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laura Feb 2019
I'm sick of being myself
I hate when people ask
"Do you need help?"
When they do, the anger builds up
I want to scream
"You don't really care. You don't give a fck."
They always tell me I can talk to them
But I'm too d
mn shy
And it's hard to let people in
So many have hurt me before
Will I ever again
Be able to open up that door?
i was at like the lowest part of my life here. it wasn't the lowest though cause i have poems that are way darker than this. it was a tough year. written October 12, 2018
laura Feb 2019
The sun will rise
With a new day
And chase the dark
Of night away
Yesterday is
In the past
So make these
Moments last
While in the past
There may be sorrow
There is the hope
Of happiness tomorrow
Not one of my favourites (or even one of my best) but I just thought I'd share it. written October 2, 2018
laura Feb 2019
I'm sorry love, for I must sleep
But as I'm dreaming, oh so deep
Memories of you will start to seep
To my brain and I will weep
For I wish I could bottle and keep
How you can make my heart leap
How my brain can't find the power to speak
Why my body becomes so weak
I must stop or else my tears will leak
I'm sorry love, for I must sleep
Written when I was crushing really hard for someone. Actually the first poem I wrote and that got me really into poetry. written August 16, 2018
laura Feb 2019
You called me worthless
I wasn't worth your time
All I did was love you
Was that such a crime
What did I do
Can you give me a reason
You killed my heart
Does that count as treason
Did you want to hurt me
Was that your mission all along
I thought you really cared
I guess I was wrong
Have you loved someone and thought they could really love you back but you turned out to be wrong? written October 20, 2018
laura Feb 2019
The doctors can't recognize you
But i'd know you anywhere
There's this aura around you
The way you breathe
How can they not know it's you?
Do they not see through the scars and burns?
Can't they see you?
I can't not see you
I see you everywhere
In my dreams
And in the beautiful sunrise
How could anyone not know it's you?
written for a contest on a different poetry website. written February 11, 2019
laura Feb 2019
The flower said that she was done
So she sat in the shade to avoid the sun
The flower didn't want anymore pain
So she used an umbrella when it rained
The flower didn't really care
So she stopped breathing in the air
The flower didn't want to hurt
So she removed herself from the dirt
The flower didn't want to bloom
So she wilted, accepting her doom
sort of a sequel to "Bloom". what happens if the relationship went bad and didn't work and she just feels so much pain. i used she because i thought it went better with the flower theme but this can apply to men as well as women
laura Feb 2019
You are my sunshine
I soak you in
All through the daytime
You warm my skin
When I need water
You are my rain
It's amazing how you can
Wash away my pain
You are the air
That I breathe
The wind that blows
Through the leaves
You'd be right
To assume
You are everything
That makes me BLOOM
sorta crushing on someone when I wrote this. didn't work out (yet?) though. written October 1, 2018
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