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Alexandra C May 2016
Mommy, did you know
That your little girl died at only twelve years old?
Her body remains
But there is no longer a soul
Someone had murdered her spirit
And it took quite the toll
But she'll never reveal it
Who had done it to her

Mommy, did you know
That even though your little girl is dead
She watches from her safe house
Where there is no pain and dread
She watches her shell of a body
With dull, impure eyes  
Walking around like a zombie
Searching for a reason to this life

Mommy, did you know
That your little girl loved you so much
That in order to save you from the pain   She took the fatal punch?
Sometimes our parents don't even realize the sacrifices we make for them, nor do they realize what we suffer for them.
  Apr 2016 Alexandra C
m i a
these depressing thoughts are catching up to me,
and i feel as if though i can't breathe,
i'm tired of this war going on beneath,
my flesh, and inside my soul,
which is now the colour of coal,
i'm no longer whole.
pieces of me are attached to the people or things that have broken me,
you see,
i can't look at myself in the mirror and say,
"You can get through this kid, like you did yesterday."
for i just see a girl who's ready to give up,
but the funny thing is,
is that she doesn't give up,
she keeps breathing,
she keeps thinking,
she keeps listening to her heart beating,
because she knows,
that deep inside,
**a part of her is still alive.
i know it's hard, to keep living, to keep breathing, to do all of this. but at the end of the day, there's always a part of you that tells you to stay alive. listen to that part of you, and stay strong.
Alexandra C Apr 2016
I'm sorry that I wasn't there
To hold you when you needed comfort
I just refused to believe that you could ever die
But now here I lie
Eye to eye
With the buddy I swore to stand by
On the ground
No longer alive
I held her paw tightly in my hand
Staring at her dull eyes
Not ready to confront the truth
That my best friend had died
I tell her I love her
As if she were still alive
And apologize for not being there
But all she gives me a blank stare

I pretend not to care
That she can no longer wag her tail
Or lick my cheek
To give me the comfort that I need and seek
Finally a tear begins to leak
And seeps into her fur
With which I used to sleep on
On those boring days
Which are now gone
Lost as hazy memories
Give them back to me!
I didn't realize how lucky I was
For every day I had with her
I curse myself for not taking the time to play with her
Or getting off the computer
To show her how much I really love her
With belly rubs and big bear hugs
I'm sorry that I wasn't there

I'm sorry
I'm sorry
Please come back
So I can do the right thing  
Pick up the slack
That selfishness brings
As I beg you for forgiveness
My mother comes around
And tells me that the time is now
To bury you deep in the ground
I squeeze your paw tighter
And tell you good-bye    
Stand up from the ground
And watch you getting carried away
I can't bear the thought of watching you get buried
So I run upstairs and cry
Into my pillow
Wondering why I wasn't there
To hold your paw
While you were hurting
Lady, when you took your last breath
I hope you knew
Despite the fact I wasn't there
I did and always will
Love you
When my dog, Lady, was alive she had a lot of seizures. Sadly, there was nothing we could do but pray that everything would end well. One night she had at least three seizures, and it was very late at night. I wasn't sure if I should go to bed or stay with her, but in the end, I decided to go upstairs to sleep, thinking that she'd be fine in the morning.  She wasn't.  She had died from the seizures-- all alone. I never forgave myself for that, and so that's why I wrote this poem: to confess my sin and reveal my guilt.
Alexandra C Apr 2016
When I was twelve
I lost myself
And ever since I've been searching for the pieces that fell
Unsuccessful in finding a single piece
I gave up and abandoned me
But the real me is still waiting
Hoping that I didn't give up
If you can hear me, I'm sorry but I'm leaving
I just can't find a reason
To keep looking
I'm just so freaking broken
So I'll just sit and wait
For death to take me away
And when it does
Please tell me what it was like
To be me, the real me
Not this debilitating tragedy
Which since day one
Has blinded me
Unable to be fixed.
  Apr 2016 Alexandra C
Matthew A Cain
I remember the nights I laid my head on your fur
I cried and you soaked up my tears
When I had let out all my pain you licked my face

You never had to say a word but I knew you understood
Better than anyone ever could
You were my buddy and I was you boy

When I heard the news my heart sank
It’s my turn to worry about you
Comfort you now that you’re in pain
I’ve grown and become a man
But you’re still my buddy and I’m still your boy

And I’m lying awake tonight crying my eyes out and I miss your fur
I want you next to me but I’m trying not to let you see
You’ll worry and that’s not your job
It never was
I just needed a friend…
I recently received news that my puppy that I got when I was 13yo has a massive cancerous tumor in his liver and spleen and has been given 3 months prognosis. I am heartbroken as this dog got me through all the tough times I had during high school and all the frustrations that go along with that. He got me through loosing my hate for my father and my past of abuse and he got me through loosing my grandfather who stepped up when my real dad was finally removed from the home by CPS workers. I'm gonna miss my pup so incredibly much and I hoped that I could write something that would capture his personality and our relationship
Alexandra C Apr 2016
I have forsaken you again, my Lord  
All because I was insatiably bored
I took Your precious book
And burned every word
With the blazing fires of my sin
And the ashes of guilt that come after
Lord, how can I win?

Satan loves my state of hopelessness
So he will continue to mess
With every single part of my life
And destroy me until there's nothing left

But you see
The blame must be put on me
To blame Satan for my own choices
Wouldn't be the right thing
So I will take these sins of mine
And atone for them
Until my soul takes up a shine
Atoning for the sins you commit.
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