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May 2020 · 247
Adaa Sayed May 2020
I thought  I could .
Afterall all these times , I finally thought I could .
But I lay in bed , unmoved till death .
The knife in my chest .
I only wanted you to tell me you loved me mom .
I still regret .
I wish I was more alive than dead .
- Adaa Sayed
May 2020 · 366
Adaa Sayed May 2020
I don't know anymore .
Who to believe who to not .
I just don't feel like me anymore .
I don't .
- Adaa Sayed
May 2020 · 392
Adaa Sayed May 2020
I saw her .
But she never told me .
I loved her .
She said the same thing .
My mother .
She was .
Made slave by someone ,
I loved to call dad .
One night with a knife ,
I saw her .
Perhaps that was the last of her .
That knife was used to **** her .
She didn't **** herself .
She didn't run for help .
Because she stood there for me .
May 2020 · 391
Adaa Sayed May 2020
Blood stained guilt .
I see him un shifted .
His eyes lie of love ;
Love that never existed .
- Adaa Sayed
instagram : @whatever.adaa
May 2020 · 270
Adaa Sayed May 2020
They cheat .
That's how they are .
They take what's yours' ;
They make it theirs .
How pitiful !
Such vile people ,
I say .
- Adaa Sayed
Instagram : @whatever.adaa
May 2020 · 287
Adaa Sayed May 2020
I fear not life ,
I fear not death .
For those are the only things I'm certain of .
I fear you .
What a sickened love we had .
- Adaa Sayed
instagram : @whatever.adaa
May 2020 · 244
Adaa Sayed May 2020
I have no regrets .
I have you .
Our love is poetic .
Our hearts sewed . - Adaa Sayed
Dec 2019 · 324
Adaa Sayed Dec 2019
Where the truth is doomed by lies ,
Hands are shook with malice.
And hope is forever haunted,
Jury is there to harass .
Deaths occur day and passing night;
Still the girl wore flamboyant,
Help is nowhere proceeded.
Wax is melted ,
Thoughts are already poisoned.
Still the girl was drunk in venom , while going to her friend's home .
Who says the substandard boy is to blame, who thought of her as a jester .
Nasty, humiliated, unpleasant is all they can say but ;
Still who helps her when she suffered.
Unlucky is the girl who had this fate , they bark !
And leave her to burn in this filthy fire which gives no life to the dead .
Wounding and funny .
One's just dessert is still not served ,
Hour and minute,
Second and jiffy,
All we do is to wait , when will he be put to death ?
- Adaa Sayed
enough is enough .

instagram - @adaaxsayed
Dec 2019 · 301
Adaa Sayed Dec 2019
To Hope means to ,
reverse the death ,
the only reality ,
into a flower of difference .
To Hope means to ,
separate barriers ;
onto which lingers the truth .
To Hope means to ,
believe changes are good .
With you gone I realize ,
Sometimes against all odds ,
All logic ,
we still hope .
~ Adaa Sayed
You can only survive if you wait and realize in your conscious self that something good is about to happen .

instagram - @adaaxsayed
Dec 2019 · 384
Soldiers In War .
Adaa Sayed Dec 2019
When you think you fought for the right ,
Why is my mom lifeless ?
When you took of his head ,
He was my brother .
When you can get food ,
Why is my family starved to death ?
Hey soldiers ? ,
Are you Brainwashed ?
You care for you father and mother .
I am left without a single brother .
What wrong have I done ?
I pray to die .
Will you go to Heaven or Hell ?
- Adaa Sayed
Soldiers from both side of a war , think they are fighting for the right , but the truth is , unknowingly , the soldiers are harming other families , that have no connection with the war .

instagram - @adaaxsayed
Nov 2019 · 602
Faults Of The Living
Adaa Sayed Nov 2019
While we were making the past ,
the future has deteriorated.
When we think to mend the present
life has moved .
Perhaps whenever we are wherever ,
we are there itself .
Why think of a better future ,
when the past mends itself .
Tonight we have a moment ,
depends if we think of the night ,
where we'll sleep , or
of the morning's ring .
We'll still be in the night , till the morning's rise .
We are in the moment forever ,
there is not an option to live in the Past , or ,
In the Future .
- Adaa Sayed
I have heard people say to others , to be in the moment or to live in the moment , but , you live the present only , to live in the past or in the future is impossible , we are not talking time travel here , what I mean to say through this poem is that  , we humans live a very disoriented life always preparing for the future , unaware of the present . The purpose is to live and prepare for what is happening . We cannot let the present reduce to shambles, just because we think we are certain of the future ,which we are not .

instagram - @adaaxsayed

— The End —