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 Oct 2014 ZL
I remember the smoldering pain
As I went against the grain.

Ice cycles formed as the slightest wind grazed by
I became immune, preparing to die.

Stinging like a million bees
throughout my small frail body.

I remember the frost bitten sensation
In my hands and feet.

It hurt to move forward
Lips shivered, afraid to speak.

Coldness blinded my ability to see
So only with my imagination could I peek.

I remember that blizzard of a childhood
Which a little girl did not survive.

Heart frozen
That winter she died.

She said she was alright,
But I know she lied.

She would never be the same
She no longer tried.

**Her innocence was gone
and for that I cried.
 Oct 2014 ZL
dnc mg
It's hard to accept that the person who mocks you,
is the same person you used to cheer.
 Oct 2014 ZL
Ronnie James Corbin
Oh, lover
Let me fall into your covers
And pull me under
Oh, lover
Let me take you to the mountain side,
With the mist that matched your eyes,
Oh, lover
Let me kiss your cheek
Gently, and watch you sleep
Oh, lover
I'll protect you till my dying breath,
Scream your name till no air is left,
Oh, lover
Your fingers fit in the spaces between mine,
How can one deny, we're perfect by design
Oh, lover
 Oct 2014 ZL
Amitav Radiance
One word can
Give birth to a whole poem
And one poem
Can give birth to a creative idea
One idea can
Inspire one or many
One poet can illuminate
The minds of many
One moment of curiousness
Can light the mind
Of the poet
The thoughts
Now will have opinions
And creativity
Has led the way
In igniting minds
An idea
That fueled a culture
The one
Has now become many
 Oct 2014 ZL
Slave (10w)
 Oct 2014 ZL
I was born into


but I shall die
We are all slaves to something. Its up to us to find liberation.
 Oct 2014 ZL
I don't want to *******.
No, I want to be the midnight air
seeping into your pores,
witness the horrors
of your mind
and make them no more
I wish to row,
gently down your stream
of consciousness
and to arrive safely
at the solutions
to all your heart's
and hope to God
that I am one of them.

I'll make love to you,
if you want to, too,
or lie silent in the night,
syncing heartbeats,
never touching you.

But I don't want to *******.

I want to set sail to your words,
to conquer the ebb and ride the flow,
establishing allies and vanquishing foes

I want to know the history
of every mystery
that you find compelling,
to correct your m̶i̶s̶p̶e̶l̶l̶i̶n̶g̶s̶  misspellings.

To be the lyrics to your favorite song
to be the sunrise when the nights get long
Yes, I long to be the object of your sideways looks
and to sleep between the pages of your favorite books

To stare in admiration at your eyes
like constellations
and wish on every star
to know every part of who you are

To have my sun-baked skin
be consumed by the waves
on the curves of your face

To trace and map
every landmark
on your effervescent skin
and be the nervous sweat
that clings to it

I want to let your strong lungs intake me
and let your cool air sustain me
and pray that you might save me
a spot in your heart

I wish to start pulling your mind's
fibers and wires
and to start a fire
under your frozen tongue
and be the unsung hero
who rescues you from yourself.
I want to silence your loudest thoughts
and embrace your silent tears
and I want to make this clear:

I do not want to *******.

I want to be inside you.
 Oct 2014 ZL
 Oct 2014 ZL
Two A.M.
 Oct 2014 ZL
 Oct 2014 ZL
She has broken too many hearts

boys and girls alike

love & war

she never loses fights.

Still, she can't find the peace to sleep at night

guilty verdict has reached its height

innocent crying faces

will never leave her sight.
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