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Here I lie in a perpetual state of wonder
If you'd tell me your intentions it would break this spell that I'm under
Do you know what you're doing?
Do you have any respect?
Or is my heart just an object to willingly neglect?
You said you would beat someone up if I had a bad day
Look in the mirror at your reflection
Punch away
Sometimes beneath close eyelids
I quest to bring you back
As if you were driftwood floating
Downstream on your back.
I dip my hands beneath the veil
And dry away the death
And from my parting, weeping lips
I give you back your breath-
Just like the rising sunset burning
In the summer sky
Paints and saints the mountaintops
And casts their colors bright.

Unrhymed Notes:

Sometimes I dream I can bring you back
Just as simply as dipping my hands into the water
To retrieve a floating piece of driftwood;
Dry the death from your skin
And breath life back into you
The way the sunrise reanimates
The Dark Mountains
Each and every day.

I see your Ocean eyes open
Embrace you like I'm trying to
Fold you into my skin
Where I can keep you always
And feel your summer peach warm flesh
Tangible against my permafrost fingers.

If the dead could talk
Nothing profound would leave your lips
They'd only quirk into a Cheshire smile
And you'd tell me to let go
Move along and stop standing still
Life is for the Living
Death is for the dead
And dreams are for the foolish.

"You *******."
This day
I find myself dreaming about my past
Thinking about the mistakes I've made
About why I've done those things

This day
I feel smaller than I did yesterday
Feeling lesser inside than I was
Lesser not in body but in spirit

This day
I see myself as a more vulnerable person
Seeing through invisible parts of me
Through the heart and the mind

This day...
This day will soon end

Tomorrow is a new day
The world changes everyday and we must with it.
I knew you would forget, just as soon as the sun would rise,
But your words, cliché and hollow, came as no surprise.
I asked but one small favor, at both break and close of day,
Just to hear you say hello, but now, hope's bled away.
 Nov 2014 Zack Phillips
there were galaxies in your eyes
i reached out to grab them
but you turned away
when you turned back to face me
all that i could see was
a black hole of lies
where your heart should be
why won't you let me touch your stars
tell me all you know
show me all your scars
where did you go wrong

i guess i was too late
the starry gleam is gone

                          ­      you
w o r t h

time                        (?)
meant to be read, with out parenthesis, just parenthesis and all together
I can quite truthfully say
I don't miss you
any longer
That's not to say
you never cross my mind
little things still remind
me of you
but that's all you are now
a connected thought
that will pass
with a glance
in a different direction
and I am so glad
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