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We make up our stories
Our logic and rationalizations
For what happened
That shouldn't have
For what didn't happen
That should have

We say
God is benevelont
The universe is your friend
Don't worry
All is well and always has been

Yes, these are good stories
And maybe they are true

But what can i tell my tears?
The arise from a deep well
my heart
The well of tears

They cry as they wait
For the moment and day
When this friendly universe
Makes up its own mind
To bless my clouded eyes
with the vision
of Thine Feet

Blue Feet, Bamboo flute
My life, my love
My refuge eternal
 May 2018 Cass Indigo
you were chapters
and chapters
in my book of life
sure they were short
but they were meaningful
but me?
i was just mere paragraphs
maybe a few pages at the most
 May 2018 Cass Indigo
a m a n d a
that the moment has arrived
where the original ideal of
the a m e r i c a n  e x p e r i m e n t
has hit right up against
the ability of humanity to reach
that height and create
that reality.

.we have failed.
If you are a suicide survivor
Inbox me your name
And I’ll add it to my tattoos of others

You guys mean the world to me
And I have my own name on my arm
Because I too, am a suicide survivor.
Inbox me your name. Make this go viral so I get names. Hopefully it inspires someone to fight a little harder. Anyone wanna join me?

If you understand I’m sorry. Stay strong friend.
 May 2018 Cass Indigo
My whole body aches when I think of you
You were like a drug I couldn't get out of my system
Attention from you was my cure
An ailment to the sickness you birthed inside my body
Like you were a parasite and I was the host
I was overflowing with your essence
Your demonic sense of entitlement
You made me out to be a monster when you were the real cause for alarm
Everyday I question why god abandoned me the day I met you
Why the universe allowed something so twisted to latch onto my spirit
Couldn't it have been anybody else?
Why was I the one left for the slaughter?
I was so young and so naive when I met you
Now I'm a shell of the girl I used to be
Hardened and crusted over from the inside out
The softness I used to possess has escaped me
I'm no longer the girl everybody used to love
Now I'm abrasive and loud and I don't take any ****
Looking back on it I guess I can thank you for making me like this
At least I know what I'm worth
Written about an abusive relationship that I had when I was 15 that nearly destroyed me
 May 2018 Cass Indigo
im not submerged into anything
im drowning in my own breath
drowning in stress
yet nothing at all
im numb
but im suffocating in this world
nothing is blocking my air passages, nothing is around my neck
but i feel a tightness in my throat
i shake
yet im silent
i get irritable
and i shut down
sometimes i'll cry
others i just sit there staring at nothing
and i just... sit
Santa Fe, Texas
May 18, 2018

welcome to America.
where there had been 11 school shootings before
the end of january of 2018.
welcome to America
where the mentality of the attacker
is the problem,
and not the system.
welcome to America
where a 17 year old Pakistani girl was killed in her school
among 9 other beautiful souls.
welcome to America, Sabika
which was greeted to you nearly six months ago
where you arrived in the "land of hopes and dreams"
to learn and grow and achieve.
welcome to America
the country that showed promise from the looming Taliban threats in Karachi, your hometown.
welcome to America
the country that you were going to help save Pakistan
by building stronger US - Pakistan relationships
and showing women empowerment by being
(possibly) the second female prime minister of Pakistan.
never again would you watch fireworks explode in the sky on August 14
never again would you count up your money on Eid
never again would you eat your mom's biryani on a hot summer day.
welcome to America, Sabika Sheikh
your hopes and dreams were alive and floating
in the land you gave your heart to
and the land that would take it away.

- a.g.
on May 18, 2018, 10 people were killed in the school shooting in Santa Fe High School. among them was Pakistani exchange student Sabika Sheikh, who was to return to Pakistan in 3 weeks. she was 17 years old. please comment your thoughts and feel free to write your own poem about one of the hundreds who have been killed in school shootings across the US.
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