for a bit

Grab a pint, take a chair and sit

Drink to comrades that are gone

And their memory will be strong

If you get drunk, that's okay

As long as you're here to stay

We can talk about great poetry

Until our glasses turn empty

If those words you can't find

Well you know, Paddy wouldn't mind

That pint on the table, that vacant chair

You can feel him, he is sitting there

I didn't know him all that well

He had good poems he would tell

Offer up a comment in his own way

Tell the truth in what he had to say

Well God has to give us the test

Because He will only take the best

Now up there, in Heavenly light

You can tell for the Angels he will write

If those words you can't find

Well you know, Paddy wouldn't mind

That pint on the table, that vacant chair

You can feel him, he is sitting there

for Patrick "Paddy" Martin, a true poet amongst us all.
Feb 2011 · 1.2k
369: Cheap Seats
Can you please tell me,
How the cost of living isn't free?
Every heart beat that I feel,
Always seems another second to steal.
Poor souls suffer in torment,

Still losing a special moment.
Every life is forever paying,
A** price we pay for straying.
Taking us closer to Deaths' touch;
Suddenly the cost seems too much.
copyright Chris Smith 2011
I remember when we were young
Playing childrens' games together
Those times are now so special
I thought they could last forever

As we grew older and went our ways
Sister and brother living apart
She became a soldier, making me proud
Always here, never far from my heart

But now I can never tell you how I feel
I remember all the good times we went through
I am torn up inside, knowing I won't see you again
My brother Sean, this pain because it hurts to miss you
This is Hollys' poem linked to Byron Lorde
copyright Chris Smith 2011
I thought I saw an Angel crying,
Up there within the storm clouds.
Her tears falling with the rain,
Her sobs hidden by the sound of thunder.

I thought I saw an Angel trying,
So hard to understand those she protects.
Never seeing in the folly of so many wars,
Wondering why there is the need to fight.

I thought I saw an Angel dying,
From the lack of emotions down below.
Her heart torn by the hatred being formed,
As she felt the love flowing far away.

I thought I saw an Angel flying,
Soaring up on beautiful wings.
Because she was never giving up hope,
For she knew we still had far to come.
copyright Chris Smith 2011
Jan 2011 · 1.7k
365: Timeless Nightmares
Taken from a restless night
Images crawling in my sight
Mysterious touch of icy fingers
Every dark thought that now lingers
Left shivering, something there
Each heart beat, terror shall share
Shadows moving within my head
Skin is tingling with a fear to shed

Night holds something, evil waiting
In deepest threat, now anticipating
Growing visions of the unholy we know
Having nowhere to run, nowhere to go
Ticking manic laughing of the clock
Murderous beasts, my screams they mock
Answers never come, no mercy only misery
Rats scuttle in corners, showing no pity
Endless searching to find some hope
Suddenly comes Death with a hangmans' rope
copyright Chris Smith 2011
Jan 2011 · 795
Triman Reborn
I bet you forgot about me
Hiding away in the darkest recess
Locked within your deepest imagination
Thinking you were at last safe from me

Well, I am going to come back very soon
When you are least expecting to see me
Attacking within your nightmares this time
Playing new games with your very pysche

So you better keep an eye over your shoulder
For that glimpse of movement in a dark corner
Because I had no intention of staying defeated
When I so many to new souls to play with

No scarred monk will ever get the better of me
The story will start again, deadly that before
Listen to that whisper on the coldest of winds
When I ask once more, *"Do you want to play a game"?
Triman Reborn (He's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccccccccckkkkkkk), coming soon to a scream near you.

copyright (Hiding in fear) Chris Smith 2011
Jan 2011 · 1.7k
364: Deny Me
Deny me only one kiss
And my heart shall die

Deny me only one touch
And my soul shall cry

If you should deny me your love
My body will surely wither away

If you should deny me your beauty
Then my life will be taken this day

I love thee, with all of this heart
I would give you my very life

I love thee, with all of this body
Your love cuts deeper than any knife

copyright Chris Smith 2011
Jan 2011 · 912
363: Ruffled Feathers
Leaves falling from midnight trees
Like lovers taking their lives
Silently, without a soul watching
Left decaying of the cold, wet ground

Trees then standing naked and exposed
Against the cruel touch of the elements
Victims to the exposure of their modesty
Unable to defend what nature sees

Flowers that give up to the coming Winter
To shrivel and die without a thought
As frost comes after them like a demented slayer
Stripping them of the beauty they once held

Birds come in search for scraps of food
On a frozen ground that refuses to yield
Hungry for the smallest morsel laying there
Icy breeze flows through ruffled feathers
copyright Chris Smith 2011
Jan 2011 · 919
362: Daggers In The Rain
The rain falls like daggers
My mortal soul staggers
Washed in this darkness
Trapped in a void so endless

My eyes refuse to see the light
Only demons gnaw at my sight
For who can come to rescue me?
Make complete a soul so empty

I am here if you call my name
Let me be the one to take the blame
Show me how I can start to begin
Please trust me and let me in

You never need to face it alone
Do not suffer these arrows on your own
Come and hold my hand, there is nothing to fear
I want you to know I am always going to be here

copyright Chris Smith 2011
Byron Lorde poem
Jan 2011 · 762
361: Invisible Girl
She only wants someone to love

To have someone to love her

But she is so scared to reach out

To show how she really feels

He keeps passing by her every day

So near to her, in the corridors

So many times she wishes he would see her

If only she could be one with the crowd

She is an invisible girl, hidden from sight

Always kept in the dark, never the light

She smiles at him, from across her desk

But he never notices she is looking

Every girl is always catching his eye

But she never seems to be the one

She always sends him secret love letters

Someone else seems to take the credit

Why can't he see her feeling this way?

Her heart is breaking, yearning for him

She is an invisible girl, hidden from sight

Always kept in the dark, never the light

Suddenly he turns to her and he looks away

He never notices the tears she is crying

She is too scared to try grabbing his hand

Thinking she will never be good enough

If only she knew the thoughts in his head

He wants nobody else, to to be with her

She makes him tremble, too afraid to speak

If only she would talk with him, call his name

She is his invisible girl, hidden from sight

She hides from him in the dark, never the light

copyright Chris Smith 2011
Jan 2011 · 802
360: Miracle Street
Taking a journey, taking a walk
So many people ready to meet
They always listen, they always talk
When you come down to Miracle Street

Sweet old lady, her name is Mandy
For years she has lived out here
Children visit, they always get candy
Because there is no danger or fear

Policeman by the name of Paul
Always sharing with you a witty rhyme
For him you will never have to call
For here there never is any crime

Over there is where lives Doctor Phil
Ready to help you when you need him
But it is so lucky nobody ever gets ill
And the Doctor always smiles and never gets grim

Teenagers help the elderly to get across the road
And the traffic never drives way too fast
Never any fights, everyone holds someones hand
There is a special peace that always will last

Taking a journey, taking a walk
So many people ready to meet
They always listen, they always talk
When you come down to Miracle Street

copyright Chris Smith 2011
Dec 2010 · 1.0k
359: New Beginnings
Out goes another decade
Dying in the last embers
As the final seconds fade
And the past slowly remembers

A new one is born to begin
Maybe better than that before
Wondering what it will bring
What secrets has it instore

A new year, for a new time
Ten years gone by too fast
Twelve bells of a clock chime
Celebrations that can never last

Let us have no wars or no pain
No problems creeping this way
No dark clouds bringing forth rain
Let there be a new beginning today

copyright Chris Smith 2011 January 1st
Creeping down stairs, not making a sound
A little boy looks under the tree, glee in his eyes
Seeking for so many presents to be found
Wondering what is in them, what is the surprise?

Suddenly he hears a noise, a ringing of a bell
The little boy creeps behind the sofa to hide
Is it his papa?, there is no way to tell
He might be angry and smack his backside

He peeks out and sees a glimpse of red
The little boy is scared, who can it be?
Maybe it is a bugular come inside instead
Steal everything there, oh what misery!

"Little boy, be you not afraid my friend"
"I know you are hiding behind there"
It was a voice, someone good in the end
Someone special who always loved to share

He came from behind the sofa, feeling shy
Santa was standing there, rosy cheeks and a smile
The little didn't know what to do, should he cry?
Would Santa take away his presents in a pile?

"Little boy, this time of year is only for you"
"Children of the world are special to us all"
"Take your gifts away?, that I would never do"
"Please go to bed, and wait for morning to call"

The little boy did this, and slept in dream land
He awoke that morning with an excited sigh
Went door stairs, holding his mamas' hand
And noticed on the table, a half eaten mince pie

copyright Chris Smith 27th December 2010
Dec 2010 · 761
357: Time To Go
Ancient eyes view faded photograghs

Remember days condemned to the past

Of happier times of so very long ago

When youth allow these wery bones

To run with the love of a beating heart

He misses her, every second of every day

Ten years to the time she had to leave him

Taken by God, and he has been alone since

But he wonders why God is taking so long

So he can once again be with the one he loves

He always hears her voice, hears her laughter

She even comes to visit him in his dreams

No matter how dry his aged skin may feel

There are always tears in her memory

He is getting tired, so very tired

Then she is there holding his weathered hand

Looking as beautiful as when they first met

Pulling to his feet and he feels so young again

Dancing into the light, two lovers reunited

Leaving behind the life he has no more

copyright Chris Smith December 26th 2010
Dec 2010 · 1.2k
356: Christmas Tears
Can you hear the jingle of bells?

Hear the blessings and the noels

Reaching out with joy for all

In homes everywhere, presents in the hall

Still there is another side we never see

Those neglected children, with stockings empty

Many are in places they should never be

All too many, homeless, too true sadly

So spare a thought for children so needy

Tiny boys and girls that are too hungry

Each of us will celebrate, and never know

Anything about young tears that grow

Remember your young ones, safe and protected

Sadly, there are young children rejected

copyright Chris Smith Xmas day 2010

There is always another side to Christmas we never see.
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