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4.2k · Jun 2014
Morrigan Jun 2014
I am an *******
I admit it
I've been one since before I can remember
I never loved you, or her... or anybody
I just use and take and strip and steal
Until I feel all I want to feel

I was addicted to the shape of your lips
The curve of your hips
the pale pink that blushed your snowy skin
I was addicted to her torture
the way she'd tell me no
but never ask me not to ask again

I am an *******
I admit it
But be honest, is there anyone who really isn't?
I never wanted to know you and I'm over it.
2.8k · Apr 2014
Morrigan Apr 2014
My grandfather said he had a surprise for me
He said we’re going somewhere neat
We drove and drove, through parts of town I’d never seen
I kept repeating that I was tired and wanted to eat
The sun had set by the time we arrived
There was a flickering neon sign
That said “Pizza”

He took me inside while saying
“This is the best Pizza place in town, but no one knows about it.”
I felt special that he wanted me to know
I felt happy that he let me pick all the toppings

There was an arcade there, it had a hunting game
And a prize grab machine that didn’t cheat
I was happy
He called me from the games to a table
Full of more pizza than I could ever hope to eat
1.7k · Apr 2014
A. T.
Morrigan Apr 2014
If it’s over then it’s over
Not much I can say
I wasn’t right for you
Just promise me one thing

Please make sure you eat everyday
Promise you’ll smile at the little things
Promise you’ll miss me
Even if it’s just an hour a day

I’ll be missing you too anyways
**** I caught the feels.
1.7k · Apr 2014
Morrigan Apr 2014
My hair isn’t long enough
To be pretty
My hair isn’t short enough
To be handsome
1.5k · Nov 2014
Maggie Maggie Maggie
Morrigan Nov 2014
I still think about you
when I feel alone
I hope that you are well
and happy
I flatter myself
by imagining
that you still think of me too
that you wonder if I'm well
I am doing great
Just fine actually
I am happy

Sorry isn't the right word for what I am
No word I know
Comes even a little close
to describing my remorse
And you know how many dictionaries I own
For lack of a better word
I'm sorry
I am a destroyer
Not like that's an excuse
But you knew what you were getting into

Maggie, Maggie, Maggie
My sweetest old friend
I'm happy to announce to you
(after all my blood, sweat and tears)
That I am finally close to becoming
The man I always tried to be for you
For someone new
You two would probably get along
and laugh about the stories of me you have

I hope you're happy darling
Because  I finally am
1.5k · Apr 2014
Move In With Me
Morrigan Apr 2014
You could move in with me  
It rains a lot in Seattle; I know you don’t like that
I’d make sure we had coffee every morning though

We could pretend to fall in love until we found our own way out
I would be a lawyer and you could be a writer and work at a cafe
It would be alright if we moved in together
We’d be poor for a year or two
Scraping by is living rich if I’m scraping by for you
I know the seriousness of the situation but life makes more sense with imagination
If you’ve given up on life on your own
You can move in with me and I’ll buy you a few years to think
I’ll always make sure you have coffee to drink

You could move in with me just until you make enough money to live on the hill behind Coit Tower
San Francisco
I know you don’t love me or my rain
Used to hurt now I just know that’s how it has to be
All the world’s noises and sirens aside if you wanted to
If you got lost enough you could move in with me
I’d make sure you had coffee every morning

I’m suffocating in your silence, drowning in your ignoring me  
It’s pretty stupid, pretty dumb, pretty ugly and kind of sad but I really hope you appreciate the effort When I get nervous I just think about how you don’t eat meat
It takes a lot of guts not to be a predator in this wolf’s world  
It takes a lot of guts to deal with me; you have guts… a lot of guts
You’re like coffee on an empty stomach  
Tearing me up and making me want to puke
It’s you and it always has been
Still if you’re alone and I’m alone you could always move in with me
1.4k · Apr 2014
Cutie Pie
Morrigan Apr 2014
You’d be a *****
If getting ****** was the same as breaking hearts
You’d be a martyr
If killing others was the sacrifice
You’d be beautiful
If showing no emotion was pretty
You’d be adorable
If watching me slowly die made you a cutie pie
1.4k · Apr 2014
Morrigan Apr 2014
Tell me please
Will you be my reckoning?
I am made of feathers and leafs
You are wind
I am sticks and stones
You are the sea
I’m just curious as to how you plan to **** me
You will
The things I like are destructive by nature
It’s not your fault; I sought you out
I came to the conclusion that I like how it feels to be ruined
Touch me please
Be the instrument of my self-destruction
I wouldn’t mind at all
Make me into the night sky
I want to be beautiful before I die
******* beautiful
I’m not asking to be ‘fixed’
I wasn’t born broken
No one is
The man you see came this way
Bruises, internal bleeding and battle-scars
Read my skin like braille
If you honestly want to know
The darkest fathoms of me
I’ll tell you them
But you have to give me something
No secret is free
Tempt me please
Make me wait
And want to linger on my thoughts of you
Like a wolf at the tail of its prey
Somehow you’re made all the sweeter to me
The longer I stay at this distance
Feel free to abuse your grip on my throat
Kiss these scratches on paper, letters to you that I wrote
1.3k · Apr 2014
Morrigan Apr 2014
America is still our same old sister/mother/lover
Somewhere deep/bygone/inside
The shivering core
In the darkest layers
Of war

America is still our father/brother/friend
Somewhere near/warm/outside
This nuclear core
In the wavering branches
Of war

America is still our love/hate/revenge
Somewhere loving you/me/them
In the cities we lost
To the jealous hands
Of war
1.1k · May 2014
Morrigan May 2014
Am I allowed to talk to you still?
Am I supposed to want to still?  
As much as I do
972 · Apr 2014
Morrigan Apr 2014
The color blue in your stare struck me wickedly
This was you?  The same girl I knew?  
This was you vicious  
This is you piceous and grim staring into me  

My beard was too long and it scratched my face
I needed to shave and that’s all I could think about
I should’ve thought about what I’d done wrong
But there was distractions orbiting my heart round and round its gravity

You are so pretty when you’re angry with me
I don’t know if anyone can ever keep me from loving that

While I was spinning and dancing along happy as can be on my trapeze
I never took the time to realize that my circus tent was a bird cage
That’s the danger though of dreaming in a waking age  

Through all the forests and mazes spun listless in your mind I wandered and wanted  
I was happy locked up in your head,
I’m happy when we talk for days about nothing.  

I don’t like it when we don’t speak though
I don’t like to feel alone

I like to feel as if I’m orbiting you, round and round, sending sprites of affection
Beyond your detection
Just your satellite and that’s all I need
911 · May 2014
Morrigan May 2014
It’s funny sometimes what you find in the aftermath; amongst the smoldering debris and crumbling societies.  I knew that I was irrevocably in love with your dark side.  Contrary to your beliefs I think that if you love someone long enough they become yours.  You are mine.  I am yours.  It’s just how it works.  Though the chances of us ending up together burnt to ash, I find myself digging through that aftermath- through the smoldering debris and crumbling societies.  I may be looking for an explanation or more so perhaps I search for an excuse.
  I try to uncover what made me fall in love with you but when I get knee deep in the memories I find nothing; nothing? How could that be?  I find no trace or vapor trail.  Not a breath or exhale.  From the evidence one must surmise that love just happens and that it’s a curse to despise.  I haven’t discovered yet whether this love of mine for you will lead to my demise or if by some roulette of fate I’ll be spared the cruelty of destroying who I am because of what I’m afraid you’ve made me.
  I wish I could **** myself.  I wish I had the heart to take the easy way out of discovering myself- discovering how the world operates.  But I am far too arrogant to let sadness get to the better sides of me.  I want you there; your love a dagger and no exit wound.  Despite my wishes trust me when I say I’ve tried- tried to die.  Dying is a chore, something that can’t be done haphazardly.  The best way to be killed is lovingly and slowly.  If you’re dying correctly it’ll take 80 years and a million kisses from a woman, a woman like you.
  I swear that this affectionate way I harbor you is a hex.  My body is an altar, pentagrams and other witching scars, marks and stigmas.  But the scars tracing my body like blood veins are reminders, or more accurately they’re lessons.  If I had the opportunity to travel back in time and do everything ‘right’ I’d refuse.  This is what’s meant to be and somehow; by some twisted notions I am still convinced we’re destined to belong to each other.  When you love someone long enough they just start belonging to you.  There’s no deed or contract other than the love we share.  You’re mine.  I’m yours.  I don’t like it but that’s how things are and even though it’s ****** up I hold onto that simple truth.  There isn’t a lot of truth to hold onto in this world but I’ll hold onto you.
  Sorry that sometimes I lose my mind.  I get scared easily, by change, the future and a menagerie of other common things.  But you have always forgiven me and looking back into those ceaselessly flowing memories: that is why I love you; I love you immortally and with the strength of diamonds.  I love you because every time I lost my mind you said that you still loved me.  I love you because every time I tore your blade from its place (snug in my heart) you held your hand over the wound.  I love you.  I love you.  I love you.  I love you. I love you. I am asking you to do it again and I know it’s hard, but I am asking you to do it a million more times.  I am asking you to love me until I die; even if I die 80 years from now- Even if I die tomorrow.  Just let me go on thinking you love me immortally and with the durability of the ocean.
  Even though I’m your hex, your curse, the worst part of you I believe wholeheartedly that you’re the best part of me.  You’re my boon, my blessing, the best part of who I am.  It’s terrifying what you find in the aftermath; amongst the smoldering debris and crumbling societies.  I find though that when you love someone long enough they become yours.  You’re mine.  I am yours.
848 · Apr 2014
Morrigan Apr 2014
Love that could’ve been
That fire of fires

I will miss you sorely
For awhile

I will write you letters
But I will only tuck them under my mattress and just pretend you’ve read them

I could’ve really loved you
Maybe I’ll love somebody

Someday when I have my **** together
you are so cool but too cool for me.
848 · Apr 2014
Morrigan Apr 2014
I am a pathogen
I can only make you sick

I am an amphetamine
I can only make you tick

I love nothing, no one
Get used to it

I am a black hole that you’ll slip into
So flee the scene of the crime

Before I try to make you mine
Morrigan May 2014
I kind of love you darling
I kind of really love you
I kind of think you’re cute
I think you’re ******* beautiful
When your eyes have bags under them from losing sleep
You drink coffee to stay up and talk to me
I’m kind of flattered when you keep me awake
I’m kind of thankful for the good dreams you wish me
I’m really glad you haven’t left me for good at all
I’m ******* lucky to still have you on my side

A whole ******* lot
I love you, just more than I knew I ever would
I love you more than my guitar
I love you more than my best friends
I love you more than I love tea
I love you better than French coffee
A whole ******* lot: the only honest measurement

I know it’s bad to say
I know I’m profane
I know I’m astute
But I just can’t hold it back from you
Not anymore, that’s just stupid to do
I think you’re ******* beautiful
Even when you’ve cried your eyes out
I’d almost be flattered, if I didn’t regret hurting you so bad
I’d almost be over you, if I wasn’t still so in love
I’d just do anything to keep you on my side
To never lose you again

I love you a little bit, a whole ******* lot
734 · Apr 2014
Morrigan Apr 2014
I am so sorry
If you are unhappy to hear the news
It was too many midnights
It was too many spent alone
I don’t know, maybe I was wrong
Put all the pressure on you
I am very sorry to make it turn out like this
But know that as I fall
So very far
Know that I will be thinking of the thing that made me happiest
I will imagine us driving along the sunny coast in a Porsche- the model you like the most
The road before us looks golden through my sunglass lenses
You throw your head back, laughing at something I said
I would smile with my teeth for once
Your hair would blow around in the wind; it would have to be the convertible of course
The happiest way I could ever feel
Is how happy I would be if you would drive with me
I am so sorry
669 · May 2014
Morrigan May 2014
I found you like a prophecy, but failed to make you want for me.  I know you’re a girl, but I’m an animal and that’s all I can think about when I think of you.  You’re supposed to be alabaster and satin blue, but in the bleak skies of late autumn passed due all I see when I see upon you is how ***** my wanting for you to want me can be.  I know you’re my friend, but I’m an animal and that’s all I can imagine when I’m next to you.

  Stumbled upon you like lost archeology, pyramid under sand and all my money in your hands.  I’ve spent my time trying for you, fought, fraught and dried from drought over you.  This is my inferno seven steps down and below my circles ever pressing and present; burning this bouquet for you and breaking this heart ballet over you, through and through I just want to be over you.

  When I really think about what I want to do I realize that I’m an animal and the only thoughts I’ve got for you are *****.  I am waiting for someone to shatter my fear of you, fleeting to be free of you and this ever absent, and phantom love of you.  You’re such a woman now, but I’m an animal and when I think about being over you all I can want is for you to want to be under me; just lying there *****.
667 · Jun 2014
Morrigan Jun 2014
I never was, still am not
Much obliged and with holes fraught
I always promised but never did
I always fired and missed

You never called, but I still waited
You never cried but I was hated
But it’s alright
it’s just fine
I was wrong
I was out of line

I never thought that my brown locks through our long talks
Would ever fade to gray strands of hair
I never came to my peace; forever rested it at least
Onto eyes of blue and clouds of you

I tried to smile and convince you
I was a good guy
but not you
Not fooled by all my lies
Head too smart to be permeated

I never said what I really felt
I just announced to empty halls
Feelings I thought you wanted to hear
My telephone still laughing: no missed calls

No matter still, whether or not my heart will
I miss you here and there and now
I try to forget but never learn how
I never breathed the breath fast enough

I wish you would’ve said it first
I never wanted to say it to you
I lost my shape and tooth and shoe
I never wanted to be close to you

I have hoped and failed and frayed
Lost my faith and still knelt and prayed
That someone would feel the same
You’re not the one to blame

I know it was out of pity
Admit it now that we’re parted by a city
It is okay I know you never meant it
But still I’m glad you said it

People come and go and things change
You and I know, but still you’re skinny, pretty like snow
I’m taller, voice deeper now
The moral or cause and effect
My core is frozen from neglect
I never meant to make you this way
But everyone I meet I frustrate

Could we just be friends and lovers too?
Is there way to hold you close from a distant view?
Could we say one thing and mean another
Can I be your friend and your lover?

Without touch or feel
No need to say it for it to be real
Just the same as before but with a new name
As happy and care free

Will there ever be a day like those before?
If it were up to me I would take back my words
****** in stone of memory
There’s no way is there?

The things you know about me
What concern I have for you
The things I know too
Connect and disconnect against skies true

I never did and never will
I never said I never killed
But I want you now
More than I can, girl

I never was, still am not
But you’re in my heart: a blood clot
I’ve promised myself now
I’m still sorry here, there and how

I’ve found a way, a bridge to cross
There’s a toll and I’m a lack of cost
There’s a road but we’re lost
At least I am, without you here

The water is murky and black
I’ve got my secrets hung up on a torture rack
So just forgive me, I’ll take it back
I never meant it in the first place

Now I can’t forget your face
So take it away, for good and gone
Or cash it in, pay this pawn; I do to miss her, still and by myself
Oh dearly how I can’t forget
How I wish you’d just beget
Yourself to me in a pretty package

I never tried to do it right
But now I want to, want you
Just be my friend again
Back to that simple love

I wish we were friends again
I need your advice sometimes
Then I remember that we don’t speak
Bury then, I seldom preach

Blurrier the blizzard is
But I can’t forgive
So don’t lose any more weight
We can just let the rest be left to fate

Waiting for a storm to crumple up this mess
I need you now more than I have ever
So come back
I’ll be good
I would make a terrible boyfriend.  I'm better off as a summer lover.
603 · Apr 2014
Birds of Prey
Morrigan Apr 2014
We stood in a room
With pale, rose colored walls
The veneer flaking like dead skin
The light flickering
It was the heart
The core inside of this machine
Pulsing, throbbing, *******
I stood before the most beautiful woman
She used to be much more to me
But she was an object in this room
Subjective to my emotion; to my imagination
A pawn to be pushed and shoved
She wore a decrepit ballerina’s garb
And the dainty shoes of the dancer were worn and discolored
She looked like a zombie of herself
Her face was whitened with experience: trauma
I did not love her anymore
I could not love her again
Her hair was all that remained the same as when I knew her
Long and calm; her hair seemed to be carried by the winds when she moved
I had always said I wanted to see her dance
Against all odds and broken plans to be together
We met finally
In this run down studio apartment she worked herself to the bone to keep
She had a friend install a mirror across an entire wall of the place
So she could watch herself for mistakes
She should’ve had a mirror up her whole life
As to check for flaws
There was no music to play
So she asked me to sing, so she could dance for me
I joked to her once that when I finally saw her dance it would be on Broadway
Well this is as close to Broadway as either of us will ever get
As she moved and swayed and spun
I thought about when we first met
She was a girl still, I was a boy then
But love cuts like a razor’s edge
Lopping off all the best parts
Until there’s only steel left in our hearts
I couldn’t help but fantasize as she leapt and poised like tendrils of smoke
I sung an old song, one I learned when my heart broke
She recognized it
But didn’t say a thing
There was consequence for every action
And a price to pay for every prayer
I prayed she’d ask me to stay the night when she was through
I begged some unnatural force to give her to me
To let me have her in every way
All to myself
I stopped singing and a choke of feelings swelled up in my neck and belly
I wish she’d come up to me and cut them loose
With her sharp, sensual lips
Even though her clothes were sweaty
I admired the work she put in for her dream
Even though I’d been more successful with less
I suppose I’m just prettier than she
No matter how silly that seems
She smiled and hugged me
She felt soft against my tired body; a form chipped away at by the day to day
She was warm and I was cold
I missed her all these years
I needed her all this time
The clot stuffed in my throat popped
And we finally talked
I told her how the rain was in Washington
And she told me about the morning sea fog that slinked around San Francisco
I mentioned I still hadn’t fallen in love
She blushed and said she’d had no luck
I asked her if she wanted to ****
Don’t be silly she laughed
Flicking my ear, as a tease to the fox
She turned away from me and did a pirouette to the cabinet
Pulling out two glasses and a bottle of cheap wine
Her gesture said stay
I couldn’t go if I wanted to anyways
So we indulged in the nostalgia from when we were kids
When I was a poet
And she was misunderstood
When she hurt my feelings
And I was no good
She laughed until tears streamed down her face
Breaking down she asked me
If I meant it when I said I’d love her forever
And I asked her to marry me
She smiled and kissed me
Then she pulled away fast
Time for bed
You can sleep on the floor- it’s more comfortable than the couch
I heard her say
I never thought it would end this way
To be truthful though
I don’t think that this is the end
The end hurts
But this felt nice, a sordid, moldy, stagnant pleasure
Light as a feather on my chest
Sharp as a sword jutting from your breast
This was love
I was convinced
It was either love
Or the urge to feed
To plunge myself into her
And let the sorrow breed
To learn the difference between want and need
In the morning she woke me up with coffee
Coffee and ****
We drank
We smoked
She seemed distant
So I took my prodding words and poked
Looking for a ****** expression that signified she was provoked
I wanted to see some life in those grey eyes of hers
Eyes once blue
Long ago, before the seven winds kissed the matching seas
And all the hurricanes settled into a breeze
I told her that she was a tease
Wearing nothing but a t-shirt that came down to her knees
I asked her if I could touch her please
I wanted her so bad
It was that sensation you feel when something is just an inch out of reach
Or when you’re pulling off of your skin a fat leech
She scrunched her nose playfully
But when she made that face I knew it meant to stop asking
I was the asker though
A man with a thousand questions
Doomed to never know
Anxious and eager and yearning
It had been years since I had seen her
Years since I felt the blood in my veins turn hot
My heart was beating like the drums that lead William Wallace to victory
I was hungry
I was toiling in the reawakened parts of myself
Seeing her was like reaching nirvana
But I was never one for meditating
Too impatient
Too many things titillating
She felt like a stranger that I knew so well
Every word she spoke was a mile from hell
But I liked her hot
And I liked her cold
I said I wanted to spend the night again
But this time in her bed
She rolled her eyes and poured me more coffee
Her cheeks turned pink
What was right in her mind told me no
But the look in her eyes said “take me”
I would
I would
I would darling, baby
Biting my bottom lip for a few seconds of hesitation
I brought my face to hers and kissed her softly
She leaned into it hard and I put my hands on her hips
I fell backward on the couch we lounged on
Pulling her onto me
The tremble in my hands
Said I had no idea what I was doing
But the look in my eye
The sparkle of being with her finally
Felt like water overfilling a well
I felt like I belonged finally
I belonged with her; my home was where she was
Even this decaying San Franciscan studio apartment felt like heaven
I never thought I would ever be allowed to feel this way
Like there was a place with no boundaries
When we finished the world outside of us two in those moments
Was a quagmire
My lust, desire
It died at long last
Closure finally crept into my life
I was positive we weren’t in love
But I asked again for her to be my wife
I said I didn’t have a ring but I’d buy her one
****, I’d buy her anything
I told her she didn’t have to come live with me
I’d sell my things and come be with her
She just smiled
I knew she thought that idea was nice
But she digressed that what I felt was a temporary thing
And I’d change my mind
Once I left this place
I did change my mind
When I left and had to put my life into perspective
I decided to never come back
Though my mind changed
My heart didn’t move on
It belonged to her and she was long gone
It made me wonder if there really is a place
For lonely people like me
Or maybe everything is just fleeting and temporary
Life and love
****, they’re scary.
586 · May 2014
Pop Culture and You.
Morrigan May 2014
I hate pop culture
Because it's all the same
The same song
The same show
A new celebrity
And an old

I hate pop culture
Because it's all anyone talks about
Nobody asks about your day anymore
Or how your mother is doing
No one asks if you are okay
They just feast their eyes on

I hate pop culture
Because it reminds me of you
Stupid girls; that just play the blame game
So they don't feel ashamed
For how empty they really feel
For how blind they actually are
To the truth

I hate pop culture
I really ******* do
Because it's all that matters to people
People like you
Selfish, bratty, teenage drama queens
Who only think about ***
And ignore the suicidal tendencies
The **** they want to **** is attached to
You you you you you you ****
523 · Sep 2014
Morrigan Sep 2014
I can be loved
It's been proven
I've been loved
I've been adored
So you'd think by now
That I'd know how to love
how to adore
But when someone shows me their soft underbelly
I tense up so much
I get so afraid of how much they trust
so I just cut out the middle and skip right to the end
It's so much easier to never talk to you and still call you my friend
Easier than the struggle that falling for you would've wrought
So when it comes to lessons of love and adoration
I just pretend I've forgot
516 · May 2014
Morrigan May 2014
I still love the smell of rain
Despite it reminding me of you
I still laugh and feel okay
Despite what's happened between us
I'll forget about you soon
I guess this is what you really wanted
I won't miss how you blow things out of proportions
I won't remember you at all soon
I'll forget your name
And then your face
i'll run into you on the street
And it will seem like nothing happened
I'm a talented amnesiac when it comes to things like you
To be honest I was never really upset about you
If I'm being frank
If I'm being true
It was about her knowing
That I was going to *******
But  I don't have to worry about her anymore.
500 · Apr 2014
Morrigan Apr 2014
I do not mind this feeling
I have had time to get used to it

You’re not the first
You won’t be the last

But you make me think of all the women from my past
It’s my fault; I realize when I look back

I always want more than I can get
I always promise more than I can give

In this body of mine
I feel hollow

I watched you explode
From the inside out

I thought that’s all I wanted
But hearts are two-faced liars

The feelings I’ve had for you will disappear one day in awhile
They’ll disintegrate into the echo of a whisper

Even if I don’t want them to
for a girl.
492 · May 2014
Morrigan May 2014
There is something wrong with me
When I see someone beautiful I can’t stop wanting them

Until my greed destroys what made them beautiful
Until the desire in my heart poisons them

The worst though is that I know
I know that I cause only harm

But I can’t sate my hunger
For beautiful things
Morrigan May 2014
The moon was bright and round
The moon looks lost up there
Yellow like the eye of a wolf
But I’m glad it exists
So I can admire all the cackling flames meant to engulf
This world
In the night

My heart was swollen with wounds
But a crow sounded his bells
And drug what hurt me through uncountable hells
I was checking her face for lies and tells
But saw only the fairest truth
And ruthless couth

It’s unbelievable how there’s no words
Just innumerable flares (stars)
Stretched across to the farthest far
Setting aglow as distant as mars
I was comfortable here: in the backwash of whirling cars

I just admired the sky
Of all the deaths I could die
I wouldn’t mind to be crucified
In moonlight
For a night
465 · Apr 2014
1:00 a.m (even)
Morrigan Apr 2014
I feel so ******
because I let you make me feel happy

It was an illusion
a dream

I wish things could be different
but I'm not a good person

so good things don't happen to me

You warned me though
I didn't listen; I never do

So bye I guess
For now?
Your call.
456 · Apr 2014
Destroyer in the Darkness
Morrigan Apr 2014
I could fill your head a thousand ugly rhymes
All keeping time
All in pretty little lines
But that wouldn’t express
The stress in my heart
There is a monster toiling in it
Mining the abyss in my soul for you
The gold, the diamond, the light
There is a wind rustling through this monster’s bones
A wind frigid and serrated
But toil on it does
Hoping one day it strikes a vein of you

I am in love you, stupidly, repulsively in love
I find it hilarious in a way: that you have kept on putting up with me
I said to you once that I was afraid
Afraid that you were either the first woman to ever really love me
Or just the world’s best actress
You laughed and I felt you ponder me
Analyze the scar tissue and exit wounds of my being
Finally you replied that you were in fact the worst actress alive
Those words made me survive
And I hate to say it, because it’s terribly clichéd
But you’re the reason I am not dead today
Not in the sense that you’ve saved my life from anything
But I think that somehow my universe exists because yours does
I am happy to be alive at the same time as you

I let this little ghost trapped in my body continue after you
Like a predator almost
I permit him to traverse the perils of you and what love you make
Because I need you
I am a castaway in the emptiness of my space
My universe and its galaxies
Spin in the void meaninglessly without you
I quite hate that
Don’t mistake this dependency for me being pathetic, or desperate
I find it chaotic at best but perhaps you and I were designed for me to feel this way
Within the cosmic confines of your glare
I want to endlessly stare, until all death and life collide
And the moments that I do this will stretch to immortality
I feel as though I will be forever when I stare into you
This is among my greatest fears
It’s been tragic not being able to do so for the past years

Please do not let me die without seeing you; even if it’s just one last time
I writhe in the constricting blackness of my thoughts
I cringe at all the possibilities
But in the wealth of opportunity I find myself doing nothing
Nothing at all but waiting for you – or moreover for myself to find me here
In this expanse of nothingness, to pull my head out from under the sand of it
To realize that the gold, the diamond, the light: were just the pieces of my heart
Lost in you
Losing to you
Toiling in the dark
440 · Jun 2014
Morrigan Jun 2014
I miss that time
when all your words
were mine

all mine
418 · May 2014
For R.M
Morrigan May 2014
I have never met you
I have seen you naked
I’m sorry
I’m an ***
I’m just that charming

You will never meet me
Even as you shake my hand
Some part of me will be missing
But it’s not you, it’s me
It has been gone for as long as I can remember

People who know me will say that it’s true
My mind was surrendered to the ****** of free thought
The onslaught
I condoned it
I will own it

You have never met me
You have seen me naked
Don’t be sorry
You’re not a *****
You’re just that charming

I will never meet you
Even as my lips touch yours
Some part of you was already departed
But it’s not me, it’s you
You have been missing it for some time now

People who know you will agree
That you surrendered your mind to a killing spree
Of the coldest degree
Don’t let it shame you
Let it tell you what you could be

Let’s submit to the tyranny of the millennia
The abrasive touch of each passing glare
Let’s give them a reason to stare
The scars on our skins; like a crime scene
Wear them on a sleeve

I’m not one for love
Nor will I ever be
Until love becomes another word for Anarchy
Don’t fall for me
Don’t rebel for free
yippity yuppers
415 · Apr 2014
Food For Thought To Feast
Morrigan Apr 2014
If you lied beside me one night I promise I’d not touch your body
I know how you feel about that kind of thing
If you lay beside me I’d just lie there beside you betwixt what shadows sway in the dark above and within me

I would lie beside you and think of what the devil would do in my place
Such things aren’t for me to think about but I go there anyways
If you laid your head upon my chest in my bed I promise my heart wouldn’t beat, I know how it hurts you to think about those things

If my scars were letters that you wrote, secrets held close like knives to your throat I would hum them to you to bring you sleep, to lullaby the hatred you keep
I often times get caught in my own world and wonder what an angel would do in my stead: an angel wouldn’t have brought you to my bed

If you locked your fingers with mine as you and I just lay there beside one another I think the cold of my grip would frighten you away
I know how you dislike me when I think those things
But if I were right and if you laid beside me and let me not touch you at all
If you just let me be there beside you in my red bed so tall
Sleep would find us like disease to the carrion’s call

If I could cough up all of my effrontery and wormwood I believe that if it’s all the same to you I believe we could just lay there in my bed married of sanguine and pink…
We could just lie there and not be bothered to think
After all this time I’ve finally spent all my self-esteem

So I lay all alone with nothing but the thought of you to lie beside me
I’m done now with all my questioning, all of my “To be or not to be.”
You’ve got me this time, cornered like a beast
I’m dining in my fight with your food for thought to feast
389 · Apr 2014
The End of Mumbling
Morrigan Apr 2014
To speak I am with shakes and trembles
Like I’m bound with vines and brambles
She does like my face at least
That’s okay, at last now I know the truth
It’s just my personality
Extrovert the intrusion
Introvert the exclusion
I just tuck away my fears
Waiting for the end of shyness
I’m just a slice a way
Just an incision I’m afraid
The end of sunlight and gray
I end the mumbling today
I want to say what I mean: what’s on my mind, what makes me free
The last of my bastion that remains are my dreams
So I’ll sleep
I’ll sleep it all away
Lucid the imagination
The blood on the surface
Condemned to coagulation
The wound beneath heals and scars
The sound of mumbling is crashing cars
And choking throats
On words that seem to strike the wrong notes
To speak I am on the worst of terms
Like drowned in a shallow grave of nerves
****** to be without her
But she says we’ll together tumble
Once I learn how not to mumble
387 · May 2014
Morrigan May 2014
When I think of how I care for you
I worry that I'm a good person
That I'm capable of loving someone
Thanks I guess
For the hope
Feeling happy
383 · Apr 2014
Morrigan Apr 2014
I have never shown anyone I love what I look like naked
So if you’ve seen my skin

I do not love you

I’m more of a liar when I’m drunk
But less of a pretender

You could never be the medicine that I need
To heal these fault lines that sprawl across my body

You could never pull me back together
But please don’t take that as an insult

I can’t either
I can’t fix anything

I can cut my teeth on your heart
But nothing will ever change me
376 · Apr 2014
Morrigan Apr 2014
Oh my solitary soul
Like an icy shoal
I thought long ago
That I was cavernous and deep as a ravine
But I’m fresh fallen powdered snow
To be crushed to ice beneath the feet of what comes and goes
I remember you sometimes as I take off my clothes
And monitor the scars
They stretch and burn
Toil and yearn
That you may have felt the same
But we’re all to blame

When I think about you
It’s like inhaling gulps of seawater
No matter how cold I get being alone seems to get hotter
It feels just like shaking an image free from a Polaroid
To drag up your memory
A little bit blurrier at first
Thinking about the good times makes it hurt the worst
I just try to convince myself that it isn’t my fault
That I’m not cursed
Sometimes just pretending to forgive myself
Alleviates me for short bursts

I shiver dry in the shower
Before the sunlight hour
Trying to whet my appetite for guilt
All it does is make the flowers wilt
Ones I planted for you
In the little box outside my room
Whenever the dainty things bloom
My regret does too
It’s like pesticide to love you
It kills the roses, gouges my poses
That I made to eschew

We were swimming in the thickest of it
Of the slicing tides of love and hate
My lust refused to be sate
I was condemned to wait
Always reaching at you like prisoners to passing guards
Just biding my time, gnawing on my wrath
Preparing for my pouncing strike
Marking the points on my warpath

Oh my aeons aged soul
Born to never grow old
I wrote this two years ago :o
374 · May 2014
Morrigan May 2014
I am a hunter I guess
I prey on the weak
and no one will stop me
I can't seem to keep myself under control
I am worthless and stupid
used up
and ruthless
I'm just sorry that you're the one that I took it out on
Morrigan May 2014
You look like ****
But you are beautiful to me
You look like you need to get lit
So spark it lovingly
You look like a long night
I’m sorry; we’re not having a fight
You look like you’re wondering what you need me for
So I don’t think I’ll stick around here anymore
You look like you’re lost to me
But wandering
You look like
You’re meandering
You look just fine to me
I wish love were free
Then, maybe you’d have it with me
362 · May 2017
The Black Dragon
Morrigan May 2017
What a city to be sad in
But I find myself smiling in the blackness of the night
It’s unlike any other sadness
Unlike any other blackness
It’s almost like coffee
Warm, bitter, but it fills me with vim and vigor
I can’t help but take another sip
I can’t help but let myself slip
I’m glad though
That of all the places I could’ve picked to be sad
That I picked this city
Its tall buildings stretching to the skies

“Space needle”
Ever lovingly injecting the veins of the cosmos
With that electric ****** that breaks hearts so easily
That hazy neon buzz up in the sky…
It is our drugs, which we pump into the night
But like I said—I’m glad
I’m proud of my human arrogance
I allow myself to revel in the marvels that it has made
Arrogance illuminates us like that faint twinkle of the stars
Nestled deep up in that black mass
A glow
Something to hold on to
Even when we’re sad

  Sometimes I think I’d still be off in the **** hole I rolled out of
If I were ever capable of truly, and earnestly loving—falling in love moreover
Maybe then this would make more sense (This loneliness I guess)
As for now though I have no explanation
For my grief
So in my absence of reason
My debt to my heart grows/goes unpaid
Until the day I drown in it
As if love were an inexorable and starving beast/wave
To hunt me down/crash up against me
But in truth
I suppose I like the attention
The strife

  This city is nothing to me
I lust/long/live to leave it
There is this innate sense of starvation
Throbbing in the core of me
I cannot feed it; I’ve tried for the life of me to see past my insatiable hunger for life
“The Life”
That’s the dream that all of us busy bees buzz on for
Like dying neon we flicker and click
Year after year
Life after life
Death after death
We yearn to live a little
Before we die

  I’ve never met anyone though who has made it out of life happy
We’re all just zombies
Un-beautiful creatures that dredge on the same way the storms will always roll
The same way trees will always grow
We just go
On and on
And on
And on

  At least this city has a view—even if it’s just a picture of itself
This city is so consumed by itself; it’s a snake swallowing its tail
Of all the universes/galaxies/star cluster/solar systems/life sustaining planets
I’m stuck in this one/on this planet.  Maybe I’m just depressed but sometimes I wonder why we can’t be chewed up and spit out by a black hole
All the scientists say there is one forming
That black hole devour all the empty space
That they eat everything, and all the nothing in between space and time
I’m all for anything that promises to strike the ‘nothingness’ from “me”
I use that word like I own it
I find it strange what we consider ourselves to be
Am I soul or a heart or my clothes or my ****?
I suppose what we are is decided by who perceives us
All I see when I open my eyes and look around
Is… dreamers
Eyes bright like stars
Scanning, monitoring, skimming
Shooting flares and in the wake of their gazes
They burn everything in sight (everything they can see)
It’s said that eyes are portals to the soul
If that’s true
Souls must be horrifying things

Payday is tomorrow for me
I am proud of myself on payday
Even though I still can’t afford my wonderment to come true
I am happy that tomorrow I’ll get to eat
Thought I may be eating alone, sad, and in this city
I’ll get to eat
I’ll taste the warm flesh of fresh baked bread
The cold trickle of ice water down my throat
I’m proud of myself because I can afford at least that
I can eat
I can eat!
On my dollar
On my blood
I spent billions of years floating endlessly out there in the blackness
To smash atoms and come together from excess stardust (wasted stardust)
And become a hu(man) so I can waste my life
Slaving away for bread and water
And to burn all my savings on love and hurt
**** everyone who says life is meaningless
I admit it!
I admit that I’m depressed, that I can be suicidal
I admit that I don’t care sometimes
That sometimes the swerve and flow and siren songs of this city makes me want to jump off a bridge and splat like asteroids against atmosphere
But you know what?
I’d say all this feeling, these emotions
They’re worth the billions of years my atoms wasted trying to find themselves
All the pain and suffering is better than being as uselessly mysterious as black matter
Twisting and growing out in the empty (empty?) space between stars

Even if I die in debt
I’ll be happy that I lived
That through all the tremendous moments of un-defeatable darkness
I decided to live
It hasn’t paid off yet
But I live in faith that it will before I die
That I will make my name ring like war drums through this city
That my name will be at the tip of every tongue
That my name will stamp every atom and  molecule of my people
Here in this city
In every city
On this earth and on every earth
In this life
And in the next
After this death
Until my last.
353 · Apr 2014
Tornado at Sea
Morrigan Apr 2014
Of all the things you have done to me
Of all the things we have set free
I never liked the comfort of the emptiness
That you had a knack to bring

You climbed inside the darkest part of me
We know more about the moon than depths of who we ought to be
I find that very, very alarming
Because I have never been to the moon
But I walked to the pit of you
And you follow me in too

I have put my lips to the lips of many
The kiss I miss is the one I haven’t had with you
I do not know what to feel
I have never kissed someone for real
The notion that I will always be alone
Crawls under my skin, beneath my soul
Like a sin for which I could never atone

You forbade me from ever going to war
But what has come only did because I waited for more
Instead of taking what was mine for what she was for
So send me off when I go
Deposit your love upon my lips
So I can be brave in these sinking battleships

I have always had an impossible hunger
One that seemingly could not be sate
I just want to feel the world between my abysmal teeth
Of all the things that can be crushed by hate
My love for you
Your love for me
Was landlocked by fate

So I ask you plainly to be mine
From this moment forward
Until the stars sing no more songs
Until bygones are just bygones
Until we know more about that deepest, darkest part of ‘we’
The moon doesn’t hold a candle to
The tornado spinning out at sea
352 · May 2014
The Moon or Some Shit
Morrigan May 2014
**** me
If ******* means
That you’ll spend the rest of your life with me
I’m sorry for everything
Or more so I apologize
I don’t believe in being sorry for having feelings
So don’t you feel sorry either; we don’t have to sympathize
That’s why I just apologize
**** if I know how to impress a girl
Fake a laugh at my jokes
Blush your cheeks at my high hopes
Cut out the ropes and let me float off
Up into the moon
Which I may then compare to your eyes
They are things of a like: twins in gloom
But what a party
What a cliché’
To say that your eyes are like the moon
As big and beautiful, bright and in bloom
Morrigan May 2014
I wonder if you go through photos of me
Like I go wandering through photos of you

  I wonder if you reread the messages we exchanged
as obsessively as I do

I wonder if you too
think that I'm worthless, no good
Like I do
325 · Apr 2014
Morrigan Apr 2014
I just want to see you naked
Just once before I decide
Just once before we’re allowed
I just want to kiss you a lot
All over you; tongue and neck-
Kiss you from your lips and to your breast
This is your heartbeat though, up against my chest
This is the best
The best

You showed me your smile, how sharp that were the teeth inside
You told me about how you’d decide
How you think about us sometimes
When we’re not allowed
Not to touch or kiss or whatever
Not to fall in love, just to bounce back and forth in static forever
These are my heart strings though and you’re pulling them like a lever
This is the worst
The worst

I just want to know you better
Everything you are and everything you think
Just know it all before we shrink; disappear from the waking world
So allow me this once to take you
Tell you that I love you to your face, eyes composed in loving blue
Lips and from them the words I’ve always wished you’d say too
This is our friction
This is amazing
320 · May 2014
It Could Be
Morrigan May 2014
I read you a bedtime story
One of my favorite books
The one with tigers

I talked about my dreams
The ones about you and me
Living by the sea

This moment was perfect
It was so quiet I heard my heart beat
Blood traversing my body

I sang you a melody
One of my favorite songs
The one about the creep

I mumbled quietly
You told me to speak up so you can hear me
Talk about really nothing

This moment was a memory
Of when there was perfect harmony
Summer snow and winter green

This moment was poetry
It may have lasted longer too
If I spent less time imagining
for M.K.W
305 · Apr 2014
Morrigan Apr 2014
I know I said we were done speaking
I have a tumor
It’s killing me in a funny way
Slowly and without any pain
So I decided I’d like to die in your arms
If you’d forgive me for a week
Just savor me though I’m bleak
Oh spin me a tale
As I lay frail, battling sleep

I know I promised that the end was the end
The surgery to remove it would **** me
So swift is life though it seems one thousand years long
If you wait to make your mind up
I will be gone
So decide to hold my head
Stay at the side of my bed
Until I’m dead

I know I went mad, I was cruel
But you never left me behind; we were ironclad
It was all me
I grew cold as ice and sharp as steel
Darkness was king and I bent and kneeled
You sat in the unfathomed corners of your mind
Reeling in all the ceaseless mechanisms you could find
That makes me tick
That made me sick

I know I swore to you my whole world
As is evident in my current state: worlds end, such is fate
Once by rain
Once by quake
Once by wind
And finally by fire
My world melted in the heat of my own ire
I called you a ***** and you called me a liar
But now you know I always tell the truth
Even though I never knew what was true
Until I spoke about you
267 · Apr 2014
Terrence The Living
Morrigan Apr 2014
He’s alright
Don’t worry
He wishes though
That sometimes
His phone would ring
His bell would sound
Someone, anybody
Would be around
Despite the loneliness
He’s alright
Alive and well
259 · Apr 2014
How We Died
Morrigan Apr 2014
We didn’t go down in history
No one played an anthem song
Everyone just went on as if we’d always been gone
We were barely buried
It took convincing for our caskets to be carried
We were never married
We hadn’t even made love
They didn’t set free a single dove
No one clamored and pushed
Not even a shove
To see our ceremony
No one read a eulogy
It was perfect harmony

We were the ****** of words
No one matters when they die
It doesn’t change the flight of the birds
Who cares where they fly?
It was a silent trumpet blast
It was lovers hands loosely clasped
There wasn’t a single breath gasped
Not when we met the end
Just me and you
My friend

The grave of death stood horribly still
This was the last weapon for us with to ****
With my last force of will
The heart beat that allows me to feel
I want you to shout loud enough for me to hear
Shake this cage free of fear
Nobody cares how we die
So let’s try not to commit suicide
Let’s promise
Let’s decide
258 · Apr 2014
Morrigan Apr 2014
I don’t believe in decaying
It’s not that I’m saying I’m not afraid of death
Cause’ if I’m fearless but for one thing
It’s dying
So keep me alive
Keep my blood hot, scald you to the touch
Find the ways to make me tick and the ones to make me not
Explore the secrets and wounds that tangle me up and keep me distant from you
Those hallowed things that keep me shy and quiet
Infiltrate my secret side, penetrate what I’ve kept, and uncover how I’ve been disguised
I may be selfish for not believing in life
I may be greedy for wanting you all to myself
But if you tell me how to kiss you
I’d like to kiss you
Until your blood is hot
And it scalds me to the touch
But you can burn me all night until the morning time
I don’t mind
256 · Apr 2014
The Silent Song of Wolfe
Morrigan Apr 2014
Dear indignation, for struggled through suffocation
I found that you among all the alabaster
Were prettier, more comely
But me: I had a master
For shivering I give- and it takes and it takes
Cover me, just cover me up
Let me sleep off my drunk
Oh sweet little boy I am, I was
Oh tuck me in and shut the door when you go
Oh don’t judge me please, you’d do the same
You do the same

Dear provocation about to be strangled to death
Some stranger’s arms around my neck
My last breath; I always imagined my final moment
I always imagined I would say something at all
But I said nothing and just gave way to this pall
Dark and thick, miasmic…
Just wake me up when the sun goes black
Just let me sleep off this jack
Oh sweet little man I am, I was
Oh just curl up next to me and shut the light off when I fall asleep
Oh don’t judge me, you’d ask the same
You ask the same

Dear inclination drawing back your knife
I discovered at this very last inch of my life
You were prettier than any I’d ever met
You were deeper than any I’d ever let
So cover me up and don’t shake or try to wake me in the dawn
Just get over here and cover me up before all the feelings are gone
Oh sweet little thing you are, you were
Oh don’t tell me a bad thing at all
Oh don’t judge me please, you’d do the same
You do the same
226 · Apr 2014
Morrigan Apr 2014
She would write sometimes
Some stupid little poems
Useless like this one
216 · Apr 2014
Depression Heart
Morrigan Apr 2014
He would brush his teeth quickly
On nights he felt alone
He usually spent ten minutes or more
But he’d do it in less than three
When he felt poor
The man I was supposed to learn to love
Had trained himself not to fall asleep
Unless he’d brushed his teeth
So know when he has forgotten to
Somewhere inside, deep he weeps

— The End —