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how can you think that
with what do you feel
people have feelings
and they are real

where's your compassion
is it so far gone
that love is lost
that there is none

how can you feel that
what happened to you
is from the heart
thus we speak and do

but you are heartless
that I have no doubt
where we speak from within
you speak without

how can you think that
with what do you feel
people have feelings
and they are real
written morning of 1-20-2015
@ 8:40 a.m.
'Good morning' said the King
'Praise God' came the reply
then there were trumpets
blasting in the sky

'Shout and sing' from the throne
'Hallelujah!' angels did sing
then there were many hearts
filled with blessings

May your day be filled with love
and your heart filled as well
in a mountain of tears I stand
waiting on the right moment
the perfect man
the one thing I know
is impossible....

in the midst of that mountain
crying because of the past
what once was
the one thing I know
will never be again....

I look across the mountain tops
desires to be as the hawk
totally free
the one thing I know
I at least have a chance.
I asked for water and I got rain
I asked for wind and nearly got blown down
I asked for money and got 2 pennies

I am blessed
If only I had a grandson like you
I'd have a more perky spirit
I'd go to football games
soccer games
and cheer you on like crazy!

If only I had a granddaughter like you
I'd have a more perky spirit
I'd go to the festivals
cheerleader tryouts
and root for my number one!

If only I had a grandson like you
I'd do things like ne'er before
I'd play some kickball
jump on trampolines
and scream out for pure joy!

You know something?
I do..
have you!!
And I wouldn't have it
any other way!
Dedicated to Jakob,Alex and Kaitlyn
and those are only 3 of my wonderful
grandchildren! I'm not quite as perky
as I used to be, but my heart is always with you!!
11-18-2014 @ 12:03 p.m.
There's a switch that refuses to be changed
It lies within the very depth of one's soul
Where one refuses to follow the tunnel to the light
and in which to bring himself into the darkness.

There's a world out there we cannot explain
It lies within the very depth of one's heart
When on mountain leads into the vast open
and in which we never want to even return.

That part of our lives lives with only a heartbeat
It lies within our inner being... an inner darkness
Where our fears outweigh any goodness within
and in which we lose sight of all that was good.

Don't fall into that darkness...
There's no way out..
I beg of you.
''Innocent Angel''

she was heaven sent
we all know that
the brightest eyes
the sweetest smile
most tender cheeks

she was here briefly
came; passed us by
the cutest laugh
the kindest heart
most loving child

she was beautiful
then and now
the coolest kid
the alltime best
innocent angel
In memory of Destiny May Callahan
Just once was all it took
for Him to profess his love
reached out to hold our hands
and to say
He'd never leave us

Just once was all it took
for Him to know us all
listened to our hearts
and to say
He'd always love us

Just once was all it took
for Him to show that love
died upon the cross
and to say
Forgive them Father

Just once was all it took
and for that
I am truly grateful

Thank God
and it only happened
just once
angels are born and given to us as gifts
they are given to us to love and to nurture
each one comes in a different size or form
each one has his or her special ability
they are brought to us to give us love
and they are surrounding us every day

know what makes angels?

when I look at you I know the answer
God created you just for me
with cuddly teddy bear hugs
and lots of kisses
my angel is none other than you
Live once...
enjoy life while you can
to live again...
is life eternal
Sometimes life is a blinding light. Something or
someone suddenly enters into our world and our whole
life changes. It makes our past distant and often those
that are in it as well.
Very sad
Love comes in different sizes
different faces
a variety of communications
various hearts

The strange thing is this
you never know
just how close that love is
a heart beating
someone's lending ear
or kindness from one's heart

Love comes in different forms
but we must want to see it
want to feel it
it's there
sometimes we have to search

Other times
it's right under our noses
Strange thing...
You never know if an angel
is listening...
or she could be the one
you've been talking to all along
Love follows us...
but do we see it?
It has the tendency to grab our hearts
but do we feel it?

Love follows us...
when will we let it take lead?
Love comes in a variety of colors. Blue, red, pink, orange, yellow, all the bright colors that lead me directly back to you. You send my heart twirling in circles, and in return, my world is turned upside down, inside out and round and round. I cannot express everything that my heart is trying to say. There are words I'm not sure of; unheard names of emotions that have skyrocketed so high. If I had my say, I could only say I love you more than you'll ever know.
You often hear 'Love makes the world go around.' Let me tell you this: I have to agree, but I had to say it in a different way.
Love takes a toll on the heart
takes from us
gives to us
Love takes a toll on the heart
I cook the meals
wash the dishes
wash clothes
do the ironing
the sweeping
the mopping
the vacuuming
knock down webs
clean the toilets
make the beds
I do everything
that a maid does
and then some
where's MY money?
t'was taken by surprise
what a fool I've been
scarred by infracture
of the heart

I was mistaken
believing in you
my body debilitated
by love untrue

t'was my indepth failure
that I did not see
the beast that you are
shall always be

I have let your spirit
tear me apart
but no more, Miser
so spare my heart

I beseech the beast
that entered therein
and with no regrets
I consumed him

to be misled
May your morning be blessed
as the doth rise
and may your smiles be unending
beneath the blue skies

May your love expand
and there be no end
I'm just glad to be able
to call you my friend
written @ 2:10 a.m.
on 3-17-2015
May your mornings be filled with blessings
and may your days be filled with love
and may Heaven shine upon you at night
as the angels rejoice up above
The sun setteth beyond the ridge
alas, my heart is encased with pain
my fair Ebony..
my very own soul
my everything

The sun riseth beyond the waters
Alas, my heart is encased with fear
my soul is sinking
my lung collaspes
my world is gone

O'er yonder she awaits
and I, only I, longeth to see her again
my fair Ebony..
my very own soul
my everything

Goodbye, My Fair True Love
may we meet on the other side
until which I shall mourn
all the days of my life
til again I see thy sweet face
I want to grow up
and be just like you

I want to grow up
and know things you do
how to love
how to care
how to be kind
how to do
the things you do

I love you Mommy.
This one is from the heart of a child whom has been loved, cared for, and knows the true meaning of love through devotion.
I wanted to be like you
when I was growing up
I thought I knew you
but I didn't
you wouldn't let me know you
not the real you
not the mother you're supposed to be
not the mother with open arms
not the mother who understood me

I wanted to be like you
when I was just a little one
My eyes were cast upon you
My heart was full of joy
and life was worth the while
but you didn't want that
you didn't love me
you didn't care
not the way a mother
should love her child

Instead you chose something else
something that tore us apart
something I dreaded
something more important
more than I'd ever be
something any child
wouldn't want in life
if she truly understood

I don't want to
follow my Mother's footsteps
but to create
a better life...
or should I?
Too many times in life our parents
aren't the role models that we need..... I woke up
and this came to mind. (11-9-2014 @1:44 a.m.)
It's scary to think of the things a child or a
teenager is thinking of .... especially
when they know the truth.
You make me smile
when times are bad
and with your hellos
I'm no longer sad

You make me laugh
when I want to cry
You are the best sister
From earth into the sky
Dedicated to Lorie, because you are there
and because we share a
special bond
Can you feel the love in the air
the heart and soul of nature
come, join me in a walk
let's hold hands and view
a whole new world
laid out before us
the butterflies
birds in the trees
the little mole hiding
just checking to see
if it's safe to come out
oh, can you feel the love?
It isn't easy being the new kid on the block
staring eyes
pointing fingers

It isn't easy trying to make new friends
laughing eyes
dumb jokes
you name it

It isn't easy trying out the new ropes
mocking eyes
declaring harm

No, it isn't easy being the new kid
but know what?
I don't care
I'm gonna try
that makes me different
let your heart hear
let your heart speak
don't go it alone
the pain is unbearable
but with the heart
love knows no bounds
written on 5-12-2015
@ 5:25 p.m.
Something to think about
I don't know why
it just happens
then I find myself
wanting to hide my face
turn away
pretend it isn't real

I just let it be
knowing inside
or somewhere
it isn't right
it was never right
yet the pain is there

I don't know why
so many suffer
without speaking
but go on hiding
their shame, their scars
their pain

I know it well
as I've been there
inside and out
never again
to be whole

the pain is real
it happens every day
but to let it
is not by choice
The pains of physical or mental abuse
is sad. The person that does it
has no heart, or does he? (she)
It's real. It's out there. I was there once.
It isn't the victim's choice. Nor
was it mine.
O, Ebony! Ebony!
my heart can't take the pain
my life is out there
in the world
in the distant world
I can't hold you anymore
I can't take it anymore

Alas, Ebony! Ebony!
my heart has been darkened
by nothing but your memory
in my heart
in my distant mind
I can't stand it anymore
I can't do this anymore

O, Ebony! Ebony!
wherefore art thou, My Ebony?
my life is pure vain
in a world
in a distant world
I can't go on anymore
I can't take it anymore
written 2-16-2015
knives ****** into my back
tiny piercing needles thru my chest
rather it's physical or from the heart
it's still painful times

encouragement not seen
or anywhere within my sight
discouraged, heartbroken
it's still painful times

we try to let the past stay behind
yet it has a way to sneak upon us
then follows unworthiness
it's all in painful times

we just have to keep going
to become stronger at all
I learned this
through all the painful times
5:58 p.m. on 9-14-2014
Whenever my heart turns sour,
poetry is the filling that makes life sweet again
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

Martin Luther King, Jr.
blown to bits
smashed dreams
raging winds
surround me
risen outrage
cries for help
no one around
to scream at
or to leer
ascended hostility
blowing my mind
causing my heart to race
to try and escape
but there are
no open doors
the raging winds
engulfed me
It is healthier to let out our anger
than to hold it in. It is better
to pour it out in ink
than to say something
you may regret.
Life has a way of bringing up roses even in the middle of the storm.
Take your time. Live life and love.
Often something pops into my head
and I just can't get it to leave.
I wrote this as this morning was one of
those times.
Remember me when I am gone
to my Home beyond the skies
remember a heart that loves you
and the warmth that was inside

Remember me when not in sight
as with the eagles I soar
remember a heart full of love
and of course the hugs galore

And never forget the 'I love yous'
and arms that held you tight
may you be wrapped with blessings
as you lie down tonight

Remember me when I am gone
the smiles most of all
with laughter and the joy
for with this I'll remember you all
Saturdays are savored from the warmth of our hearts
Always lit with sunshine even during the storm
They bring delight - sweet smiles from the children
Understood as a time to bring togetherness
Racing onward with our hopes, our dreams, our lives
Delightful hours in picnics, in worship, or at the park
Ageless moments with unnumbered hugs and kisses
Yesterday is gone, but Saturdays ..
Saturdays are to be treasured
despised by the world
she didn't care
she lost all respect
forgot who she was
ventured out
sought help
through all the wrong sources
the forbidden places
and she lost sight
of what was right
finally losing herself
caught in all the pain
all the torture
even the memories
of those she didn't know
and it brought her
to her knees
and there she sat
now the heartless victim
known as The Demon's Queen
L ook no farther
dead ahead
Death stands before you
lady in waiting
once the woman
every man dreamed of
now the very stone
and the vulgarity
that brings mankind down
to his lowest level
the **** of the earth
she's waiting
for you
desiring the beast
that brought her misfortune
when you awakened
her claws reached out
grasped hold of you
before you even knew
who or what
she really was
and now is
Death awaits
waiting for you
written through a challenge
time is short
we've lived much of it
exist only awhile longer
if we truly had
'all the time in the world'
I still couldn't express
how much I love you
Showers of Blessings
the true blessing
comes from the heart
part of each of us
even when we don't
realize it....

children are the light
of our world
and they shall become leaders..
may they forever lead
with their hearts
Sisters love one another
They are there for one another
They care for one another
and me?
I'm blessed that you are mine!
We've been through a lot
you and I
some things made us laugh
others caused us to cry

We're sisters always
me and you
without your kind heart
I know not what to do

We've been through a lot
shed some tears
and I hope to see us
in our golden years

We shall stand side by side
you and me
as love made us sisters
so we shall always be
dedicated to Jennifer Hedin
one of my forever sisters
with love,
I'm big
I'm small
but don't go
by what you see

I'll tall
I'm short
but still
I am just me

I'm high
I'm low
but it's what
inside that counts

If you're
like me
take the time
to see what it's about
Now that the door has stopped slamming
and that calm has taken its place
it's my turn for a peaceful evening
it's the last tonight you'll see this face
The lights are all dim med - turned low
quiet is all that flows within
it's time to say 'good night to all'
to both family and a friend
So sweet dreams to each and every one
may your hearts be filled with love
may angels bring you peace tonight
that's what I'm dreaming of
Love to All and many blessings,
how could I have fallen
so closely to the ground?
an eternal flare
without any care
what should I do?

how could I have disgraced
so eagerly and quick?
everlasting blaze
unorthodox craze
where now from here?

why have I given up
at such an early age?
a lifetime of loss
heartful of cross
who shall I blame?

I hang my head wearily
holding grudge deep within;
the hour of pain
once met again
how did I slip
high hopes
looking out
into the beyond
the future

big dreams
about life
what it could be
what it is
here and now

love bursts
faces smile
of yet to come

then comes
the stranger
closer now
hits you hard
knocks you down
life changes

smashed dreams
broken hearts
sweet dreams

he's watching your every move
awaiting for you to fail
once he sees your back is turned
he'll pounce over the rail

he's eyeing your every step
snickering upon its lips
once he sees he has a chance
he'll break out and zip

low and behold the watcher
no one knows from whence he came
once he thinks you surely failed
he'll swear to do it again

cowering in the corners
awaiting for you to subside
once he thinks you are gone
he will no longer hide

he's watching your every move
awaiting as to attack
dang cat isn't so smart
Master is coming back
Family, Friends and Fun
Always something to do or someone to talk to
Caring and the fun in sharing
Everyone can find something to do
Bring your best when you enter
Of course, invite others to join the fun
Overlook me when I'm being goofy
Kindness and hugzzz for everyone!
this came to me in the heat of the moment...
thinking of my friends and family
where I spend so much time!
Sonnet XLIII: How Do I Love Thee?
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right.
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints.  I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life;  and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

I just wanted to share one of my favorites!
I take no credit in this, as Elizabeth is the wonderful poetess
who wrote this piece of work.
when I weep you are my shoulder to lean on
when I ache you take the pains away
when I'm lonely you keep me company
when I'm cold you keep me warm
when I'm sad, you lift my spirits
when I frown, you make me smile

I'm thankful for a sister like you
you do things so many others cannot do
but most of all
when I feel all else fails
you are there
to say
''I  love you''
dedicated to  Lorie with much love
Often I write about angels
this time I speak about special angels

They hold your hand when you need comforting
the ones that refuse to leave your side
they hug you in such a way
that your heart fulfills its destiny
and you know it's going to be okay

These angels come in all sizes
full of heart, hope, happiness
sharing peace, healing, so much love
they are the light we search for
when we are in the darkness
they are the life we've needed
when the roads seem to stretch on and on

Perhaps you've seen one of these special angels
one of them I know for a fact
has led me straight to you

Many blessings, much love
may your life be full of it all
Dedicated to Linda
a very dear friend of mine
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