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 Nov 2015 Zack Phillips
 Nov 2015 Zack Phillips

• let the
ticks on
my wri-
or   that
of     my
pulse    •
for  what
i fail to cle-
nch in fist•in
my heart, nev-
er falters; never
  ■11            ^              1■  
■10                 I                 2■  
■9                    ●----->         3■  
■8                                      4■
■7          ­                       5■

with each tick of
the hand • is a
glimpse into
the uncert-
ain future
• let  slip
the  loo-
se   gra-
ins     of
lose the
al  gaps
to bring
I can't tell you what it is,
but I know it exists.
It sounds like the winds- feels like a kiss,
smells perfectly sweet- tastes like it too.
And if I could see it,
I bet it would look just like you.
Anthony J. Alexander 2010
 Oct 2015 Zack Phillips
Its not you
Its me
That was cliche
Don't you agree?

It hurts me more
that I caused you pain
by rejecting everything you do
You've got nothing to gain

I don't like you
Not the way you do
So walk away
What I say is true

I don't want to upset you
You have to understand
This is better than false hope
I know this isn't what you have planned

I am not the one for you
We are not meant to be
Don't make this difficult
Just stop fighting for me

Stop trying to convince me
I don't feel the same way
Just let me go
We aren't close friends anyway

Please stop
You're hurting yourself more
Its all wishful thinking
I'm not the person you should adore

I'm sorry
That's all I can say
I'm sorry
That it has to end this way
I wrote this poem for a guy who likes me but ,obviously from the poem, I don't like him back. I have trouble figuring out how to tell him so I just wrote a poem... I needed this out of my system since it was eating me from the inside out
My essential ***** is essentially orphaned
Drifting alone to the tune of sad songs
That beat with the beat of your chest
Enveloped within a fantasy it developed:
That our hearts may have won by becoming as one

My reasoning mind finding reasons to mind
The emotions that keep me in motion
Still swallowed by love for you now I am swallowing to
Try erasing the doubts that are daunting:
That I'll never be whole with this hole where you were

My full body fully embodies the emptiness
That lays down in places where only you've laid
There's times when my soul can think solely of you but
I would be remiss not to be reminiscing:
A piece of me now rests in peace with the first that I loved
An attempt to focus on word play
he treats her like goddess
he treats her right.
he waits for her, he calls,
brightens her nights.

he speaks of her with so much love
in every word he says-
there's her reflection.

with every breath he takes he thinks of her
he worries, occupied with her concerns.

he sends her letters, keeps her in his sight
he treats her like a goddess
treats her right.

and in return, i notice every time
when she looks up at him
her eyes glow with sincere light.
They widen, open to the world
when she looks up at him
i see, they are two stars
illuminating night.
My best friend was my Teddy,
I would hold him every day,
And when the monsters came at night,
He’d scare them all away.

My best friend was my mother,
For she kept me safe and warm,
And while she held me close at night,
I feared no hurt or harm.

My best friend was my father,
For he always knew the way,
And though my path lay in the mists,
He never let me stray.

My best friend was my baby,
And I loved her more than life,
And in my sweetest dreams I dreamt
Of making her my wife.

My best friend was the bottle,
For it filled the hole she left.
It numbed the pain, it dulled my mind,
It helped me to forget.

My best friend was the needle,
For it tamed the beast inside,
And when the monsters came at night,
I’d run from them and hide.

My best friends all deserted me,
I struggled on my own,
I said a prayer… to empty air,
And found myself alone.

And when I found myself alone,
A cobweb on a shelf,
I knew that no one, nothing could,
Protect me from myself.

I sought a friend, a smiling face,
I made a call or two,
And always heard the same six words,
“We don’t have time for you.”

My Teddy could not save me,
For the monsters proved too strong,
My mother tried to rescue me,
But couldn’t stay for long.

My father was asleep in bed,
He did not hear my cry,
My baby left me years ago,
We’re over, she and I.

The bottle proved a fickle friend,
And when I drained it dry,
The bottom held no answers,
And I could not see the sky.

The needle proved a traitor,
And the day I turned my back,
It slipped a knife between my ribs,
And everything went black.

My best friend is the reaper,
And I yearn a coup de grace,
I feel his breath, a shot rings out,
I feel his cold embrace.
A remembrance, and a foretelling.
I think to be thoughtful
I speak to be heard
I write to decipher
The truth in my words.

I smiled to ensnare you
I laughed to secure
You slipped through the trap
That I built to procure

I kissed to consume you
I hugged to enfold
My arms close on nothing
You're no where to hold

I writhed to entrance you
I clutched you to keep*
Now the place where I hold you
Resides in my dreams.

I write so you'll read this
My hand pens the truth
All that I've written,
I've written for you.
Like my poetry? To make a donation:

Thanks for the large onslaught of views and comments- I'm so grateful for the community here. You've all been so supportful since the day I started writing on this site.

Please follow me on my blog page for extra work and things I don't post on Hello Poetry

Thank you <3
Do you do what I do too?
Do you lie with starry skies
Unable to rest your eyes?
Do you stay in cold, still wait
Just to see the sunrise break?
Do you hope those first few rays
Can wake your mind from its bleak haze?
Do you wish it's painted bright
To ease aside the lonely night?

Morning dew, if you do too,
You saw today was gray in hue
But since you do what I do too,
Know someone's in the dark with you
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