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Sophie Foster Sep 2014
Face to face
Expansive uncertainty in the shadows
If I hold on to you
I might not be lost into it.
Can’t we create enough light
To force it to retreat?

But you are a part of it too
The steady ocean in your eyes
Froze when I wasn’t looking.
And I lay here, lulled away from shore
Watching shadows pull down the sun.
Sophie Foster Sep 2014
How long will you linger
On my skin?
Why do I feel you
When I'm wrapped up with him?

He kisses with your lips
Your fingers dance on my hips
If I close my eyes
I can almost pretend

But his fingers grab too tight
He is trying to push you out.

I bruise,
I bleed.
But you are the one
Who broke me.

His marks will fade
You will linger on my skin.
Sophie Foster Jun 2014
Imperfect, beyond perfect,
and everywhere between
barefaced bliss and bittersweet.

And I told him I loved him.
     I know.
          And he held me.

Let me trace that word
between your shoulders.
A single tear to baptize the silence.
Sophie Foster Apr 2014
It’s not fair, what you ask of me.
I grew up for you.
Do me a favor and do the same.
I’m not your crutch.
I can’t be your mother and daughter too.
I used to try.
And I used to cry.
I give up struggling to be what you need.
Please just let me be
Sophie Foster Jun 2014
In the reverberation of ecstasy,
Before one unfolds into two,
I Love You

Silence fills the space between our lips.
I believed the flicker in your eyes.
But it was my own reflection.
     Ricocheted off ice.
Sophie Foster Apr 2014
Are you my springtime,
Here to drive away the cold hands
That envelop my heart?
Warm the earth
So I can blossom.
I promise this time
I will grow towards the sun.
Sophie Foster Apr 2014
I’m tired of being cold.
Hot water
Rolls down skin.
Hot bodies collide,
And I steal that fire.

But the ice won’t melt.
Deep in my cave
A heart,
Protected in frost.

— The End —