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 Mar 2019 Brother Jimmy
 Mar 2019 Brother Jimmy
Silence is as loud as a monster truck rally
All distraction removed
No TV, no cell phone, no you...
Only my own single voice
Screaming inside of my head

Don't leave me alone
 Mar 2019 Brother Jimmy
 Mar 2019 Brother Jimmy
Sing to me while I rest.
Sit, hold my hand, reminisce
about youth, and life, and love.
Fill my soul
and ease my fears.
Lay your head on my shoulder.
Know my heartbeat once more
and let me smell your hair.
I am preparing for my journey home
and I'll be leaving soon.
 Mar 2019 Brother Jimmy
Lora Lee
floating on
the pond
dragonflies zip
above me
thinking I
am an
organic substance
an algae-dipped
my hair in fronds
the subtle ripple
of sunstreak
on thigh
like reflections of
rainbow lanterns
upon skin
my skin, puckered
from melding
aquatic escapade
is soothed in this home
of kissing koi
who welcome me
in fin brushes
bubbles on the
of my back
sweet as the
lush harmony
of waterlily voices
that only I can hear
as the gaze of frogs
and forest dwellers
imprints upon
the inner lids
of my

a feeling I had the other day while floating :)
There is art
In your heart
Painting pictures
When I lay
My head down on your chest

There are songs in your eyes
Singing lullabies
When you hover
Pin me down
With your stare

There is a poem
On the tip
Of your tongue
I taste it
When I kiss you

You are tortured
My jaded lover
I hear it
When you won't talk
The words I seek lie beneath
Row on row of ground down teeth
Separating flesh from bone
Burdens carried long from home
Letters strung on golden thread
Woven from heart, leading to head
When will all the words unsaid
Return from rapture; nothing left to dread
 Nov 2018 Brother Jimmy
maybe the harder it gets,
the more you let go,
the less you remember,
the more that you know.

God, i hope.
Today I saw a photograph
I've never seen before
It was too much for me to bear,
But left me wanting more

It was like heaven, here on land
Though flaming like a fire
Like child and mother, hand in hand
More reckless than desire

A sunrise o'er a field of blooms
Too vast to know what kind
Sky making clouds like billowed tombs
Cold, damp walls, colored sky behind

With just enough light to capture
The prime of each vividity
With just enough sight to rapture
It's Creator's dense divinity
I saw a stunning piece of photography today. Enough beauty to make you cry...
You’re not the unreachable stars
You’re not the almighty sun
You are every blade of grass
You are every deer in the forest
You are every ripple in the pond

But I
I am the restless moonchild
Roaming senselessly through
The starless sky

But I
I am the moon that wakes
Among slumbering hours
And sleeps through life

But I would rather be the dust
That buries your loneliness
But I would rather be the dews
That wash away your sorrow

Your gift for me is my love for my humility
Your happiness for me is my willingness
To be your eternal shadow and not just
The momentary sunshine

You’re not the sky high above all
You’re not the gale that takes all
You’re the dove I wish to caress
You’re the untouchable dandelion

And I
I am the dark clouds above all fleeing life
The inescapable starless night

And I
I am the gale wind that leaves nothing behind
That goes away silently
When there’s no hope left to be find

And I would rather be the catkins
That hold on to your dreams in flight
And I would rather be the honeybees
That take away your bitterness, despair and fright

Please show me how to love my humility
Please bring back my happiness, my willingness
To be your eternal shadow and not just
Momentary sunshine

For my love for you is not above all,
            But within every breath of life.
Written Thursday June 7th, 2018: I wrote it in Chinese first, and then translated it.
A few elements are from my earlier poems:
eg. Moonchild
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