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 Jul 2015 DaRk IcE
Chase Allen
When you're trapped inside the pitch black tunnels of you're mine you're scared and lost. You don't know what direction to run, you're surrounded by the terrors of your thoughts. Any positivity that enters is quickly drown out by the deafening cacophony of "You're never going to be good enough"
"You are only wasting your time"
"They never did like you"
All your insecurities and fears suffocate you and you pray that you will eventually see the light and escape.

I just want to feel appreciated, like I'm actually good enough for someone or something. I put everything I have into it and beg but am always left feeling empty and destroyed. I just want something to let me know all my efforts are seen and mean something rather than to just constantly put pushed aside.
random anxiety attack thoughts I put into words
 Jul 2015 DaRk IcE
Drifton A Way
e     ­                                                                 ­                                                   o
f                                                              ­                                                           T
o                                                              ­                                                           i
r                                                              ­                                                           m
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This is not actually a cure...just artificial food for thoughts in a box for your mind to unwind
 Jul 2015 DaRk IcE
I live a deathless death,
You said you loved me then you left,
I saw it in your bottomless brown eyes,
All the love you'd ever felt for me had died,
Died like my heart, soul, and mind,
Without you,
I'm blind,
Oblivious to the rest of the world,
Ever since your love for me grew old,
I guess it is true what they say,
You'll always love the one that got away.
 Jul 2015 DaRk IcE
Justin G Diaz
Time* has gone by
But only in reality has it gone
Within, it seems like its been a lifetime
Knowing you, or rather having known you..
It’s probably all been the same
We said things wouldn’t change
But we’ve slipped away from each other
Like aged tires, unprepared for the rain

At the ****** of our demise it seemed unreal
I tried to hold on for so long
Most would say too long
As i hung from my figment of a cliff, my fingers began to fail me
With every moment of negligence I cried for a change of heart
From you, that never came

As I free fell from my cliff
Deep into the abyss of nothingness I sank into, and digressed from life
I was in a state of internal paralysis
My heart beated, but ever so quietly
My mind thought thoughts, but ever so dismally
I walked the halls watching others laugh and fellowship
When all the while I just missed your smile

Your laugh
Your smell
Your walk
Your talk
Your eyes
Your touch
It was all too much
Too much to yearn at once

As lonesome days came and went, I wondered when this would leave me
When I’d be free from this feeling of no feeling
Others tried to help but my heart was stubborn
I wanted nothing but to reverse the clock
Back to the days when I did feel
When I did smile
When I did live

But then that day came.
That day when God dove into the abyss and rescued me
It was as if all the pressure from the deep ocean had been lifted off my shoulders
My emulation of the Titan Atlas was no more
My fled soul had been returned to my body
And it was all by His grace

Nowadays I still check up on such individual
But I do so from a far
The feeling of care still resonates in my heart
Just not in the way it once did

Yes you've changed, but I don’t see that You
I see the You that i knew
The You that I met and felt utterly anew
The You that I temporarily walked life with and grew

But I have moved on
It took longer than most would
But I guess it was because I loved way more than I knew I could
Now I see you and I feel nothing
But its far from the nothing of before
Now its a calm nothing
A nothing that reassures
Everything’s going to be okay,
I’ve lit my lantern and let it float away, as it burns

Maybe it was all meant to happen this way
Maybe it wasn’t
But either way
Time has gone by
But only in reality has it gone
 Jul 2015 DaRk IcE
Hanna Kelley
I thought that if I could
Walk away from poetry
Then I would be able
To stop looking at my
Life like it's broken..
I still see the wrong
That I have done
But now I see ways
To fix them.. :)
Thank you poetry
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