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 Jul 2017 bg
His figure daunting
A man you need not meet
Tragically, most of us do

He goes by many names
Sorrow and depression are just a couple
And when you see him
You'll wish you hadn't

He isn't shy about introductions
But once he starts talking
Pray he doesn't stay long

A face shrouded by gray
Eyes black
His stories are twisted
They all lack a hero
They all lack hope

And now I'm wishing
Wishing I closed the **** door
But he's sitting at my table
That sick, crooked, grin
Make him stop

He loves chaos and is quick to torment
I'm stuck here
Manically anticipating
The day he'll walk away

Back down his broken road
Back to his circle of hell
The man of the broken road
 Jul 2017 bg
Leave me
 Jul 2017 bg
A shirt with a note
My nickname in bad cursive
Tucked away in my car
Holding onto what we never had
Fantasies that drove me wild
Sailing through dreams off the drug of your touch
A wife keeps you moving
I keep you smiling
I told you to leave me
So do it
 Jul 2017 bg
A Thirst For Hope
 Jul 2017 bg
Through the chaos, I caught a glimpse of you
The nightmare unfolding couldn't rob you of that glorious, warm, smile
You sent me weaving through a labyrinth of lost souls
Extending my arms to embrace you
To shield you from this broken inhabitance
This world so far lost among the shadows
And as my palms met your back
I could feel that you were empty
The one with the strong, sturdy, smile
You were trembling
That's when I realized
We shared the same nightmare
That's when I realized
The sorrow living in your eyes
But when you hooked your arms around my back
And pressed your face into my chest
When your crystal tears bled through my shirt
That's when I realized
Nightmares can end
 Jul 2017 bg
The Heart's Song
 Jul 2017 bg
I can feel it every now and again
The depth of my heart
Or where it used to be

It used to sing so frequently
Now it's lost it's melody
Now it's hard to remember the beat
Because there isn't one

When you chuck a stone into a cave
You wait to hear the echo
But if you throw one into my heart
It'd never hit a solid
For the space is empty
Where it used to sing
 Jul 2017 bg
Derek Tatum
 Jul 2017 bg
Derek Tatum
The pain of goodbyes
Tears & long sighs
How does a man not feel weak as he cries
Cant stop the floodgates no matter how hard he tries
He tilts his face to the skies as he dries his eyes
Still he feels grateful for such strong family ties
The end of an adventure with so many highs
Pant thighs & shirt damp seemingly dyed
Forward through the fog as the pain slowly dies
 Jul 2017 bg
Touch of Death
 Jul 2017 bg
Have you ever experienced the touch of death ?
I have..
Ive felt her thieving hands run through my hair.
Ive felt her abandoned palms hold my skin.
Had her frostbite fingers trace the paths  of a thousand winters across my face.
I watched as she stole everything from me.
Helplessly watching as it all disappeared.
I hid my tears amongst the April showers
Watering the flowers for the funeral in May.
The numbness of her artic touch has made my life eternally blue.
But we continue to smile because that's what life expects us to do.


In memory of my Father 28/04/16
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