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Ateri Sep 2016
Bright white stars
Shining down on shadowed wet grass
Under a canopy of sweet almond trees
Your bright ebon skin
Unencumbered, Just as sweet
With a couple of rain drops on your cheeks
Eyes doused in mirth
Cause I'm soaking wet
But all I can think of are those bright stars
shining from your twilight gaze
Ateri Aug 2016
Up, down, round and round
With sweet smiles and crescent eyes
Heads swaying, arms waving
It's what they'd call a good time
We're just trying to have fun
Up, down, round and round
Careless footsteps and delightful shrieks
Muscles tensing than relax
It's loud and proud
We don't care what they think
Up, down, round and round
Hair whipping frantically
Fists pounding excitedly
It's alright as long as they're entertained
We don't need a reason
Up, down, round and round
Tears gliding down a broken face
Rough hands pull up, push down, then kick around
Scrunched up minute body accented by shallow breaths and muffled yowls
Up, down, round and round
It might be a little cruel
But they all say life's unfair
*We're just trying to have fun
  Aug 2016 Ateri
Just Melz
In the corner
Staring into an abyss
       of pointless options
And all the edges
       in the world
Aren't sharp enough
       to cut through
The concrete wall
       surrounding her heart

In a crowded room
Searching for an empathetic face
She sees the smiles
        filling the empty space
And it seems
        that no amount of joy
Is real enough
        to take the fears place
  Jul 2016 Ateri
JR Rhine
I want the poetry to mean something tonight,
              as I pace in my bedroom for hours
                                      under jaundiced fluorescent light.

                     I want to write something profound and true,
something of solvence to rid the demons to which I'm glued.
Ateri Jul 2016
The memories dance around in my head
The happy times which have passed
Serve as my one distraction
Serve as my liberator
From the searing fire
Contained in my skull
It tempers the crashing waves
Bursting from my chest
Yet, This is all digression
I thank the happy ones
I thank the liberators
For without them
I would be burned alive
I would be drowned
They keep me afloat
They stifle the flames
So, I cannot help but say
*Thank You
  Jun 2016 Ateri
Irving MacPherson
Look around you
What do you see
In everyone I meet
There is a whole lot of me

Look in to the sky
Any given eye
Sees it just like me
We are one under the sun

Our petty differences
What ever happened to
Live and let live

If you do unto others
As you would have them
Do unto you

We've got a long way
To go Towards achieving peace
A long way toward loving one another

I could sit here
And **** on it
Stop it from happening

So many people
Not thinking they are one
They are one under the sun

Give it time
There is no expiry date
There is no time
No such thing as of late

One under the sun
Just one only one
Under the sun
Ateri Jun 2016
If I put pen to flesh
And impress my thoughts in ink
Perhaps my skin will absorb the essence of my scrawls
My hopes, dreams and loves
Sunk into my pores
Become a part of me
First poem

— The End —