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 Jul 2017 bg
We gifted each other dead roses..

Light hearted kisses turned into a thirst for one another..
the type of love meant for a lover.

And in sinful desires and lust we were drenched..
The type of love that struggles to be quenched.

Her nails carved crimson chasms across my spine..
a clear visage of Red Rose vine.

Her Scarlet lips drew blood to my collar..
she was gifted with the ways of a master but was merely the scholar.

I gifted her with a lilac necklace while she gave me a rose-petal tie..
I closed my eyes blinded by an all time high.

The petals bloomed with personae on my neck..
She imprinted every move on my body until check.

We lay in the sheets like two roses wrapped in a bouquet.
Twisted as one I knew that we'd be okay.

We hid our thorns in the beauty of the moon light..
Our love slowly softened nearing midnight.

We lay there together entwined with one another..
In this life I knew we were destined for each other.

It took me forever to write this piece and I'm still unsure of it. I hope you enjoy it

— The End —