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Ayn Dec 2019
Upon the death of another,
One will rise against the hail.

The sleet and rain that killed his brother,
Will be drunk like water from the grail.

A soul will diminish from existence today...
So watch the action, place your bets,
And enjoy this god-forsaken play!
I couldn’t think of the right words in the last paragraph... I meant to justify the word play in a way that told everyone it wasn’t acting, that it was real. Bored at an NNL comp so I decided to write.
Ayn Feb 2020
A system for the we
Of our diligent society.
But you cannot spell
This dangerous ism
Without the prefix
Or in the mouth
Of the common man:
Joseph McCarthy is a wonderful person. He is the sole hero of the amercan society, and the embodiment of the american dream: breaking our government given rights to catch those who are but a far away threat to our rights as a free american.
Ayn Sep 2020
Like a spell,
Diffusing itself from the wand,
Or a petrified cat,
When it’s cage is opened,
a wave of
Confounding emotions
Drown me in their lust...

Their lust for hatred.
Is this spell of confusion
Just to ignite a flaming rage?
Or am I too confused
To think clearly?
On the last stanza, i put an intentional double meaning. Spell of confusion, like magic, or spell of confusion, like a dizzy spell, a short term effect on mind or body.
Ayn Feb 2020
A house is a home,
But only if one makes it so.
In a home,
You can drip emotion,
Free of care or conservation.
In a house
There’s no lack of protection,
But the loneliness becomes an infection.

I have a house,
But I want to make it home.
Ayn Feb 2020
Don’t worry
It’s just water,
Flowing under
This bridge of yours.
You’re up here,
The water won’t hurt.
Unless you jump.
But one
Should never
Find themselves
On the edge of a bridge.

So please,
Step down.
I wish someone told me this when I walked along my local bridge’s 3.5 foot barrier. But I came down myself. Somehow.
Ayn Feb 2020
Opening the door,
Even just once,
Unlocks the possibility
Of a second occurrence.
Some doors are better
Left to be unleft ajar.
Heed my call once again, poetic license! I declare unleft a word. I cry once and now I am crying again. What a ******’ wimp I am.
Ayn Jan 2021
Losing the last cord,
Left to sit and whimper.
Silenced by a culling voice;
Words escaping my thoughts
Like a bullet escaping the cartridge.

All I need is for a spark
To rise beyond the towering flames.
I’ve started drawing, because idk. I’m not great at it but practice makes perfect. Well perfect is a concept rather than a possible outcome for almost everything, so I won’t be perfect, but lets see how much I can improve.
Ayn Jan 2020
As things continue to stand
In this land of the eternally ******,
theres no more room for an honest man.
Ayn Jan 2020
I’m such a coward
I run and hide from opportunity.
My regrettable cowardice
runs through my blood fluidly,
Causing my own grief.

Maybe if I was brave,
Life would’ve been better.
But I am a coward,
And I could never be proud
Of where it put me now.
Ugh. I’m a ******* coward. I hate how it just builds on my social anxiety and introversion, making everything social for me much harder.
Ayn Oct 2021
Stand up or crawl.
Seething pervasive emotion
Burning like an open wound.
Sores and pains erupt throughout
But life’s tenacity carries you forth.
Your mind is blazingly empty;
Save one thought: the end goal.
The pain threatens to corrupt you more,
But your burning strive fends off its toll.

There’s nothing left but the finale;
A desire so strong, nothing else remains.
A scream of intense vitality;
Silencing the waves; soothing the pains.
Ayn Dec 2019
This crown of thorns:
Pushed farther on mine brow,
My brain, it mourns.
Mourns the sadness to which I bow.

These cuffs of blades:
Cut deep into mine legs and arms,
I have been cut by this ace of spades;
The forsaken knife, that exclusively harms.

This unfair reality:
It eats away at all thats left,
It falsely gives me a principality.
The load of emotions, I still heft.

A heart i will never take,
But I still stumble on.
Each day with another mistake,
My hope is just another con.
So ummm yeah, the first poem I wrote, way back in feb of 2019 right after a suicide attempt... Jesus-*******-Christ that’s dark. But I thought I’d share the story behind it. Also was reading Macbeth at the time, so that’s why the language is odd.
Ayn Jun 2020
Three crows
Upon a line.
Three crows
Here to dine.

Lines are drawn
Upon the sky’s
Deep blue lawn.
The third crow
Was just a pawn.

Two crows,
Where’s the third?
Who knows.
Red lines are drawn upon a lawn,
It’s time to pay respects
To the long lost pawn.
Ayn Jan 2021
Mulling over past events,
I hear the simple breath.
A complex existence
Lulling me forward.
The ocean lies ahead,
But her breath pulls me closer.

The rising surf,
Crashing like a titan’s cradle.
Fear spraying my face
As she kicks up the water.
Tearing me from our reality,
While screaming a muting melody;
Dragging out the fear inside of me

My layers,
Worn too thin,
Letting her right through.
Piercing my skin
And igniting my nerves;
Numbing my senses,
And leaving in silence.
The wind is cold, is it not? It’s another thought. If you’ve seen my other work you’ll know what the wind is.
Ayn Aug 2020
I always wanted
To be seen as an adult,

But is it too late
To start being a kid?
I watch my freedom slowly drip away,
As the responsibilities start to overwhelm it.
Ayn Jan 2020
You have an idea.
It pops into your mind
like an unannounced prince;
sudden and wild, but welcome.

The idea is used,
your head leaks code
onto the glowing screen.
Now the turning mind
grows weary.

Your mind's fatigue kills,
and you are so close to done...
but secretly,
you know it's a lie.

Debugging awaits your arrival.
Ugh, when programming (or at least in my case) you usually program a section of an application, then you debug it. The programming part is fun. The debugging part... not so much. Especially when a bug that is hard or impossible to fix appears.
Ayn Jan 2020
I woke up with a start, staring at a wooden door.
It was my front door.
Walking through it I reached a lawn.
Walking down my lawn i found a long road.
My road went off into the distance,
Walking down my road, trailing off into the distance.
As I reached the horizon, I saw a light amongst the fog.
The light belonged to a car, traveling through my fog.
My car crested the horizon, and drove onward.
The two lights signifying my car drew closer.
Amongst my fog, I could barely see my road.
As my car darted closer to me, I started to fear.
My car was speeding up, faster and faster,
Gliding over my road,
Ripping through my fog,
Screaming through my otherwise silent wilderness,
And eventually hitting life into my lifeless body.
The first thing I saw was my horizon,
But then it all left me.
My horizon was no longer mine,
Nor was my wilderness,
My fog,
My road,
My door,
And then my life.
I’m actually really proud of this one, I got inspiration from a song called Disgustipated by TOOL, like but at the very end (skip to 2 minutes left in the song). I tried working with possession and control over things and what that means.

Ayn Feb 2020
The line between heaven and hell,
A line moving to and fro
With each silent toll
Of the otherworldly bell.

A motionless ball set to roll,
Time tells of stagnant control;
Neither will consume the other whole.
Ayn Feb 2020
Everything is ok.
Each deft stroke,
Each ruby bead
Dropped off a ****,
Each strike of lightning,
Or each flaming kiss.

It’s all ok.
Nothing is wrong with this.
Don’t tell me otherwise.
My mindset back then was messed up. I decided that all the pain I gave myself, that it was ok. Another way of life that isn’t bad. It is.
Ayn Dec 2019

The hole is everlasting,
a complete vacuum,
full of partial emptiness.
My arms itch once again...

give me the vorpal blade,
the one to sever ALL my ties.
we are tied by strings to everything, even our own life and death, not just strings to our friends or the red string of fate.
Ayn Oct 2020
In the memories
Ashes turn to dust.
Thoughts gently carried
by the air’s disturbance,
Blowing the dust
Out of existence.
Ayn Jan 2021
What I am;
What I was,
I burst out of the shell,
Burning to shred.
Smoldering paper
Is all that remains.

Burn it all,
The thought doesn’t count.
Burn it all,
It shouldn’t survive.
Burn it all,
Just save me from my memories.
What memories could I be speaking of? Hahaha that’s for me to know and try to forget! I’m usually on the side of not trying to forget things because they teach me. This taught me nothing and caused me pain.
Ayn Mar 2020
I’m sitting in a nowhere,
No life, no sense of flair.

Life bustles all around,
But it’s all a monotone mound,
There’s no variation to be found.

New places,
New spaces,
And new paces
Is the basis
For a mind in stasis.

So i might stop this mope,
And put a wayward hope
Into a little elope.
Maybe I need to travel. I conformed my desires into this rhyme, and I mean it when I said conformed. It’s another forced poem.
Ayn Feb 2020
I’m caught up in this air,
Smelling of chocolates...
And human hearts.
Now I can only think
Of the one that stole mine,
And why I gave up so soon.

Maybe things were meant to be,
And eye-to-eye’s what we truly see.
Christ... before this poem I had written 232 poems, most of which were written since I joined in the end of November. Reminds me of the RS-232 serial connection for managing a network device.
Ayn Jan 2020
Draped in a cloudy cloak,
The light is filtered
Onto this marsh once more.

But a crack near the horizon
Lets some straggling beams fall,
And reflect off the salty water.
Now all the marshen rivers
Are made of liquid gold.
Sorry if it’s bad, it’s my best attempt as of late.
Ayn Mar 2020
Repulsive figures
Glaring from the sidelines.
Living on a lost road,
Looking sidelong at a toad.
The arrow fades to blue
and I’m looking at you,
Yes, both of you.

A selfish desire lead me astray,
I wanted to help her in any way,
But I think I’m really just gay.
He looked at me when others looked away,
He has always helped make my day.

But it disgustates my narrowed mind
To think I’d like a dude in this kind.

An indecisive bi,
At least I should try
To make a **** decision...
Before my arm feels division.
Disgustated (made up word): to make something disgusted.
Yikes. It’s not that I hate gays or anything at all, love is love and I’ll support it wholly (unless it’s parasitic). I just never wanted to fall in love with dudes myself. Now I’m here. I wonder if I said something to her about this would it be awkward? Probably.
Ayn Jan 2020
There were no lies
That could have
Choked me with
Their rose vines.
There was only truth,
A simple matter
Of a wild week.
The golden fountain
Of glorious euphoria
Wells up in me again,
Donating vitality
To my dying soul.
The illusion I had was that there were lies in the air. Me getting exited over small things again though.
Ayn Feb 2020
She whispered into my ear
“I find boys
Who write poetry
Really distracting.”
Then her flame went away,
Leaving me to wonder,

And forget.
Written like a day or two ago, I completely forgot that this plagued me. I honestly don’t care anymore bc it’s probably some random person I talked to at a convention for a bit, not like I’ll see them again. Also that first line isn’t what happened, I’m pretty sure it just came up in average conversation.
Ayn May 2020
A cold wind
Greets my toes,
And the setting sun
Waves an orange goodbye.

Yet the moon
Has never felt so far away,
And the stars dim
From this distance.
I’m sad. Kinda *****.
Ayn Feb 2020
How do I know
That I love you?

What is the distinction
Between ‘like’ and ‘love’?

Who decided
That I should confess now?
Ayn May 2020
Shifting your soft stance
Discharging feint after feint
You’ve got me real beat.
It’s hard to keep up, —.
Ayn Jan 2020
Have you ever wanted
To do what you wanted to,
but your brain stubbornly acted.
Filled your mind with words,
and thoughts that should be redacted
on a relaxing day, such as that.
Yet you got tempted and resigned,
so you picked up your pen again.
Threaded a soft blanket of words
one to rest your fatigued body under
until the sun was pulled from the sky.
I don't really like this one, but I felt I just had to write today, when I planned not to... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So apparently if you press WIN + . on a keyboard, emoticons come up, cool.
Ayn Mar 2020
How could I show you the door
When you’re the one
that picked my heart up off the floor?
Ayn Apr 2020
Tripping in the doorway,
Falling through the frame.
The beyond now lies before me,
Without heart, soul, or name.
Ayn Feb 2020
Beating hearts
Lined up in parallel.
A growing passion
That will never die.
A life is gained
On a converged route,
But the separate routes
Drop in priority.

Three roads running in parallel.
Two eventually stop, leaving
One road to move until the world’s edge.
Hearts beat double-time. There are two muscles that beat almost at the same time. You can feel it if you check your pulse.
Ayn Jan 2020
My mistress of sleep,
Slowly, silently, and seductively
Slips off her vantablack velvet robe,
And squeezes herself into my head.

She beckons in my mistress of dreams,
And seduces my mind into a sleepy *******...
Of sleep.

What else could it have been...
Jeez~! you people have ***** minds...
Lol. Fun little fact: some of my love poems that aren’t directed at a target (like Only One) I have actually shared with the one I fell for before I’ve shared them to anyone else. She don’t know that tho.
Ayn Feb 2020
My mind is racing,
My heart is rushed.
My thoughts are pacing,
And my face’s flushed.

How can I take back
The last thing said?
It’s courage I lack,
So now my mind’s in red.

A night of nights
This might just be.
Lefts from rights?
My mind’s jumbled tree.

Forgetting even the most simple of things,
Let’s see what other stupidity this brings!
How can I dream after that?! That kind of mood in a conversation puts bells in any dude’s mind, attracted or not (I fell towards the latter). Christ, I’m not gonna sleep soundly tonight...
Ayn Jan 2020
In the air
For less than
A second.

My hand moves
In utter hope and
But to no avail.
The glassware
Is now everywhere.

I step on
The jagged mess
That I have made
To repent my hate
For dropping
That precious plate.
Written while listening to Droppin’ Plates by Disturbed... that song is far different from this though. And again, I thank you for your time.

Ayn Jan 2020
In over my head,
And it all starts to change.
My air is running out,
I just might as well die.
So I break the ocean,
Rise with it’s tide,
And landing in her motion,
I sail to solace by her side.
I keep typing Dec.2019 by accident...

Ummmm... it’s 2am and I’ve been reading way too much rom-com manga...
Ayn Nov 2020
Within homecoming flames
And withering leaves,
Doors are opened wide
To let in a freezing tide.

As warmth covers our food and will
The food we eat becomes our ****,
Living through life’s boundless wonders
And killing through our blind blunders.

Giving thanks for lives we’ve won,
And taking them away when we’re done.
Why not feel pride in our job?
after all, our mentality is that of a mob.
Ayn Apr 2020
Ya know,
It wasn’t so bad
Being rejected by a dude,
It never is.

Because in the end
They’re still cute!
He said I couldn’t hit on him tho. Which kinda ***** because that’s my form of humor.
Ayn Apr 2020
A film of dust delicately cakes
The oaken shelf,
Reflecting a soft filtered ray
Onto the dim ceiling.

Deep olive curtains
Dye the slightly stale air
To a sluggishly pine-like hue
That resides ever so prominent
On the ambiguous rays’ edges.

The silent air sleeps
And with its vexing stillness,
The slight tinge of a curse
Resonates through
These mahogany walls,
And even down
Those sharply shadowed halls.
It’s an attempt.
Ayn Mar 2022
What would you have thought,
If that was my last text?
A simple stupid joke, no closure.

Would you look for a reason,
Only to turn up blank?

What if you weren’t there?
What would have happened in the end?
I fear to contemplate it.
Ayn Feb 2020
Everyone es:
ecstatic, erratic, eh?!
Eternal ending!
a haiku written with only e's. I did it in math class a while back. It actually is more than just a jumble of words. ('es' is Spanish for 'is')

Ayn Apr 2020
Wide and vast,
A world has stood.
Lucky to be
In the eyes of man.
Gracious fields of grass, and
Indefinably blue seas rule.

A planet made for all.
Me being me, decided to make the first letter of each line in the stanza (paragraph, section quatrain, whatever the ****, idk) spell out WALUIGI (videogame character that’s a meme).
I’m dying inside. I want to escape.
I’d rather be outside, than be cutting my wrists inside. Sorry if that’s too far.
Ayn Jun 2021
The somniferous mist
Soothes my erratic soul
With a gentle touch,
Like soft blue watercolors
On a radiant white canvas.
Ayn Jan 2021
Turning to dust in the gentle breeze.
Anger subsides
And the turquoise sea drags us down.

Through our ethereal existence,
We listen.
Through our heart’s mind,
We feel.

All we hear is the wind,
And all we feel...

All we feel is our silent suffocation.
I needed to write so I wrote.
Ayn Feb 2020
With each click;
Each turn of the wheel,
This chamber elevates,
Moving betwixt
The omnipotent clouds
Without a single groan;
A single fearful moan,
In the face of these forms.

Sitting inside this elevator,
I wonder
When will the line break?
When will I fall into death’s open arms,
And view his cold visage on wake?
It’s about an elevator.
Ayn May 2020
As cinders rise
From the ashen flame,
Drops of icy thoughts
Quench the fire
Of my heated rebellion;
A suicidal plan.
Some people seemed to be writing poems about embers so I joined in on the fun! None of them are lighthearted.
Ayn Mar 2021
Like pearls,
Like glass;
A shining immaculacy
bereft of the past.

With an infinite capacity,
The vessel holds the soul,
And two parts become whole.
Take a swing, see what you think it means.
Ayn Jan 2021
The purest expiration;
The train has left the station
There’s no need to lie it out
There’s no need to contain it
It’s just a small remainder;
What’s left of our container
But shattered resonation?
A silenced inhibition
Led me to emotion.
There’s no thoughts to control,
This mind just isn’t whole.
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