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 Nov 2014 Sophie Foster
Loving a person
is not based on appearance
but it is based on
how that person fills
your heart with
unexplained *Happiness
 Nov 2014 Sophie Foster
Give me a minute
To read the stars
Lamenting in their stories
Their laboured twinkling far and sparse

Give me this moment
To stumble and swoon
My branches reaching for
The faraway moon

Give me a while
To be one with the universe
Hear the colliding planets
As they spill their mournful verse

Give me some time
To plot my rightful place
Within my uncharted galaxy
And collapsing space...
 Oct 2014 Sophie Foster
Dear stepmom,
You should know that I wanted to talk to you.
I had it all planned out in my head -
How I was going to ask about the baby's birthday
And try to start one of those things called conversations.

But instead we sat
And didn't breathe a single syllable to each other.
And how am I supposed to open up, when
I part my lips and nothing comes out?
When the words in my brain are trampled
By the thoughts that tell me I'm going to do it wrong?

A heaving anxiety governs my mind's playground.
There's a fence around it with high walls.
On some days
They are stronger than others.
I have trouble talking with a lot of people,
But you're a special case.

Dear stepmom,
You should know that I not only love you,
But I also like you.
Don't worry about winning me
Because you've already won.
You won years ago,
When you stuck around,
When you talked with me about Twilight
And when you never tried to parent,
Because you knew it wasn't your place.

Dear stepmom,
I have a strange sort of social anxiety
That creeps up when we're alone.
I cannot tell you why
Or how to fix it
But I'll try to try harder
Because I think
(Just maybe)
You have some too.

But until then,
We might sit and suffer
In a thick, murky silence
Every once in a while.
Dear stepmom, I'm sorry.
With your smile
you tear down my walls
my foundations,
Leaving me naked
Standing on an ledge smaller than my feet

and I will fall,
Harder than ever before
 Sep 2014 Sophie Foster
The most common phrase that people use and abuse is "I love you"
They use it with passion
They use it for control

It is a form of expression
To showcase our emotion
From the tip of our tongue
To the clench of our fist

8 letters
Thats holds so much meaning
It holds the power
The power to fix
the power to break
The bond of two can be stronger
Or it can also be over

Only 3 words
That can give you a smile on your lips
And Only 3 syllables
That can give you tears in your eyes

A meaningless phrase until given a meaning
Full of headaches, heartaches, and
broken promises
But be careful
It can all sometimes just be a lie

The first poem I've written that i presented at an open mic!
You look at me as if I have galaxies in my eyes
with planets revolving around my body
and sunshine on my breath
out of the billions of stars in the sky you are my sun

I fell for an astronaut
ready to float through the space in my mind

I inhale your words and exhale star dust
forming the galaxies for you to travel

I am your space cadet,
my major interstellar
teach me to love the cosmos as much as you do
because I still have trouble loving
the constellations you see in me
sorry this is cheesy af
 Sep 2014 Sophie Foster
 Sep 2014 Sophie Foster
Kissing upside-down.*
At first it seems like a fun idea.
(If spiderman can, we can, right?)
But ultimately, it's clumsy
And awkward.
They say opposites attract
But when my top lip
And your bottom lip
Try to match up together,
There's no denying,
It doesn't quite fit.
A crash-collision.
With him it was like kissing upside-down:
Cool for a while
But the top and bottom just don't match
Quite like they do right-side up,
And it lost its novelty at a steady pace.
Two different halves don't always make a whole.
Sometimes it's two of the same.
Kissing her is like kissing regular.
I don't mean regular-regular.
I mean over the moon,
Past the stars,
Around the universe and back again regular.
I mean running so fast you think your legs
Might fall out from under you
And  you might learn to fly regular.
I mean spinning in circles
On an old tire swing
Until you reach that moment when you forget where you are
And feel the rotation of your organs
So you stop to watch the world swirl before you
Putting everything out of perspective regular.
As unique as 'normal' could possibly exist.
I guess
For me,
Him and her
Just didn't seem to fit
The same way
She and her
And I don't think I'll be kissing anyone
Upside-down again
For a while.
LDR life.
This is better when heard read aloud.
 Aug 2014 Sophie Foster
Maybe if I step on
enough flowers
or break
I just might forget
I'm made of broken parts
my fave piece </3
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