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When I look into the mirror,
I am disgusted by who I see

Raindrops fall on the window pane before it slowly plummets,
Falling into a large, brittle, glass-made bucket
The water level in the bucket rises slowly but inconsistently,
The bucket never overflows— instead it waits for the raindrops fervently  

Your texts are inconsistent and you are slow to reply,
Each word is collected inside my heart to see what you imply
Our conversations and memories slowly build up inside my heart,
My heart is never full— it longs for more of you to impart


A strong gust of wind blows by and the rain stops,
Objects picked up by the wind hits against the bucket nonstop
Each hit leaves a mark on the bucket like a merciless, sharp dagger,
The pressure builds up—the brittle glass bucket eventually shatters

Uncertainties and problems start coming our way nonstop,
Carrying along our insecurities and worries- we no longer talk
You start to waver, telling me your feelings for me are dying,
Each word pierces through my fragile heart which falls apart— I start crying

The broken pieces of the glass bucket are scattered all over the street,
Even within each piece, scratches are all over it- although many but discreet
The damaged bucket is replete and can no longer collect the falling rain,
The water it collected previously is released and spills all over the floor like paint

My heart shatters into a million tiny pieces with each piece lost and forlorn,
Even within each piece, scars are all over it— inconspicuous but not gone
All our shared memories that I collected earnestly is tainted in a second,
“Just forget everything, leave it all behind” is what you beckoned

The broken pieces of my heart are impossible to mend,
Your smile, your words, your presence causes my heart to rend
No matter how much I try, the pieces do not fit together like it did before,
Are you the glue? Should I walk towards or away from you? I don’t what to do anymore

1. Raindrops —> Texts, Conversations
2. Water in the bucket —> Memories, shared experiences, dreams and hopes
3. Bucket —> Heart
4. Wind —> Uncertainties, problems, temptations
5. Objects carried along by the wind —> Insecurities, worries
6. Scratches —> Scars
My first attempt at writing a more in-depth poem with many more metaphors and figurative language, it was more challenging to organise and create these metaphors and links but i enjoyed coming up with these! Will attempt to write more of these metaphorical poems and improve on it :)
“Sometimes the lines in a poem and song are lines you wish you could text-message somebody in real life”
It’s 2am and I’m wide awake,
I can’t stop thinking about what you said
Our past memories keep overwhelming me,
I ask myself: why didn’t I realise how much you meant to me?

Tears start rolling down my cheek,
I feel so guilty, so small and weak  
“Why couldn’t I just accept your love and stay?”,
This question has been haunting me everyday

I scroll through our past messages tentatively,
Realising how you had waited for me so patiently
Even after numerous night falls,
Why didn’t I ever give you a call?

I realised that maybe I was too selfish,
You were just right there- why didn’t I cherish?
“I will be here for you” was what you said,
Why didn’t I ever say this to you instead?

A crushing sensation pierces through my heart,
It seems as if my entire world is falling apart
“I deserve this, you went through this too”,
I will willingly suffer pain and sorrow just for you

It is selfish for me to say that I want you back,
I have always loved you- it just took time for me to realise that
It’s too late, you seem to have already moved on;
What else can I do, but to pretend to put on a strong front?

It’s too late, maybe your heart is somewhere else
You didn’t wish me on my birthday- I can infer from it by myself
We both made mistakes, but you tried to make up for it;
I did too, but maybe, I was the cause of our second split

You’ll never read this, but I want you to know,
I have always had feelings for you- it just didn’t show
I have always been terrible at texting and directly expressing my feelings;
My ‘pococurante’ over messages might have been what was misleading

There are so many things that I want to tell you,
One of it is that it takes a lot not to call you
If me contacting you brings you pain in any way,
Even if it means suffering on my own- I won’t do so; I’ll act like everything is okay

You are the kindest, most selfless and sweetest guy I know,  
Don’t let my mistakes affect you and become your shadow
You bring a ray of light and comfort to the people around you,
I hope one day, you’ll find someone who is like this too

“We’ll see what happens four years down the road” was what you said,
Four years have passed- what have we become instead?
From being friends, to lovers, to friends, back to being strangers;
Will this cycle repeat? Or is it too late for us

Every time I walk past you or see you from afar,
My heart beats crazily fast, it just adds on to my scars
It’s too late for me to apologise and reconcile, isn’t it,
My finger hovers above the ‘send’ button… should I click?

The longest poem I've ever written 👀😳😯
“Ding!” my phone screen lit up.
A few seconds later… “Ding!”
Instagram notifications of the newest posts from my peers pop up incessantly.

It has become ubiquitous to see other teenage girls posting “glamorous” pictures of themselves online,
Dolling up with makeup, accessories, and fancy clothes revealing their bodyline
“Wow you look so pretty”, such comments are seen under these posts frequently,
I can’t help but sometimes wonder: Is it worth seeking this validation that they receive?

Some peers wish to pursue popularity from their physical appearances,
I admire their confidence but to me, this is quite foreign
In a constellation of stars, each star tries its best to stand out among the crowd,
Similarly, most people want their physical attractiveness to be eulogized out loud

“Am I weird for not following such trends?” is something I occasionally ponder about,
I tell myself to take a step back and reflect- should I be doing this just for clout?
Why am I so different from the rest- being pococurante about such “popularity”?
Is not seeking validation and recognition from others about our worth an aberrancy?

Personally, I just hope that people will see the true, realest me;
I am confident in my own skin and appearance- I don’t need others’ validation and decree
I am learning to not compel myself to fit into and follow what is “trendy”,
But instead, work towards being me and who God wants me to be

Here is a reminder to be comfortable in your own skin, to not feel inferior to others nor give in to peer pressure just because you may think differently or act differently from the people around you! You are UNIQUE in YOUR OWN WAY so don't let what other people say bring you down! Ultimately, your true friends and lover should love you for who the real, original you-- without you putting on any facade! It's okay to be DiFfErEnT from others it doesn't mean you are wrong :)

Signing off, @poems.expressions.words.truth
It has been so long since I last saw you,
Haven't thought about you in a while so I thought I was good
Recently I have been asking myself why I think about you so much-
I think about all our shared memories and how I was touched

I thought I had no problem moving on and forgetting our past;
I did not expect that my lingering feelings for you would last
"Why couldn't I just accept your love and stay?"
I have been asking myself this question every day

I have forgotten your voice, your looks, your smile
My memories of you have been cast away in a messy pile
I miss the way you would understand,
Listen carefully and be there whenever I needed a hand

I miss the way you could read my mind;
Know what to say even when the words were hard to find
I miss the way you could put a smile on my face;
Make the stresses go away and help me forget my mistakes

You'll never read this but I want you to know:
The truth behind my decisions, and that I was loyal
The letters we exchanged were few but meaningful,
They are the only things I can currently cling onto

I hope that you have been doing well, I really do
Staying away from you is probably the best thing I can do for you
I am really sorry for the hurtful, regretful things I have done to you,
Although you say that it's fine, I still feel so guilty for what ensued

Mixed feelings start overwhelming me as I am seeing you soon,
Am I nervous, excited, or over the moon?
I don't know how you feel but I hope to set things right again,
Maybe we can be good friends again if my feelings I can constrain

I apologise for the inactivity! I took a long break from posting my poems online because the fear of showing the vulnerable side of me crept in steadily and subconsciously; well after this well-rested break and setting my priorities straight, I decided to continue posting my poems to share my voice with the world in hopes of comforting or encouraging someone, or even to have someone who relates to my poems and know that they are not going through life alone! This poem is the most recent and one of the many that I have written for someone although this person will most likely never ever read this nor know it's me haha but I decided to post this as a way for others to express their feelings or even relate to this-- you are never alone! I have also come to realise how much I have grown, matured and changed throughout my poetry journey the past 6 years and this platform has been a way for me to "record" & remember my thoughts even if it is just for a short moment which is something I am very thankful for! Keep writing, expressing ,comforting and encouraging others in any way even through your writings!

Signing off, @poems.expressions.words.truth
Often we assume we have understood the fullness of God’s profundity
When in fact, only a smidgen of His glory is what we see
Although the full glory of God is something we cannot fully comprehend,
Through His word, little by little He helps us to understand

The glory of the Lord is revealed through His inexhaustible provision,
This can be seen from how He constantly provided for Israel from its inception
God lovingly provides us with many things to meet our physical needs
But beyond that, He gives His word to meet the spiritual needs of those who seek

The glory of God is revealed through His power and protection,
An example is how He went before the Israelites and gave them direction
His glory is also revealed through His promises and His presence,
If only we would use our senses to see and listen with reverence  

God provides us with senses to catch glimpses of His immeasurable glory,
From sight to hearing He helps us to behold His glory personally
The gift of senses is to be used to recognise God beyond the external appearances,
For only when our spiritual senses are awakened can we sense His presence

Our challenge is to recognise the presence of God and His glory,
To constantly seek and serve the Lord with humility
Let us be encouraged to sing, declare and proclaim the glory of the Lord,
And strive to be faithful believers and servants of God!

Inspiration: Exodus 14:19-20, Exodus 19:16-18, Ezekiel 1:28, Psalm 27:8, 1 Chronicles 16:10-29
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