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Carson Hurley Apr 2017
I sit opposite her a blockade between any embrace.
I have stared into these eyes a thousand times,
I know these lines so well I can trace them blindfolded.
Your words are mine before they are even yours,
yet your heart is always misunderstood.
I guess I just still don't know what love means.
Carson Hurley Apr 2017
A jab in the heart
by a blunt blade
of wit,
followed by an
unfashionable smile;
you come to me
barefoot across the
dew spread grass,
eyes of glass violet
glazed with the
violent past you
try so desperately to
Innocence is the burden
you lost before your
years reached double
most men grow tired
of your perpetual
silent complaint
but I beg you for every
no matter how macabre.
You ignite me
Carson Hurley Apr 2017
Late was the hour
she caroused under
the subtle shine of
a winter moon
she was perfect  
a real peach
she was effortlessly
brilliant and to call
her perfect would merely
be an insult
so I would watch
lost for words
Carson Hurley Apr 2017
I would rather be a poor man
writing what i love,
than be a rich man
shackled to a life
of capitalistic rule,
stuck in a dreary job
that gives me no freedom
for creativity.
Carson Hurley Apr 2017
I find something beautifully heartbreaking about the sound of a string quartet playing in a minor key. As the first bow glides across the strings my heart moves in ways unknown to me. I close my eyes and imagine I am a fallen leaf floating atop a crisp flowing stream; the sun shines blissfully, the white clouds sporadically dance in formless waves across the blue sky, and though I am surrounded by passing beauty I feel the inevitable damnation for what approaches. We all know where the mountain stream leads. Ancient rock stands carved by the clawing marks of running water, desperately trying to escape its fall. With each bar played my heart sinks a little further as I know the end approaches, and when it does I find myself falling; at first gracefully, then as quick as it all began, it ends. The end is never quite as beautiful as you first hope it to be, because it is the end, and what is truly beautiful, never really dies.
Carson Hurley Apr 2017
'No bad writing' I say to myself,
and from there I begin deleting all that I have written
Carson Hurley Apr 2017
That east wind clawed at my skin
leaving me fragile again
I was once impervious
to reckoning
but now every element
guffaws at how weak
I have become
the shrill call of the
night birds humiliate me
for I am alone again
far apart
and torn at heart
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