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 Apr 2019 Chrissy
i didn’t know i was bleeding
until i saw the blood d
just like how i didn’t know
that you already left me
until i realized
it’s such a long time
and i was still here
staying, waiting
 Apr 2019 Chrissy
woman, not all lost battle
means defeat, stand still
because someday,
all the tears you shed
will bloom rainbows and gardens
in your heart, in your soul
and you will flourish
oh nothing but a beautiful blossom
In a drop of you, I lost an ocean of me.
 Apr 2019 Chrissy
"I love you!", he said.
"Really? You love me?!"
I said, surprised.
He said while laughing out loud.
"I knew it!", I said laughing,
while my insides are dying.
It will never happened, I whispered.
your eyes are full of galaxies and i just want to sit and stargaze until i discover every last one.
 Mar 2019 Chrissy
Maria Etre
I slithered my hand
across your chest
and your heart
wrote its story
on my palm
one your
 Mar 2019 Chrissy
Rhutu Tank
She was like music,
And I longed to dance...
For that special one...who is like music to me
 Mar 2019 Chrissy
At Age 18
 Mar 2019 Chrissy
At age 2 she learned to walk
She would run into everyone's arms
She loved giving and receiving hugs

   At age 4 she learned to speak
A bit of a late bloomer
She said "I love you"
to everyone she met

   At age 5 she went to kindergarten
She made so many new friends and they all loved her

   At age 7 she had her first "boy friend"
A young boy in her class
They played everyday at recess

   At and 10 she loved to go to school
Good grades and many friends was all she needed in life

   At age 12 she went to middle school and every other girl was taller than her
She wished she were taller

   At age 13 she started reading beauty articles
She realized how fat her cheeks really were

   At age 15 she thought she had depression
"It's just a phase of life"
Her parents didn't believe her

   At are 16 she first cut
A small blade to her skin
She thought it was the best medicine

   At age 18 she wanted to die
Life wasn't worth the pain anymore
She overdosed in the bathroom

   At age 18 she died
Her parents finally realized they should have done more
Her friends realized they should have asked why she no longer smiled
Her classmates realized they should have stopped teasing her

   At age 18 she went back home to the sky
Perhaps she was an angel all along
 Mar 2019 Chrissy
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Time goes by
And I miss you

Just like me
The flowers grew
But soon they wilted
Just like you

You were sweet
This I knew
Like an addiction
I loved you

Now the roses are dead
The violets are too
The garden's all gone
And so are you

Your flowers died
I did too
Because all along
I was you
I wrote this a while ago when I had a crush on someone and it was literally crushing me. This is pretty metaphorical, but it also has a bit of literal meaning. It's a mixture of my feelings towards the person I liked and how I felt towards myself at the time.
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